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This article discusses the concept of intelligence, its various theories, types, and methods of measurement. It explores the ideas of Sir Francis Galton, Charles Spearmen, Howard Gardner, and Robert Sternberg, as well as Daniel Goleman's concept of emotional intelligence.

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  1. Intelligence

  2. Intelligence What makes us intelligent Or Not so intelligent

  3. Who’s more intelligent??

  4. What, exactly, is intelligence? • Where does intelligence come from? Is it determined by heredity or environment?? • Is there a difference between intelligence and creativity? • Can we use simple tests to reliably measure intelligence? • Are there ethnic or gender differences in intelligence test scores, and, if so, what do the differences mean?

  5. Lets Talk Intelligence!!!

  6. What is It? • Is it the ability to acquire knowledge from books or school? • Is it “street smarts” ? • Is it the ability to solve problems? • Or is it the ability to adapt to the demands of the environment? • Well it may be all these things and more… • The most widely used definition is… • the capacity of an individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal with the environment

  7. Intelligence According to the definition, are both Einstein and Babe Ruth intelligent?

  8. Is intelligence one general ability or several specific abilities combined together? Theories Of Intelligence

  9. Sir Francis Galton and Eugenics • The father of psychometrics • The measurement of knowledge and ability by using defined tests • Believed that intelligence was based on genetics • Inspired Eugenics movement • “well-born” - -Selective breeding

  10. Charles Spearmen’s “g” • He reasoned that there must be one typeof intelligence that allows people to do well on mental tests • “g” - general intelligence • Observed that if people did well on one intelligence test or specific parts of a test, they generally did well on others • “s” – specific abilities • Eventually developed into what we now know as your “IQ”

  11. How did Spearman discover his “g” ?? • By using a process called FACTOR ANALYSIS • A statistical procedure that identified groups of test items that were related on a IQ test. • For example…if you did well on an analogy question - You probably would do well on all language comprehension questions

  12. Thurstone’s“7”Primary Mental Abilities • Didn’t believe that one factor (“g”) could account for all intelligence Numerical Ability Verbal Comprehension Memory 7 primary mental abilities Spatial Relations Inductive Reasoning Verbal Fluency Perceptual Speed

  13. Howard Gardner’sMultiple Intelligences • Disagreed with the concept of “g” • Believed intelligence was like ice cream • Meaning it comes in many different flavors or types • Called multiple intelligences • Vary from person to person • People can be high in one type but low in others or have a combination of intelligences • Huge educational influence

  14. Intrapersonal Interpersonal Bodily-Kinesthetic Logical-Mathematical Musical-Rhythmic Verbal-Linguistic Visual-Spatial Naturalistic 9th ??

  15. Criticisms of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory 1st – What is the difference between an intelligence and a skill?? 2nd – Why stop at 8? Why musical intelligence but not culinary intelligence or practical intelligence (street smarts)?

  16. Robert Sternberg’sTriarchic (3 parts) Theory of Intelligence • Like Gardner, questioned “g” • Said intelligence had 3 parts that come together to meet daily demands • (sort of like Thurstone’s idea of “7”)

  17. Analytic Intelligence • Analyzing, comparing, evaluating, solving • Often the intelligence stressed at school and on conventional IQ tests

  18. Practical Intelligence • “Common Sense” type of intelligence • Maybe a “street smarts” intelligence • The ability to apply what we know to everyday life • Applying, using, and doing

  19. Creative Intelligence • Creating, inventing and designing • Intelligence that allows people to adapt and produce new ideas and solutions to problems We need all three to be successful in life Believed we need to modify IQ tests to measure all 3 parts Sternberg thought…

  20. A different type of IntelligenceDaniel Goleman’sEmotional Intelligence • Says there is a difference between academic intelligence and emotional intelligence(EI) What is Emotional Intelligence??

  21. Emotional Intelligence is… • The ability to … • Perceive emotions in others • read faces and interpret music and stories - empathy • Express your emotions • In appropriate ways • Understand your emotions • how emotions change and blend • Regulate your emotions • changing emotions in different dilemmas • Help others handle their emotions

  22. Might also be called social intelligence. • MEIS – multifactor emotional intelligence scale • Some studies show EQ to be a greater predictor for future success than IQ • May explain why academically bright people are no better off than average people when it comes to certain occupations, health, or relationships

  23. Spearman’s “g” Thurstone’s PMA What is Intelligence?? Gardner’s MI Sternberg’s 3 Parts Goleman’s EI

  24. Test your IQ • The Wonderlic Test: http://www.nicholascreative.com/footballiq/ Intelligence Test: http://intelligence-test.net/part1/ Intelligence Test: http://www.intelligencetest.com/test/signupuser.php

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