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CRFS Technical Meeting UC Operations Update

CRFS Technical Meeting UC Operations Update. March 30, 2010. Topics. Fontenelle and Flaming Gorge Operations Aspinall Operations Powell Operations. Green River Basin – Fontenelle and Flaming Gorge. Fontenelle Reservoir Elevation. Fontenelle Inflow and Release. Apr – Jul Inflow

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CRFS Technical Meeting UC Operations Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CRFS Technical Meeting UC Operations Update March 30, 2010

  2. Topics • Fontenelle and Flaming Gorge Operations • Aspinall Operations • Powell Operations

  3. Green River Basin – Fontenelle and Flaming Gorge

  4. Fontenelle Reservoir Elevation

  5. Fontenelle Inflow and Release Apr – Jul Inflow 415 KAF (48%) Projected Release 800 cfs steady (no peak)

  6. CRFS Green River Basin April 2010 Live Capacity 3.752 MAF Capacity on 3/28/103.194 MAF Available Space .558 MAF Percentage of Full 80 % Reservoir Elev. (Min Power) 5908.00 feet Elevation on 3/28/106025.91 feet Elevation above (Min) 117.91 feet Average Inflow 1,240 cfs Average Release 810 cfs

  7. CRFS Green River Basin

  8. CRFS Green River Basin

  9. CRFS Green River Basin 245 KAF = 21% Average 515 KAF = 43% Average 1,251 KAF = 75% Average

  10. CRFS Green River Basin 610 KAF = 45% Average 960 KAF = 70% Average 1,385 KAF = 101% Average

  11. CRFS Green River Basin 855 KAF = 34% Average 1,475 KAF = 58% Average 2,275 KAF = 89% Average

  12. CRFS Green River Basin

  13. CRFS Green River Basin

  14. CRFS Green River Basin

  15. Gunnison River Basin – Aspinall

  16. 4,035 cfs Mar 15 Forecast 570 KAF

  17. UC Mainstem – Glen Canyon Dam

  18. Review of Operational CriteriaInterim Guidelines for Coordinated Operation of Lake Powell and Lake Mead

  19. Lake Powell Equalization Table

  20. 3,635 1/1/10 Projection 15.4 1/1/010Projection 1,098 1/1/10 Projection Lake Powell & Lake Mead Operational Diagrams for 2010 11.4 1/1/10 Projection 1 Subject to April adjustments that may result in balancing releases or releases according to the Equalization Tier. 2 These are amounts of shortage (i.e., reduced deliveries in the United States). 3 If Lake Mead falls below elevation 1,025 ft, the Department will initiate efforts to develop additional guidelines for shortages at lower Lake Mead elevations.

  21. Projected Operation for Remainder of WY2010

  22. Summary of Lake Powell and Lake Mead Operations24-Month Study 2010 Water Year Projections In 2010, the Equalization Elevation is 3642 ft.

  23. Summary of Lake Powell and Lake Mead Operations24-Month Study 2010 Water Year Projections In 2010, the Equalization Elevation is 3642 ft.

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