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My Lobotomy Essay

My Lobotomy Essay . Prompt. Louise Dully and Dr. Walter Freeman both played a part in Howard Dully’s lobotomy. By examining Lou’s and Freeman’s background, assessments of Howard and aftercare of Howard, it must be established who acted more ethically and in turn had the more credible ethos.

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My Lobotomy Essay

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  1. My Lobotomy Essay

  2. Prompt • Louise Dully and Dr. Walter Freeman both played a part in Howard Dully’s lobotomy. By examining Lou’s and Freeman’s background, assessments of Howard and aftercare of Howard, it must be established who acted more ethically and in turn had the more credible ethos.

  3. Louise Dully and Dr. Walter Freeman both played a part in Howard Dully’s lobotomy. By examining Lou’s and Freeman’s background, assessments of Howard and aftercare of Howard, it must be established who acted more ethically and in turn had the more credible ethos. • T (Topic): • A (Audience): The Teacher • K (Key Words):

  4. Background: For Intro • Lou • Dr. Freeman

  5. All of your Body Paragraphs will follow this order.

  6. Body 1: Lou’s Ethos & Involvement with Howard. Point #1: According to Dr. Freeman’s notes, from page 76 of Dully’s book, “ Mrs. Dully’s first husband was an alcoholic who impoverished her, ran off with a girlfriend… .” Why this matters: This event helped shape Mrs. Dully, leaving her with trust and control issue. Point #2 Dr. Freeman noted that “There were four other boys in the family, two of hers… and a four-year-old that belongs to both of them (Mr. & Mrs. Dully)” (Dully 76). Why this matters: Mrs. Dully had a house full and tended to favor her biological children, which Howard was not. Point #3 Mr. Dully & Lou became friendly and eventually fell in love. Once married, Lou became responsible for Howard since Mr. Dully worked two jobs and was barely home (Dully 54). This caused tension at home since Mrs. Dully was left to manage five boys with little assistance.

  7. Body 1: Lou’s Ethos & Involvement with Howard. • Suggested Topic Sentences: • Mrs. Dully’s past and present negatively impacts her relationship with Howard. • A variety of situations negatively impacted Mrs. Dully and Howard’s relationship. • In order to understand the nature of Mrs. Dully’s relationship with Howard, one must examine her past. • Concluding Sentence: Mrs. Dully’s past and her current situation of being a primary care giver to so many children has strained any relationship she could have with Howard.

  8. Body 1: Lou’s Ethos & Involvement with Howard.

  9. Body 2: Dr. Freeman’s Ethos & Involvement with Howard • What events occurred to Freeman that helped create who he is? • 1.Takes pictures during the surgeries • Affects the quality of the surgery and puts the patient in danger for his own showmanship • 2. His father took blame for his actions through beating himself • This allowed him to not claim responsibility for his actions

  10. Body 2: Dr. Freeman’s Ethos & Involvement with Howard • How did Freeman become involved with Howard? • Mrs. Dully couldn’t find the answers she wanted for Howard’s behavior so she went to Dr. Freeman’s private practice. Pages 74-75

  11. Body 2: Dr. Freeman’s Ethos & Involvement with Howard

  12. Body 3 Outline: Lou’s Assessment of Howard’s Problems Topic Sentence: Once Mrs. Dully secured Dr. Freeman as Howard’s doctor, she began to reveal her views of her step-son’s troubled past and actions. Point #1: What she saw wrong with Howard. During one of Mrs. Dully’s and Dr. Freeman’s many meetings, Dr. Freeman noted that Mrs. Dully had to place Howard on the toilet till the age of six and had to bathe him till he was eight. She continued to express concern over his issues with defecating in inappropriate places and committing inappropriate actions with his feces. This strained the step-mother and son relationship to the point that Mrs. Dully considered taking Howard to Family Services (Dully 78), clearly showing her inability to help him.

  13. Point#2: What she saw wrong with Howard Mrs. Dully allowed Mr. Black, a school employee, to take Howard on weekend outings (Dully 78 -79). This helped relieve some of the stress at the Dully home and Howard proved himself as a good and normal child during his time with the Blacks (Dully 79). Unfortunately, Howard’s behavior reverted back to problematic once he returned to the Dully household. Mrs. Dully confirmed this, through one of Dr. Freeman’s interviews, when she said, “… when he came back he reverted to his former behavior, has been unbelievably defiant, with a savage look on his face…” (Dully 80). This difference in behavior obviously shows that Howard felt uncomfortable within his own home and when treated with respect, as he had by the Blacks, he could operate in a normal manner.

  14. Point #3: What she saw wrong with Howard Mrs. Dully made many complaints about Howard’s actions and physical reactions. She told Dr. Freeman that he had “monkey-like gestures” and a “Jekel [sic] and Hyde disposition”. Dr. Freeman also noted that she had recurring dreams in which she was attempting to physically punish him but could not (Dully 84). To have a mother, even a step-mother, refer to a child as a monkey or a tormented man and then to have her dream of hurting that child, shows how she did not have the patience or ability to help and handle him with the care he needed. Concluding Sentence: Mrs. Dully made it clear to Dr. Freeman, through their interviews, that she could not handle Howard and that something must be done.

  15. Body 4: Dr. Freeman’s Assessment of Howard’s Problems Topic Sentence: Point #1: What he saw wrong with Howard (with intext Citation) Point #2: What he saw wrong with Howard (with direct quote and intext citation) Point #3: What he saw wrong with Howard (with intext citation) Concluding Sentence: YOU MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LOBOTOMY WAS SCHEDULED.

  16. Body 5: After Howard received his lobotomy, it would seem that the conditions in the Dully household would improve; however, Mrs. Dully’s reactions and attitude to him did not. • Example #1 (paraphrase w/ in text) • What does this show? • Example #2(direct quote w/ in text) • What does this show? • Example #3(paraphrase w/ in text) • What does this show? • Concluding Sentence: In one sentence reflect on the examples and tell where Howard and Mrs. Dully ended.

  17. Body 6: Even after Dr. Freeman completed the lobotomy, he kept in contact with Howard and continued to care for him. • Example #1 (paraphrase w/ in text) • What does this show? • Example #2(direct quote w/ in text) • What does this show? • Example #3(paraphrase w/ in text) • What does this show? • Concluding Sentence: In one sentence reflect on the examples and tell where Howard and Dr. Freeman ended.

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