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Hiei Headquarters. HHQ. Contests. Rules. Things to Come…. Shonen Jump Story. Fan Fiction. Fan Art. Rules. Contests. HHQ. HHQ. If you refer somebody about this guild, and they join, neomail zeldafreakoo4 to receive a Negg.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hiei Headquarters HHQ • Contests • Rules • Things to Come…. • Shonen Jump Story • Fan Fiction • Fan Art • Rules

  2. Contests HHQ HHQ • If you refer somebody about this guild, and they join, neomail zeldafreakoo4 to receive a Negg. • Draw a picture of Hiei. If you win, you will receive a Christmas Paint Brush. Also, your picture will be used for a new layout! • If you’ve been in the guild for two weeks, neomail zeldafreakoo4 to receive a gift.

  3. Rules HHQ No sexual comments at ANY time. Try not to insult anyone. 1 4 Do not use multiple accounts to enter contests more than once. No spamming!!! >=O 5 2 Follow all of these rules. Do not use any of these graphics for something else. 6 3

  4. Things to Come.... HHQ • Banners • Character Profiles • Special Shaman King Shonen Jump Story • How to make a guild layout

  5. Shonen Jump Story HHQ • Chapter 15

  6. Chapter 15 HHQ Chapter 15: FINDING THE GUTS FOR GLORY Main Characters: Botan-Often seen riding an oar, Botan is the ferrywoman of the Sanzu River, known as the River Styx in Western mythology. Yusuke Urameshi-The toughest 8th grader at Sarayashiki Junior High. Currently partially dead. Koenma-The junior lord of the underwold, Koenma judges the dead (together with his father, King Enma) and keeps track of assorted special souls. Keiko Yukimura-Yusuke’s childhood friend, and maybe more than that. She knows that Yusuke is a ghost, and helps take care of his comatose body. Suekichi Matsuo-A junior-high wimp who dreams of becoming a boxer. Page 2

  7. Chapter 15 HHQ Previously…Koenma had almost decided to let Yusuke come back to life, when Yusuke impulsively possessed his old friend Matsuo to save him from being beaten up by bullies. To his surprise, Yusuke found he couldn’t leave Matsuo’s body, so he dicided to help Matsuo with his goal of becoming a great boxer. Now, by beating up the competition (he deserved it), Yusuke has gotten Matsuo a chance to represent his school in an upcoming boxing match! But can Matsuo win? And can Yusuke ever get back to his own body? Page 3

  8. Chapter 15 HHQ *boxing club* Yusuke: You, how long you gonna sulk, Suekichi!?! Yeah, I took over your body and caused a row and that was stupid. But c’mon pal, how can you let ‘em pound away on you like that? Matsuo: I told you, I’m a boxer, not a street brawler!! I mean, you beat up Tachikawa with your bare fists in the ring! Along with the first-years who tried to stop you, and Tachikawa’s friends when they tried to run off. Since then, everyone’s so tense around me, like they’re walking on eggshells. Captain: Matsuo! Matsuo: Oh! Captain! I abjectly apologize for yesterday! Captain: It’s all right Matsuo. I’m glad you’re standing up for yourself. Page 4

  9. Chapter 15 HHQ Captain: You’re enthusiastic about boxing, and practice diligently, but I’ve always wondered if you had real fighting spirit. I can’t say I condone your actions, but the do settle my doubts. You’re still my choice for our second-year representative. Matsuo: Wow! Thanks! Captain: Keep up your training! Matsuo: I will! Yusuke: Great! Everything’s going according to plan. Matsuo: Yeah, right. *Later, still in club* Matsuo: Got to practice, practice, practice!! Page 5

  10. Chapter 15 HHQ Yusuke: Hey!! Pretty good right you got there. Matsuo: Huh? You think so? Yusuke(thinking): With a punch like that, he could K.O. just about anybody, but he never shows his stuff in a fight. Still, his passion for boxing seems real…I bet when he gets into the ring and goes up against a proper opponent……he gets that “eye of the tiger” thing going……and show’s the world the killer beast that lurks within Matzo the Dud. Boxer: Hey Matsuo, with the match coming up……let’s spar, get you used to actual fighting. Matsuo: Sure… Boxer: C’mon, Matsuo! Strike back. Page 6

  11. Chapter 15 HHQ Yusuke: Huh? You’re barely trying! You’re supposed to be a boxer, not a punching bag! This is no different than the beating you took yesterday! Matsuo: E…urf…easy for you to say. Unh! *in the halls* Yusuke: That was downright pathetic! Why do you even try to fight? You shut your eyes every time the other guy throws a punch! Matsuo: After being bullied so much for so many years…I can’t help flinching when I think a punch is coming. It’s become a deeply conditioned reflex. Page 7

  12. Chapter 15 HHQ Yusuke: You could turn that flinch into a dodge…! Oh, I don’t know why I’m even trying. You talk so much about boxing, but you just shut down in the ring. I mean, boxing is still fighting, even if it does have rules. But for you it’s just another way to get bullied. You do have footwork and power, both of which are important…but what you lack is guts! You’re clearly the type who freaks under pressure, and that’s gonna sink you every time. You’ll probably puke your guts out on the day of entrance exams and flub the, too. You need my help in the worst way. The first step is getting the right kind of experience. Matsuo: You mean your kind of fight-a street brawl!! Yusuke: What’s wrong with that? Anyway, it’s not all about using your fists. There’s a science to it, too. You’ve got to get some guts, learn to bluff. Check this guy. A punk wannabe. Too cool for school. Gimme control, I’ll show you what I mean. Page 8

