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Chapter 17 part 1 review Define Imperialism :

Chapter 17 part 1 review Define Imperialism : Imperialism : the economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations. What is the difference between a colony and a protectorate ? Colonies under total control, protectorates had local rulers

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Chapter 17 part 1 review Define Imperialism :

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  1. Chapter 17 part 1 review Define Imperialism: Imperialism: the economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations. What is the difference between a colony and a protectorate? Colonies under total control, protectorates had local rulers What were the four factors that led to the growth of imperialism, and give one example of each? Economic, Nationalism, Military, Humanitarian What is nationalism/jingoism Belief that one’s country is superior to others. What is the “White Man’s Burden”? Anglo-Saxonism, that white people had a duty to civilize the rest of the world

  2. Who opened Japan to trade with the US? Commodore Perry Define annex: To add land to an existing country Why was Hawaii important? Trade Naval base at Pearl harbor Sugar cane

  3. Part 2 review What were the two main reasons for Pan-Americanism? Businesses wanted to trade with Latin American countries To let Europe know to stay out of American affairs What did Secretary of State James Blaine hope to accomplish at the Pan-American Conference? To reduce tariffs (free trade) To create a system for American nations to resolve disputes Who wrote The Influence of Seapower Upon History? Alfred T. Mahan

  4. What was his argument? Nations become rich by trade, and a large merchant fleet required a large navy to protect it. Give an example of a strategic location emphasized in the book? Chokepoints, canals, and coaling stations. Who was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy who rebuilt the Navy using Mahan’s ideas? Theodore Roosevelt

  5. Review Part 3. List the four types of foreign policy positions from passive to aggressive: Isolationism Collective Security Internationalism Imperialism George Washington’s farewell address was a classic example of this position: Isolationism The Mexican-American War was a classic example of this position: Imperialism

  6. Review part 4 In 19th century America, people got all their information from what source? Newspapers This Spanish general was known as “El Carnicero” – the butcher: ValerianoWeyler This communication from a Spanish diplomat called McKinley and the Americans weak, angering many Americans, and putting us on a course for war: The DeLome Letter. The main cause of the Spanish-American War? The sinking of the Maine

  7. A term used to describe extreme nationalism? Jingoism Theodore Roosevelt formed a volunteer army unit known as the: Rough Riders They helped win a major battle at: San Juan Hill Mark Twain and others objected to the new American foreign policy and formed a group called the: Anti-Imperialist League

  8. Review continued: Who defeated the entire Spanish Pacific fleet at Manila Bay with only seven modern US warships? Commodore Dewey What territories did the US acquire as a result of the Treat of Paris with Spain? Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines Why did the Filipinos get mad when the US made the Treaty of Paris with Spain? Instead of giving them independence, it gave the Philippines to the US. What US strategy used by the US against Filipino rebels caused hardships for the people? Concentration camps What did the Foraker Act do? It made Puerto Rico an unincorporated US territory

  9. Review continued: The Platt Amendment was an amendment to the constitution of: Cuba The Platt Amendment said: Cuba could not make any treaty with another nation that would weaken its independence. Cuba had to allow the US to buy or lease naval stations in Cuba. Cuba’s debts had to be kept low to keep foreign countries from landing troops to enforce payment. The US had the right to protect Cuban independence and keep order. The purpose of the Open Door Policy was to keep trade open with: China Revolt in China against Western influence: The Boxer Rebellion

  10. Review continued: As a show of American military might, President Roosevelt sent this group of US battleships on a world tour: The Great White Fleet Define isthmus: A narrow strip of land, bordered by water, joining two larger areas of land Roosevelt believed America should speak softly, but… Carry a big stick The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine said: The US would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary Taft was not a war hawk like Roosevelt, and preferred a different foreign policy called: Dollar diplomacy

  11. First publisher to incorporate comics and games into newspapers (has a prestigious prize named after him): Joseph Pulitzer Took “yellow journalism” to a whole new level, told his war correspondent, “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.” William Randolph Hearst Provide two characteristics of “yellow journalism” Sensational headlines Shocking photos or drawings Gimmicks, such as comics, puzzles, and games Taking the side of the underdog Fake interviews, anonymous sources, misleading facts.

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