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Jeopardy. Introduction to Grade 7 History. 100 Question: This is what people were travelling to Asia for. 200 Question: This is how long it took to go to Asia, pick up supplies and goods, and return to Europe. 400 Question:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy

  2. Introduction to Grade 7 History

  3. 100 Question: This is what people were travelling to Asia for.

  4. 200 Question: This is how long it took to go to Asia, pick up supplies and goods, and return to Europe.

  5. 400 Question: This is why people were afraid to go West in search for a shorter route to Asia.

  6. 600 Question: This is the man who was brave enough to search for a shorter route to Asia.

  7. 800 Question: This is where Christopher Columbus arrived on his search for a shorter route to Asia.

  8. 1000 Question: This is where Christopher Columbus THOUGHT he arrived after searching for a shorter route to Asia.

  9. 100 Question: What was the main mission of Jeanne Mance?

  10. 200 Question: What two groups of people did Marguerite Bourgeoys educate?

  11. 400 Question: What city was Jeanne Mance responsible for establishing?

  12. 600 Question: Where did Marguerite Bourgeoys hold her school and where did her students sleep?

  13. 800 Question: What Aboriginal tribe kept attacking Jeanne Mance and her city?

  14. 1000 Question: What was the name of the group of nuns that Margurite Bourgeoys established that still exists today?

  15. 100 Question: What city did Samuel de Champlain establish?

  16. 200 Question: What Aboriginal tribe did St. Jean de Brebeuf work with?

  17. 400 Question: Samuel de Champlain worked hard to turn Quebec from just a trading post to what?

  18. 600 Question: What three things did St. Jean de Brebeuf write while working with the Huron?

  19. 800 Question: What was Samuel de Champlain known as?

  20. 1000 Question: How did St. Jean de Brebeuf die?

  21. 100 Question: What did Etienne Brule ask Samuel Champlain permission for when he was only 17 years old?

  22. 200 Question: What did Marie de L’Incarnation establish in New France?

  23. 400 Question: What tribe did Etienne Brule go live with and what was his job while he was living there?

  24. 600 Question: What did Marie de L’Incarnation do to help get people interested in coming to New France?

  25. 800 Question: Etienne Brule was the first European to do what?

  26. 1000 Question: What two languages did Marie de L’Incarnation write dictionaries for?

  27. 100 Question: What were the two main reasons people began coming to the Americas once it was discovered?

  28. 200 Question: Explain the theory of Pangaea

  29. 400 Question: Explain the theory of the Bering Strait.

  30. 600 Question: Who was the King of France when people first started coming to the Americas?

  31. 800 Question: What were the three positions of government set up by the King of France in the new land?

  32. 1000 Question: What was the new world called that was under control of France?

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