  13. Chapter 15 HHQ Matsuo: D…Don’t get me in trouble… Wannabe: Ow! Hey, pal…how ‘bout an apology?! Yusuke in Matsuo: Sure! I’m sorry I didn’t knock you down and kick the crap out of you!! Wannabe: Nuh……never mind!! Yusuke: See? It’s easy! Now you try it! Matsuo: I…I can’t do that! That’s just brute intimidation. Yusuke: Fool! Whattaya think wins fights? You gotta use your eyes, voice and face. Done right, intimidation can settle fights before the first punch is thrown. Kid: There he is. Page 9

  14. Chapter 15 HHQ Matsuo: That’s the guy, Samejima. GACK!! He…He’s…! Samejima: You the sorry punk…who threatened my bud here? Yusuke: You know him? Matsuo: Every boxer in the area knows him. He’s Samejima, of the Rinju Junior High boxing team!! It’s said he’s dragged guys he didn’t like to the gym and put out their eye, or broken both their arms, things like that…he makes Tachikawa look like Mother Teresa. Samejima: Hey, punk… Kid: Hee hee, he’s sweatin’. Samejima:…you on the Imawano Junior High boxing team? Matsuo: Er…yeah. Page 10

  15. Chapter 15 HHQ Samejima: There’s a guy from your school, Matsuo, who’s supposed to be my opponent……in the upcoming match. You tell him he won’t be leaving the ring in one piece. Matsuo *thinking*: Oh, man…just my luck… Yusuke: Hey, Suekichi! Hey!! Anyone home…? Oh brother, he’s fainted dead away. Looks like it’s my show from here on. Samejima: I’ll give you a sample of what’s in store……for Matsuo. Yusuke in Matsuo: I’m Matsuo, pal. I dunno if you’re samejima or sasquatch……but a baboon-faced moron like you shouldn’t be copping such a tough-*bleep* attitude. Kid: …! No one insults Samejima’s face…! Yusuke in Matsuo: What’s your hurry anyway? We’ll meet in the ring soon enough. And I’ll rearrange that scrunched up nose for you. Hah! That’ll be the day!! Page 11

  16. Chapter 15 HHQ *the day of the match* Captain: Where’s Matsuo? Person#1: He’s in the locker room. Person#2: He said he needed to be alone. Matsuo: What have you done?! He’s gonna murder me!! Yusuke: Hey, what’re you doing?! Matsuo: I’m getting outta here! Yusuke: Nuh-uh! You’re not wimping out on me! Matsuo: Yaah! Yusuke: You’re about to get your precious match! Isn’t that what you always wanted?! This is your shot, Matsuo! Your chance to show your stuff! It doesn’t matter who your opponent is! Page 12

  17. Chapter 15 HHQ Matsuo: Yes it does! Samejima will take me apart! Yusuke: How do you know? You’ve never fought him! Matsuo: I don’t have to! He clearly has more skill, power, and guts. I have absolutely no chance!! I was never cut out for boxing…It makes no difference how much passion and effort I put into it, nothing will make up for my lack of talent and courage… Yusuke: …You’d rather quit than even try to win one fight? Matsuo: ……I……I can’t…help it. *wham!* *crash!* Page 13

  18. Chapter 15 HHQ Matsuo: Owww…!! Yusuke: I’ve had it with you. I’m sick and tired of being in your body. You keep thinking like Matsuo the Dud, making excuses in order to avoid your moment of truth. But that moment has arrived. And it’s time to start thinking like Matsuo the Boxer. Unless you’re the one that’s an insult to the sport. Win or lose, you have to go out there and do it. But if you’re out there and you turn all pathetic again, I hope Samejima does murder you so I can get outta here. Captain: Hey, Matsuo! Person#3: It’s time! Matsuo: I’m ready! Yusuke: …huh? He…left without me. I’m not trapped in him anymore. Page 14

  19. Chapter 15 HHQ Botan: That’s because he’s finally made a choice. Yusuke: Yah! Don’t pop up like that!! Botan: With you in his head, arguing against his doubts……he realized that he could no longer allow those doubts to hold him back. *in the ring* Crowd: Yaay! Yaay! Go go! Person#4: Wouldja look at that! Is that really Matsuo…? He’s not flinching! He’s plowing right in! Against Samejima, even…they’re trading blow for blow…wait…Matsuo’s taking the offensive! Page 15

  20. Chapter 15 HHQ Samejima: *bleep*it…! Matsuo *thinking*: Don’t run!! Look my opponent in the eye……and punch! Hard as I can!! Samejima: Nobody gets the better of me! Matsuo: C’mon! Urph! I…feel Samejima’s blows…but my own punch……hurt a lot worse!! Referee: Down! Crowd: Wahoo! Person#5: Samejima’s down! Wild! Samejima: *bleep*it…That’s it! No more rules for me! I’ll take the fouls and mangle this slug but good! Referee: Fight! Page 16

  21. Chapter 15 HHQ Samejima *thinking*: Let’s see, I think…I’ll smash his face in with an elbow!! Okay punk……here it comes! *whack* *kabam* Matsuo: Huh? Hey, I… *klang klang!* Matsuo: …I won!! I did it, Yusuke! I won!! Yusuke…?! Samejima: Lookit the perty lights… Back

  22. Fan Fiction HHQ

  23. Fan Art HHQ

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