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What kind of institution might distribute your media product & why?

What kind of institution might distribute your media product & why?.

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What kind of institution might distribute your media product & why?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What kind of institution might distribute your media product & why?

  2. As our distributor, we have researched and chosen The Fox Network. The reasons we have done this is because Fox are a major producer of blockbuster films, such as ‘Phone Booth’ starring Colin Farrel. The film is of the same genre as our film, and follows a similar kind of plot. It is a plot of mystery and disguise.

  3. Fox’s target market matches their demographic for their main entertainment, 18-24 year olds. There was the idea that we could have a secondary audience of slightly older people. We as film makers didn’t want the demographics being too specific and too generalized to one age group. We wanted to use their history of big selling crime/thriller films such as Phone Booth and Taken, and use them as examples for how well good and well made films can be successful under Fox’s production. As Fox already have an established audience of the age range we are targeting, it will be easier for the film to appeal directly to the audience.

  4. The production company is Fox, however a fictional distributor is used. We didn’t create a logo, as we were running out of time. It also took time out of the film. We simply wrote the words. The effect of typing the words and using the no diegetic sound of doing creates more of an atmosphere and creates the impression similar to what blockbusters do when typing names of places. It simply builds tension and the anticipation of waiting to what will be revealed.

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