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DRIVING VALUE & REVENUE. November 22nd, 2012. Work Stream Brief. H ow we will continue to deliver value H ow we will convert that value into revenue …and on into healthy, sustainable businesses PS . We considered this from a consultancy perspective only. Work Stream Team.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DRIVING VALUE & REVENUE November 22nd, 2012

  2. Work Stream Brief • How we will continue to deliver value • How we will convert that value into revenue • …and on into healthy, sustainable businesses PS. We considered this from a consultancy perspective only

  3. Work Stream Team • Alex SandbergWork Stream Leader • Fraser Hardie Blue Rubicon • Chris Lewis Lewis PR • Trevor Morris Professor, Westminster University • Angie Moxham 3Monkeys • Rana Reeves John Doe

  4. BACKCLOTH TO OUR INDUSTRY • An established professional services discipline, bought at Board level, the world over • A$10 billion industry (Holmes) – growing faster than many • Driven by : • 20/20, uncompromising transparency of businesses, personalities and institutions • Speed... of everything : information, reaction, pressure to respond in real time • 24 / 7 engagement, ‘sunrise media desk’ • Some great talent in the industry and maturing, excellent businesses • Recognition of strategic, creative and insight contribution • Declining mainstream media, replaced by (mobile) online engagement, creating a whole new spectrum of opportunity • New roles (= revenue) always presenting themselves We are at or near the bottom of this cycle, an exciting time to be in our industry

  5. OVERARCHING DRIVERS TOP LINE  Value added into Revenue • Practices : service and product • (Industry) sector focus • Geographic reach - local to international BOTTOM LINE Revenue into Margin • Managing the business - P&L, HR, contractual issues etc. PR is a business tool delivering transformational work that makes a difference for businesses, brands and organisations

  6. SPECIALISE • Why hire a “generalist” when a specialist is available • Pressure to specialise by: • Practice • Sector • Local knowledge and / or global network

  7. TOP LINE : VALUE • Media relations … PLUS Whilst media may be core to delivery, MORE is increasingly expected Continually renewed content, now both A & V digital Media, creativity, plus … • Strategy • Messaging • Insight • Securing third party endorsement • Mentoring • Necessity to become more granular about the process (cost) of delivery • Planning (segmentation, targeting … testing) • Creativity, insight (owning the data through analytic/research function at the centre) • Strategy (mapped out and supported by data) • Messaging, positioning • Targeting / working the channels to identified outcomes

  8. TOP LINE … MORE VALUE • Embrace an online, mobile world • Doesn't fundamentally alter our role : insight, content, campaigning • An enhanced opportunity: embed creative technologists across all teams • Ad Agencies are credible because they focus on sales (outcomes) • Make talent an urgent priority • Invest in TOP talent, not necessarily PR centric • Retain top level talent (give "ownership" = motivation) • Match talent to projects they are passionate about • Evolve working practices = flexibility, e.g. not always in the office • Acknowledge power of the freelance and the potential of the “virtual agency”

  9. BOTTOM LINE … 2 MODELS 1. Creativity, insight and strategy Expensive, premium 2. Implementation Less expensive, but vital It isn’t valid to charge out implementation at a premium rate

  10. BOTTOM LINE … MORE MODELS • Move towards outcome driven revenue models = success related • Focus on defining success, scoping in partnership with the client • Acknowledging the difference between premium / standard fee components • Clarity of the "contract” and a concerted determination to enforce terms • between the client and the consultancy : T & C’s • between the employer and the employee

  11. BOTTOM LINE … YET MORE MODELS • Incentivisation • Owner driver structures, phantom "equity" even in holding companies (!) • Transparent share in success • at a personal, a team and a company level • Talent is THE top priority • Disproportionate resource balloons into “management” systems, disenfranchising / demotivating the talent − Talent drives these businesses = revenue • Revenue generators must sit equally at the top table

  12. Some actions • Make talent the urgent, overriding priority … re-cycle revenue/profit into talent, not “process”. Talent DOES take us to the top table and must sit at the top table of our businesses also • Embed “creative technologists” fluent in new channels, across the piece • Specialise. Be famous – for one or several valuable offerings. • Feesto reflect value added /outcomes - premium or implementation • Scope success with the client and build in reward for achieving that success • Be granular about delivery. “It doesn’t just happen” - break the process down into its component parts • Enforce professional rules of engagement, with clients as well as staff

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