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King Henry's Lunchtime Quiz. No prizes, just for fun.

King Henry's Lunchtime Quiz. No prizes, just for fun. 9. Who were the doctors in Tudor times? The barbers, the priest’s, the cook’s or the teacher’s. 10. What was the Gong tower? Was it where the alarm was raised from, the place to hide from soldiers, the food room or the toilet.

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King Henry's Lunchtime Quiz. No prizes, just for fun.

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  1. King Henry's Lunchtime Quiz. No prizes, just for fun. 9. Who were the doctors in Tudor times? The barbers, the priest’s, the cook’s or the teacher’s. 10. What was the Gong tower? Was it where the alarm was raised from, the place to hide from soldiers, the food room or the toilet. 11. What was the Boardroom in a big house? It was the kitchen. Dining room, the toilet, the workshop. 12. Who was married for the shortest time to Henry? Answer by wife number. 13. Of the surviving children of Henry VIII, which one lived to the oldest age. Was it Mary, Edward, Elizabeth or someone else? If so who? 14. Henry’s bad legs were caused by: Gout, Syphilis, An earlier accident, the plague or tight shoes. 15. How much money did Henry VII leave for his son in 2004 values? 100M, 150M, 250M or more? 16. How much did Henry VIII spend each year on his clothes in 2004 values? £500K, £1M, £2M, more? 17. Henry had his second wife’s sister as his girlfriend? Is this true or just malicious gossip? 18. What was the population of England in the mid 1500’s? Was it 2M, 3.5M, 5M or more then 5M 19. The origin of the Tudors were: Welsh, Scottish, English or ran a pub in Benedorm. 20. The Mary Rose ship sank because: It was hit by a cannon ball, it ran aground, it was top heavy or the captain was still a learner. • What year did Henry VIII come to the throne of England? Was it 1505, 1509, 1515, or a quarter to 4. • How many times did Henry VIII marry? Was it 5, 6,7 or 0 times. Yes this is a trick question. • The part of a Tudor house that sticks out above the ground floor is called :The veranda, the pier, the jetty or the cantilever? • What was the unit of money in Tudor times Was it Groats, Pounds shillings and pence, Marks or Euro’s? • In Tudor times the Knights in armour still jousted. Is this true or false? • How many children did Henry VIII have? Was it 8, 9, 10 or more than 10? • How many days after Ann Boleyn’s execution did Henry wait until he married Jane Seymour? Was it the same day, 7 days, 10 days, he married her before. • Who was Will Sommers? Was he Henry’s Illegitimate son, Henry’s groom, Henry’s jester, Henry’s secret identity?

  2. Tudor Biscuits Mmmmm Something smells good.

  3. The population of Tudor England 4M 1524.....2.3 million1541.....2.7 million1550.....2.9 million1569.....3.2 million1599.....4.0 million 3.5M Population in Millions 3M Henry VIII Dies 2.5M 2M 1500 Henry VIII comes to power 1550 1600 Year

  4. English Gable Hood The most notable type of headwear worn by well-to-do and better off Englishwomen during the first decades of the 16th century was an item now referred to as an English hood or Gable Hood. Complex and bulky, and peculiar to England and Flanders, its interior construction is even now a mystery The first intimations of this emerging Tudor style can be seen in the picture of Margaret Beaufort shown to the right, painted in 1503. She is wearing a long veil, a common style of headwear for the time, but the front section is heavily starched and stiffened into a point. Court Ladies Girls Tudor Headwear.

  5. Boys Tudor hats

  6. Patent Leather After the Patten shoe which the young women wore in the buttery. When the cream spilled on their shoes, the fat would tend to make the leather shiny. Done to a turn. Meat was roasted until cooked on an upright spit which had to be turned by hand. Cut through the red tape. Lawyers kept their clients papers in a file folder tied with red ribbon to prevent the papers from falling out. Of course, when they wanted to get at the papers, they would have to cut through the red tape. Beating about the bush Game birds were scared out of their hiding places under bushes and then killed. Mind your P’s and Q’s. The expression was intended for people to mind how many Pints and Quarts they drank, or in other words, to behave! Wet your whistle. Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim or handle of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used to blow the whistle to get some service. The Threshold. The raised door entrance held back the straw (called thresh) on the floor.

  7. Not fit to hold a candle to. A menial household task was holding a candle for someone while they completed some type of activity. Some people were not held in much esteem, therefore they were "not fit to hold a candle to." Giving someone the cold shoulder. When a guests would over stay their welcome as house guests, the hosts would (instead of feeding them good, warm meals) give their too-long staying guests the worst part of the animal, not warmed, but the COLD SHOULDER. A square meal. Your dinner plate was a square piece of wood with a "bowl" carved out to hold your trencher and the serving of the perpetual stew that was always cooking over the fire. The kettle was never actually emptied and cleaned out. New ingredients were simply added to the soup. You always took your "square" with you when you went travelling. A frog in your throat. Medieval physicians believed that the secretions of a frog could cure a cough if they were coated on the throat of the patient. The frog was placed in the mouth of the sufferer and remained there until the physician decided that the treatment was complete. Turn the tables Tables only had one finished side. The other side, less expensive to make, was more rough. When the family was alone, they ate on the rough side to keep the good side nice for company. When company came, the whole top lifted off and was turned to its good side.

  8. Rule of thumb An old English law declared that a man could not beat his wife with a stick any larger than the diameter of his thumb. A bonfire. The discarded "bones" from winter meals were piled outside and a bonefire would be set to get rid of them. Sleep tight The bed frames were strung with ropes on which straw mattresses were placed. After some time the ropes would loosen and one of the young men would pull them tight. Fast Asleep 8 hours fasting at night. Breakfast Break the fast Got out of the wrong side of the bed. An old superstition said that it was bad luck to put the left foot down when getting out of bed. Tying the knot. Tying the knot of the ropes in the marriage bed. Honeymoon. It was the accepted practice in Babylonia 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer, and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the "honey month" or what we know today as the "honeymoon".

  9. Blackmail. The armour which was worn by “black knights” who roamed about selling their services. was called mail and it became black with age .When two knights were duelling and one attained the upper-hand, he would give the other an alternative of life or death as the sword was pointed at his face. This was known as black mailing someone. When let to live, the loser would hand over his armour to the winner who would sell it back. This was Black market. Dead as a door nail. Nails were once hand-tooled and costly. When someone tore down an aging house or barn he would salvage the nails so he could re-use them in later construction. When building a door, however, carpenters often drove the nail through then bent it over on the other end so it couldn't work its way out. When it came time to salvage, these bent "door nails" were considered useless or "dead." Make ends meet Budget tightly - the metaphor was originally wearing a shorter (tighter) belt. Red herring A distraction initially appearing significant - from the metaphor of dragging a red (smoked) herring across the trail of a fox to throw the hounds off the fox's scent. Spinster Unmarried woman - in Saxon times a woman was not considered fit for marriage until she could spin yarn properly. Wife. Derives from the Anglo-Saxon 'wyfan', to weave, next after spinning in the cloth-making process.

  10. Gone to pot The food leftovers all went into the pot whatever the condition. A Pitcher A leather jug sealed with tar. Hand I the Cup A Board game where the dice thrower has a disadvantage, hence the word Handicap.

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