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Ethics. Different mechanisms of threat reduction. Threat Reduction. How do we reduce the threat that weapons pose? (Do nuclear weapons pose a credible threat?). Agencies. IAEA UN Weapons Inspectors (from UN Special Commission to deal with Iraq’s production of WMDs). Disarmament. START

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ethics Different mechanisms of threat reduction

  2. Threat Reduction • How do we reduce the threat that weapons pose? • (Do nuclear weapons pose a credible threat?)

  3. Agencies • IAEA • UN Weapons Inspectors (from UN Special Commission to deal with Iraq’s production of WMDs)

  4. Disarmament • START • Reduced the ‘delivery vehicles’ to 1600 each and no more than 6000 warheads. • New START treaty (Obama era) • Limits the warheads to 1550. • NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty)

  5. Non Proliferation • Stopping the problem before it’s a problem. • This has been a major shared focus of ‘western powers’, Russia and the PRC. • Can involve sanctions (as seen in Iran/North Korea)

  6. State Based Initiatives • Engage in conflict • Sanctions • ‘Nuclear Umbrella’ • Otherwise powerful states capable of developing their own nukes (i.e. Japan, Germany, etc) rely on existing nuclear powers as ‘insurance’. • Missile Shield and other defensive counter measures

  7. Clinton said… • "We will use all elements of American power to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

  8. MAD • Demonstrated during the Cold War period. • A method of threat reduction, because of the threat of retaliation.

  9. Task • What are the most effective measures of threat reduction? Evaluate them in the handy table I will provide.

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