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Bedroom Performance Problems in Men – Could Missing Nutrient

The nutrients we get determine to a large degree how we feel both physically and mentally. They also impact bedroom performance.

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Bedroom Performance Problems in Men – Could Missing Nutrient

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  1. Bedroom Performance Problems in Men – Could Missing Nutrients Be to Blame? By John Dugan

  2. A vast amount of research has shown that what we eat has a tremendous effect on all aspects of our health and well-being. A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats (yes, you DO need fat), whole grains and legumes can provide most of the nutritional elements we need to function well, both physically and mentally. On the other hand, deficiencies in these nutrients can wreak serious havoc; for men, this can have implications in terms of bedroom performance and male organ health. This article outlines some of the important nutrients that men can’t afford to go without. www.man1health.com

  3. Nutrients that affect sensual health, performance and fertility • Zinc. This nutritional powerhouse plays an important role in immune function and other aspects of overall health, but it is especially important when it comes to androgen production. Clinical trials have shown that low levels of zinc result in decreased androgen production, whereas supplementing with zinc may reverse male dysfunction in some individuals. • Vitamin A. This vitamin is also essential to androgen production; deficiencies in this nutrient may cause delayed puberty in boys. • Arginine. This essential amino acid is required for the production of nitric oxide, a neurotransmitter that is highly important to male function. Treating patients with L-arginine has been shown to successfully reverse performance dysfunction. www.man1health.com

  4. Vitamin E. This often overlooked nutrient has a wide range of functions in the body. Studies have shown that deficiencies in vitamin E caused atrophy in the reproductive organs of rats, leading to damaged function and fertility. Research has also demonstrated that vitamin E protects against the damaging effects of free radicals on the hormones and is needed for healthy seed and adequate motility. • Magnesium. Low levels of magnesium have been linked to vasoconstriction in the male organ, leading to problems with premature emission. • Selenium. Increasing selenium intake has a clinically proven positive effect on the health and motility of male seed. www.man1health.com

  5. How to get the nutrients needed for better sensual health Fortunately, getting these ingredients through one’s diet is not all that difficult, if men are willing to put in a little time and effort. The best approach is to aim for fresh, whole foods and to avoid processed, packaged items, as well as foods that are high in animal fats, sugars, salt and preservatives. With that said, the following foods and other nutritional items can be excellent sources of the elements needed for better bedroom performance, as well as overall physical and mental health. Fruits and vegetables. The produce section of the grocery store can provide nearly all of the nutrients needed for better sensual health. Essentially, all fruits and vegetables contain at least some of the vitamins, amino acids and other nutritional elements required, so look for a colorful mix – the more, the better. Eating plenty of these every day can provide zinc, magnesium and vitamin A. www.man1health.com

  6. Lean Proteins. Beef, lamb, seafood and many nuts and legumes are all excellent sources of zinc; most lean proteins also provide vitamin E and magnesium. These food items support healthy hormone production, as well as providing iron – essential for keeping the cells well-oxygenated and encouraging energy and stamina (in the bedroom and beyond). • Whole grains. In spite of the low-carb fad, complex carbohydrates are still an important source of nutrition; among other essential nutrients, they provide zinc, magnesium and selenium. Choosing natural, whole-grain breads, brown rice and whole oats – along with many of the other grains available - is ideal, but for men who are not excited about the idea of eating what appears to be animal fodder, fortified cereals and breads are a feasible option. www.man1health.com

  7. Healthy fats. In spite of the admonishments about fat in the diet, fats are actually critical to our health and play an important role in metabolism, as well as the production of the hormones and neurotransmitters that control how we think, feel and function to a large degree. Healthy fats can be found in foods such as plant oils, flax seed, pumpkin seeds, avocadoes and ground and tree nuts. Oral Supplements. Oral supplements are a popular way toaddress nutritional deficiencies, and in many cases, science does support their use. However, dietary supplements are considered to be nutritional items, not medications; therefore, they are not subject to the same rigorous testing for efficacy. This doesn’t mean they are not worth trying – it just means that men need to be selective about any products they choose. In addition, all men should check with their doctors before taking oral supplements. www.man1health.com

  8. Rather than hitting up the low-priced supplements at the local big-box retailer, it is well worth going to a store that specializes in nutritional supplements and has employees who are knowledgeable about the products they sell. A consultant can be very helpful when it comes to finding the right supplements for a specific purpose, and recommending those that are more likely to be absorbed and used by the body; never be afraid to ask.

  9. Manhood nutrient creams. Many menfind a quality male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to be an easy and effective way to provide the male organ itself with some of the ingredients needed for better sensual health. Look for a male organ-specific cream that contains preparations of vitamins A and E; L-arginine and its partner acetyl L-carnitine; alpha lipoic acid; vitamin C for healthy circulatory function; and moisturizers that help with absorption and keep the skin smooth and supple at the same time.

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