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Lithospheric thickness (from surface waves)

Lithospheric thickness (from surface waves). Turcotte & Schubert 2002. Elastic thickness. EQ depth. Shear wave velocity. Stein & Wysession, 1993. 50 100 150. Ocean floor bathymetry. Turcotte & Schubert 2002. Heat flow. Turcotte & Schubert 2002.

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Lithospheric thickness (from surface waves)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lithospheric thickness (from surface waves) Turcotte & Schubert 2002

  2. Elastic thickness EQ depth Shear wave velocity Stein & Wysession, 1993 50 100 150

  3. Ocean floor bathymetry Turcotte & Schubert 2002

  4. Heat flow Turcotte & Schubert 2002

  5. Half space cooling model: Problem with old lithosphere • Bathymetry and heat flow higher than predicted • Additional source of heat for older lithosphere? • E.g., small scale convection • Models with better fit: • Plate model (Parson & Sclater, JGR, 82, 803, 1997) • GDH1 (Stein and Stein, Nature, 359, 123, 1992) • Provide additional heat through fixed plate thickness • Better model fit • Physical mechanism unclear

  6. 0 10 Myr 50 Myr 120 Myr 80 Myr 100 Depth (km) GDH1 200 HS 500 1000 1500 T (C) 20 Myr 30 Myr

  7. Physical mechanisms: - small scale convection - temporal variability (e.g., Cretaceous hot period) - random rejuvenation (hotspots, seamounts). Improved bathymetry from satellite and shipboard tracks (Smith and Sandwell, Science, 1997)

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