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Compromise of 1850. Resistance and Violence. New Parties. Slavery and Secession. Random Chapter 10 Stuff. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Compromise of 1850 $100.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Compromise of 1850 Resistance and Violence New Parties Slavery and Secession Random Chapter 10 Stuff 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Compromise of 1850 $100 According to the Compromise, what state would be admitted as a free state?

  3. Compromise of 1850 $100 California

  4. Compromise of 1850 $200 Which two territories would be allowed to use popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery?

  5. Compromise of 1850 $200 Utah and New Mexico

  6. Compromise of 1850 $300 What congressman from Kentucky came up with the idea and proposed the Compromise?

  7. Compromise of 1850 $300 Henry Clay

  8. Compromise of 1850 $400 What man from South Carolina was the staunchest opponent of the Compromise?

  9. Compromise of 1850 $400 John C. Calhoun

  10. Compromise of 1850 $500 What young congressman from Illinois saved the compromise by introducing each term one at a time, instead of all of the terms in one package?

  11. Compromise of 1850 $500 Stephen Douglas

  12. Resistance and Violence $100 What was the term given to the network of people that helped runaway slaves make it to freedom?

  13. Resistance and Violence $100 Underground Railroad

  14. Resistance and Violence $200 What part of the Compromise of 1850 did many northern states refuse to enforce, going so far as to pass personal liberty laws to protect runaway slaves?

  15. Resistance and Violence $200 Fugitive Slave Act

  16. Resistance and Violence $300 What law divided the Kansas territory into two and provided for popular sovereignty in both territories?

  17. Resistance and Violence $300 Kansas-Nebraska Act

  18. Resistance and Violence $400 What was the term given to the series of events in which settlers from both sides flooded into territories to vote, after which a series of violent battles occurred?

  19. Resistance and Violence $400 “Bleeding Kansas”

  20. Resistance and Violence $500 What novel, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, described the evils of slavery and became a major propaganda tool for abolitionists?

  21. Resistance and Violence $500 Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  22. New Parties $100 Which new party of the 1850s opposed slavery and its expansion based on the opinion that it would hurt white workers’ ability to get a job?

  23. New Parties $100 Free Soil Party

  24. New Parties $200 What new party was formed in opposition to the expansion of slavery on the grounds that it was immoral?

  25. New Parties $200 Republican Party

  26. New Parties $300 What new party of the 1850s formed to promote nativism and objected to immigration, especially immigration of Roman Catholics?

  27. New Parties $300 Know-Nothing Party

  28. New Parties $400 What political party, that started as an anti-Jackson party, split over the issue of slavery and eventually disappeared in the 1850s?

  29. New Parties $400 Whig Party

  30. New Parties $500 What party ran in the 1860 presidential election by ignoring the issue of slavery as a means of keeping the US intact?

  31. New Parties $500 Constitutional Union Party

  32. Slavery and Secession $100 What Supreme Court ruling declared the Compromise of 1850 unconstitutional in part because it violated the 5th Amendment right to own property?

  33. Slavery and Secession $100 Dred Scott

  34. Slavery and Secession $200 Where did John Brown lead an attack on a federal arsenal in which 4 civilians were left dead?

  35. Slavery and Secession $200 Harpers Ferry

  36. Slavery and Secession $300 What candidate won the 1860 election by winning all of the North’s electoral votes, despite only winning 40% of the national popular vote?

  37. Slavery and Secession $300 Abraham Lincoln

  38. Slavery and Secession $400 What man won the nomination of the Southern Democrats for the election of 1860 and won every southern state in that election?

  39. Slavery and Secession $400 John C. Breckenridge

  40. Slavery and Secession $500 How many southern states seceded before the inauguration in 1861?

  41. Slavery and Secession $500 7

  42. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $100 What was the first state to secede?

  43. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $100 South Carolina

  44. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $200 What newspaper publisher and abolitionist was one of the founders of the Republican party?

  45. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $200 Horace Greeley

  46. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $300 What woman is credited with helping over 300 escaped slaves make it to freedom and was known as “Black Moses”?

  47. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $300 Harriet Tubman

  48. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $400 Who ascended to the presidency upon the death of Zachary Taylor?

  49. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $400 Millard Fillmore

  50. Random Chapter 10 Stuff $500 What amendment to a previously proposed bill called for making slavery illegal in California and intensified the debate over slavery?

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