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Nouns. A person, place, or thing. The word noun comes from the latin word nomen, name, and that is what a noun does; it names. Mozart. Chicago. Epidermis. A noun can also be the name of a process, such as the beginning.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nouns • A person, place, or thing

  2. The word noun comes from the latin word nomen, name, and that is what a noun does; it names.

  3. Mozart

  4. Chicago

  5. Epidermis

  6. A noun can also be the name of a process, such as the beginning.

  7. Proper nouns, like Mozart, are capitalized while common nouns, like epidermis, are not.

  8. Concrete Nouns • rock • are names of objects

  9. Abstract Nouns • freedom • are names of ideas

  10. Nouns are singular if they describe individual things and plural if they describe multiple things (Boat/Boats)..

  11. Noun sounds: words often have sounds that echo what they name; bang, slime, crash, trickle, drop, fuzz, and crunch- some of which can also be used as verbs- have an audible relationship to their objects.

  12. A classic noun: • visage

  13. The common noun, visage, which indicates the face or the expression on the face, is a classic noun that’s been in literary use for centuries.

  14. “This olde man gan loke on his visage.”- Chaucer, 1385 • “Give me a case to put my visage in”-Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet • “Mr. Patton’s granite visage seemed to lean toward me like a monument about to fall.”- Robert Penn Warren, All The King’s Men

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