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Basic First Aid

Basic First Aid. Seizures/Convulsions. Seizures: mild to severe brief blackouts, involuntary movements, sudden falls periods of confused behavior involuntary muscle contractions. Grand Mal seizures uncontrollable muscle movements (jerking or spasms) Rigidity loss of consciousness

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Basic First Aid

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Basic First Aid

  2. Seizures/Convulsions • Seizures: mild to severe • brief blackouts, involuntary movements, sudden falls • periods of confused behavior • involuntary muscle contractions. • Grand Mal seizures • uncontrollable muscle movements (jerking or spasms) • Rigidity • loss of consciousness • loss of bladder and/or bowel control • breathing that stops temporarily.

  3. Seizures/Convulsions • Stay with the person – consider calling 911 • Protect the person from injury • Move all furniture or equipment that is nearby • Do not hold or restrain the person • Do not put anything in the person’s mouth • Loosen clothing • Roll the person on his/her side • After the seizure activity has stopped: • Perform rescue breathing if person is blue or not breathing (if CPR certified) • If breathing, lay person on side

  4. FAINTING • Pale, sweaty, slow pulse • Lay person on back with head to the side and legs elevated • DO NOT give anything by mouth • If person doesn’t wake up right away, call 911

  5. Choking • Partial airway obstruction with good air exchange • Forceful cough • Wheezing in between breaths *Stay with the person and encourage them to cough

  6. Choking • Partial airway obstruction with poor air exchange • Weak, ineffective cough • High-pitched noises while breathing * This type of obstruction should be dealt with as if it were a complete obstruction

  7. Choking • Complete airway obstruction • Unable to breathe, speak or cough • Clutching at his/her throat (universal distress signal for choking) • If the person is still conscious, perform Heimlich maneuver • If the person becomes unconscious, call 911 and continue helping if familiar with First Aid/CPR

  8. Heimlich Maneuver

  9. Major Bleeding: Direct Pressure • Use a sterile dressing or clean cloth • Fold to form pad • Apply pressure directly over wound • Fasten with bandage; knot over wound • If bleeding continues, add second pressure dressing

  10. Bleeding: Pressure Points Apply pressure where artery lies near skin over bone.

  11. Bleeding: Pressure Points • Use pressure point closest to wound, between wound and heart • Superficial arteries: use flat surface of several fingers • Femoral artery, use heel of one hand

  12. Tourniquet Absolute last resort in controlling bleeding: Life or the limb Once a tourniquet is applied, it is not to be removed , only by a doctor

  13. Cuts • Apply pressure with a clean cloth, elevation • Can be cleaned better when bleeding stops • Large and deep: seek medical attention • Maintain pressure • Minor cuts • Soap and water, peroxide • cover with antibiotic ointment and dressing. • If cut may need sutures, seek medical care as soon as possible • Consider “Super Glue”

  14. Works on People, Too!

  15. Abrasions • Must get wound clean • Hold pressure with or without “numbing” medicine till bleeding stops • Clean wound with soap and water in 1 -2 hours • Wrap in dry bandage • Clean at least twice a day till healed

  16. Puncture Wounds • DO NOT remove large objects such as knives or sticks, call 911 • For minor wounds, wash with soap and water • Remove splinters? • Antibiotic ointment • Bandage • The person may need a tetanus booster injection

  17. StingingInsects • Remove the stinger with the scraping motion of a fingernail • DO NOT pull the stinger out • Put a cold compress on the bite • Hydrocortisone cream • Benadryl • Check for allergies • If hives, paleness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, tightness in chest, breathing difficulty, or collapse occur, call 911. • For spider bites, call the Poison Control Center or hospital

  18. EpiPen

  19. How to use an Epipen: • Pull off gray safety cap. • Place black tip on thigh, at right angle to leg • Press hard into thigh until Auto-Injector mechanism functions • Hold in place for several seconds • The EpiPen unit should then be removed and discarded • Massage the injection area for 10 seconds.

  20. Blisters • Leave intact • Puncture under clean conditions • Cleanse area, hands, needle • Puncture near edge • Antibiotic ointment and bandage

  21. EYE Injuries • DON’T RUB!!! • Wash out (chemicals, dirt) • Patch or compress or keep closed • Send the person directly to an emergency room.

  22. NOSEBLEEDS • With person sitting, squeeze nostrils together between thumb and index finger for 10 minutes • Ice on forehead • If bleeding persists, seek medical attention– but maintain pressure

  23. TEETH • If knocked out, find the tooth and rinse it gently without touching the root • Insert and gently hold the tooth in its socket or transport the tooth in cow’s milk • If broken, save the pieces. Gently clean the injured area with warm water. Place a cold compress to reduce swelling. • Send the person directly to the dentist or an emergency room. Time is important!

  24. Major Fractures • Other injuries – major accident • Broken skin, major deformity • Heavy bleeding • Loss of circulation • Neck, head, hip, pelvis, upper leg

  25. Major Fractures • Stop any bleeding • Immobilize • Splint • Don’t try to re-align • Treat for shock • Head down • Legs up?

  26. Dislocations • Don't delay medical care • Don't move the joint • Nerves, blood vessels and ligaments • Put ice on the injured joint

  27. Fractures and Sprains: PRICE • P-- protect the injured limb from further injury by not using the joint • R-- rest the injured limb • I-- ice the area • C-- compress the area with an elastic wrap or bandage • E-- elevate the injured limb whenever possible to help prevent or limit swelling

  28. Sunburn • Avoidance • Cover up: hats, sleeves • Sunscreen • Cool bath or shower • Leave blisters intact • Tylenol, Advil, Solarcaine

  29. Heat Illness • AVOID The Problem • DRINK even if not “thirsty” • Lots ofclear urine • Heat Cramps: rest, cool down, DRINK • Heat Exhaustion = threatened Heatstroke • Nausea, faint • Pale, clammy & cool • Give fluids, active cooling • Heatstroke  Call 911 • Hot, shock, unconscious

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