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Nurturing and Retaining Youth Referees

Nurturing and Retaining Youth Referees. What is the AYSO Youth Referee Program?. A special program to support referees between the ages of 10 and 17 S ometimes referred to as the Player Referee Organization Program (PRO), since many are both players and referees .

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Nurturing and Retaining Youth Referees

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nurturing and Retaining Youth Referees

  2. What is the AYSO Youth Referee Program? • A special program to support referees between the ages of 10 and 17 • Sometimes referred to as the Player Referee Organization Program (PRO), since many are both players and referees

  3. A Youth Ref Program Includes: • The Youths • Boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 17 • The Adults • The organizers, PRO coordinator, instructors and mentors must be currently registered AYSO volunteers and AYSO Safe Haven certified

  4. Minimum Certification Ages U-8 Official 10 Assistant Referee 12 Regional Referee 12 Intermediate Referee 14 Advanced Referee 16 National Referee 18

  5. Group Activity What are some of the important steps you can take to help preparethem to be youth referees?

  6. Suggestions • Train them well • Assign them adult mentors • Pair them with another experienced youth referee • Provide them with proper, fitting uniforms • Teach them to deal with abuse and who to turn to for help in dealing with abuse before, during and after a game

  7. Eliminate Abuse: Post This!

  8. How do you keep them coming back season after season?

  9. Suggestions • Make sure they are well-trained initially • Assign mentors to support them • Enforce a strict policy regarding abuse • Form a youth referee club • Recruit teammates, brothers, and sisters • Work around their schedules

  10. More Suggestions • Offer additional opportunities for training • Establish good communication • Supply uniforms that actually fit • Don’t push them into challenging games • Encourage referees to upgrade

  11. Keep Them Coming Back Appreciate them! Reward them! Thank them!

  12. Better Youth Ref Programs Have: • Support from Regional staff • Support from adult referees and coaches • Respectfrom players and spectators • Zero tolerance for abuse

  13. And, In Case You Missed It: Appreciate them! Reward them! Thank them!

  14. Conclusion A Successful Youth Referee Program: • Has Regional staff support • Treats youth referees with respect • Does not tolerate referee abuse • Is an integral part of the overall referee program • Includes players, coaches, other volunteers and parents

  15. Referees: Our Role in the AYSO Experience

  16. Who are the Referees’ “Customers?”

  17. Everyone Plays! “Customer service is not a department, it’s an attitude” - Unknown

  18. AYSO Ambassadors

  19. Great Refereeing = Great Customer Service • The Game Matters! • We Honor the Laws of the Game • Nurturing New Referees

  20. Tips and Tools • Use “The Triangle” • Teaching the Game • Embracing: Troublehsooters, “Help Desk.” • The Thank You

  21. We’re AYSO Ambassadors!

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