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Historical Who am I?

Historical Who am I?. I appeared in the Simpsons. I used to be in Friends. I’m American. I was attacked in 1993. But survived. I weigh 500,000 tons. I had my own subway station. I am now called Ground Zero.

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Historical Who am I?

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  1. Historical Who am I? I appeared in the Simpsons. I used to be in Friends. I’m American. I was attacked in 1993. But survived. I weigh 500,000 tons. I had my own subway station. I am now called Ground Zero.

  2. Starter: How many mathematical equations can you produce using the three numbers 9, 1 and 1 which can create different answers. Extension: What does 911 stand for in North America. Do you think it has any significance or link to the attacks? Was 9/11 a random act of terrorism or a conspiracy? Objective: To define the word conspiracy To create a judgement as to whether or not 9/11 should be viewed as a conspiracy

  3. Task One: What do you already know about 9/11? • Fill in the information you already know about 9/11 on the left tower on the sheet.

  4. Task Two: How do you know this? As a table come up with a list of ways you know your information.

  5. Task Two: Definition builder • Conspiracy: • A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful • The act of plotting or conspiring

  6. theforbiddenknowledge.com Illuminati • The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11. • Each building had 110 stories. • After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year. • September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11. • 119 is the area code for Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11,911 - 119 are opposites - enemies? 11 11 polarity. • Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11. • The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11. • State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union. • "New York City" has 11 letters. • "Afghanistan" - 11 letters. • "The Pentagon" - 11 letters. • "RamziYousef" - 11 letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993). • Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11. • Flight 11 had 11 crew members onboard. • Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11.

  7. Wikipedia.com • In a 2008 global poll of 17 countries, 46% of those surveyed believed al-Qaeda was responsible for the attacks, 15% believed the U.S. government was responsible, 7% believed Israel was and another 7% believed some other perpetrator, other than al Qaeda, was responsible.

  8. 911Truth.org REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 ... An outline in simple talking points ... We are continuing to compile the best documentation links for every single point on this page, and intend to post the updated version as soon as possible, and create teaching tools and more from the info. This is a significant and time-consuming process--if you have useful links, please send them to janice[at]911truth[dot]org. THE DAY ITSELF - EVIDENCE OF COMPLICITY1) AWOL Chain of Command: a. George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers, Montague Winfield - all found reason to do something else during the actual attacks, other than assuming their duties as decision-makers. 2) Air Defense Failures: a. The US air defencs system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights. b. Timelines: The various responsible agencies - NORAD, FAA, Pentagon, USAF, as well as the 9/11 Commission - gave radically different explanations for the failure (in some cases upheld for years), such that several officials must have lied; but none were held accountable.

  9. BBC News: 9/11 conspiracy theories • It may be 10 years since the attacks in the US on 11 September, but conspiracy theories have not faded over time, says Mike Rudin. Numerous official reports have been published since the Twin Towers fell, but just when a piece of evidence casts doubt on one theory, the focus then shifts to the next "unanswered question". • Most compelling theory: FAILURE TO INTERCEPT THE HIJACKED PLANES. • The question: Why did the world's most powerful air force fail to intercept any of the four hijacked planes? • Conspiracy theorists say: The then US Vice President Dick Cheney ordered the military to stand down and not to intercept the planes. • Fighter jets failed to intercept the hijacked planes • Official reports say: This was a highly unusual multiple hijacking with violence on board, and where the transponder, which identifies the plane, was turned off or changed. • What is more, a routine military training exercise happened to be taking place that day at US air defence command. • Air traffic controller Colin Scoggins was in constant contact with the military and did not see any lack of response. There was confusion and a lack of communication between the civilian air traffic control (FAA) and the military. • The military's equipment was also outdated and designed to look out over the ocean to deal with a Cold War threat.

  10. NewsOne for Black America 1. Inside Traders Knew About Attacks Before They Happened Right before the September 11th attacks some fishy business happened within the stock market and insurance firms. An “extraordinary” amount of put options were placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks, the same airlines that were hijacked during the attacks. Many speculate that traders were tipped off about the attacks, and profited from the tragedy. The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation in which Osama Bin Laden was a suspect after receiving information from at least one Wall Street Firm. • http://newsone.com/newsone-original/samalesh/the-11-most-compelling-911-conspiracy-theories/

  11. Task Three: Watching for a purpose Fill in the right side of your worksheet with what you have learned from the video. • Extension: What is the purpose of the video? Is it reliable? Can we trust it? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3oIbO0AWE

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