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Movers and Shakers. Papers and Pamphlets. Hard Times. Let Freedom Ring. This Land is My Land, this Land is Your Land. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $ 300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $ 400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Movers and Shakers Papers and Pamphlets Hard Times Let Freedom Ring This Land is My Land, this Land is Your Land $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  2. Invented bifocals, a stove, insurance, and was known for being a shrewd negotiator.

  3. Who is Benjamin Franklin?

  4. Protested slavery by writing a novel about a slave’s experiences in the South?

  5. Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?

  6. Co-authored several Federalist Papers and conceived the idea of the American Bank – was shot by Jefferson’s Vice President?

  7. Who is Alexander Hamilton?

  8. Made the best of his deportation by starting new colony in Rhode Island?

  9. Who is Roger Williams?

  10. Known as The Great Compromiser who settled disputes between North and South about the expansion of slavery…

  11. Who is Henry Clay?

  12. Author of “Common Sense” and “The American Crisis” – both arguments for American independence

  13. Who is Thomas Paine?

  14. Supporters of a strong national government wrote these to convince others to accept the Constitution?

  15. What are The Federalist Papers?

  16. Focus of William Lloyd’s Garrison’s The Liberator…

  17. What is abolition?

  18. John Quincy Adams authored this famous document that warned European nations to stay OUT of the Americas!

  19. What is the Monroe Doctrine?

  20. Gave us the principle of “one man, one vote” and planted a seed for democracy in the colonies…

  21. What is the Mayflower Compact?

  22. Canceled the Massachusetts Legislature, closed Boston Harbor, and moved thousands of soldiers into the Boston area…

  23. What are the Intolerable Acts (aka Coercive Acts)?

  24. Traveled by night, the North Star as a guide, had stops along the way, led by someone known as “Moses”…

  25. What is the Underground Railroad?

  26. Hung for treason, seized arms at Harper’s Ferry, helped instigate “Bleeding Kansas”…

  27. Who is John Brown?

  28. No shoes, freezing temperatures, no food in the Winter of ‘77!

  29. What is Valley Forge?

  30. Split the nation in two, caused brothers to fight each other, killed more Americans than ever before or since!

  31. What is the Civil War?

  32. “We hold these truths to be self evident – that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…”

  33. What is The Declaration of Independence?

  34. “Give me liberty, or give me death.”

  35. Who is Patrick Henry?

  36. “We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity…”

  37. What is the Preamble to the US Constitution?

  38. The idea that people are the final authority in government…

  39. What is Popular sovereignty?

  40. “In the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire that you would not forget the ladies…do not put such unlimited power in the hands of husbands…”

  41. Who is Abigail Adams in a letter to her husband John during his tenure in the Continental Congress?

  42. “It is our _____ _______ to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us.” John O’Sullivan, 1845

  43. What is Manifest Destiny?

  44. The western border of the United States in 1783!

  45. What is the Mississippi River?

  46. The huge mountain region all western travelers had to cross to get to Oregon and California!

  47. What are the Rocky Mountains?

  48. The river by which Lewis and Clark ventured west to explore the Louisiana Purchase…

  49. What is The Missouri River?

  50. A western journey that began against the will of its travelers and cost many thousands their lives!

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