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Adaptations Over Time: Ideas about Evolution

Adaptations Over Time: Ideas about Evolution. Chapter 12, Section 1. Lamarck Hypothesis of Acquired Characteristics Wanted to explain how species changed over time Suggested the traits that develop over a parent’s lifetime get passed to the offspring Found to be incorrect. Darwin

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Adaptations Over Time: Ideas about Evolution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adaptations Over Time: Ideas about Evolution Chapter 12, Section 1

  2. Lamarck Hypothesis of Acquired Characteristics Wanted to explain how species changed over time Suggested the traits that develop over a parent’s lifetime get passed to the offspring Found to be incorrect Darwin Theory of Evolution Noticed the slight variations in species in the same region Suggested Natural Selection: organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce Key Players

  3. Importance of Genetic Variation • Variation is a trait that offspring receive form their parents that makes an individual different from other members of its species • Camouflage etc. • These variations are responsible for creating many new members in a species or an entirely new species all together

  4. Gradualism Changes in organisms occur slowly and over large amounts of time Punctuated Equilibrium Changes in organisms occur more rapidly than gradualism Evolutionary Changes

  5. NOVA ‘What Darwin Never Knew’ • Part 1 • Entire Nova series

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