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NUTRIENTS. NUTRIENTS. Found in the food that we eat Provides energy in the form of CALORIES There are six major types of nutrients: CARBOHYDRATES FATS PROTEINS VITAMINS MINERALS WATER. CARBOHYDRATES. The body’s main source of energy

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  2. NUTRIENTS • Found in the food that we eat • Provides energy in the form of CALORIES • There are six major types of nutrients: • CARBOHYDRATES • FATS • PROTEINS • VITAMINS • MINERALS • WATER

  3. CARBOHYDRATES • The body’s main source of energy • Found mainly in food from plant sources such as fruit, vegetables and grains • There are two groups of carbohydrates: • COMPLEX carbohydrates • SIMPLE carbohydrates

  4. SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES Otherwise known as sugars Composed of one or two rings of carbon FRUCTOSE: found in fruit MALTOSE:found in grains LACTOSE: found in milk GLUCOSE

  5. SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES • MONOSACCHARIDES: made up of ONE sugar • Example: Glucose or Fructose • DISACCHARIDES: made up of TWO sugars • Example: Sucrose

  6. COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES • There are two kinds: • STARCH • FIBRE • POLYSACCHARIDES:made up of MANY sugars • Both are found in legumes, potatoes, corn and grains

  7. FIBRE • Doesn’t provide energy • There are two kinds of fibre, SOLUBLE and INSOLUBLE • SOLUBLE fibre:dissolves in water • Increases the thickness of stomach content • Found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and oats • INSOLUBLE fibre:will not dissolve in water • Absorbs water and adds bulk • Helps to move food along the large intestine to promote regular bowel movements

  8. PROTEINS • Help the body grow • Repairs worn-out or damaged parts • Regulate important biological processes • Example: Fighting diseases • Can also be used for energy • Found in skin, muscles, bones, hair etc. • Found in all foods from animal sources but can also be found in legumes, nuts and grains

  9. PROTEINS Composed of chemical building blocks called AMINO ACIDS There are 22 amino acids 9 are ESSENTIAL amino acids since they MUST come from the food we eat

  10. AMINO ACIDS Amino acids are held together by a PEPTIDE BOND Proteins can also be referred to as POLYPEPTIDES All amino acids have an AMINOgroup, a CARBOXYL group and a HYDROGEN

  11. PROTEINS • COMPLETE proteins: supply all 9 essential amino acids • Example:fish, poultry milk and soy products • INCOMPLETE proteins: lack one or more essential amino acid • Example:foods from plant sources

  12. FATS Promotes normal cell growth Carries vitamins A, D, E, and K to where they are needed Fat stored in the body provide a reserve supply of energy Acts as a cushion to protect vital organs such as your liver or your heart

  13. FAT STRUCTURE • Found in foods such as animal fat, butter or vegetable oils • A fat molecule is composed of two parts: • A GLYCEROL head • FATTY ACID CHAINtail

  14. FAT SATURATED fat:has only SINGLE BONDS in the fatty acid chain UNSATURATED fat:has at least one DOUBLE BOND in the fatty acid chain POLYUNSATURATED fat:has many double bond in the fatty acid chain

  15. VITAMINS • There are 13 different types of vitamins • There are two major groups: • WATER SOLUBLE:dissolve in water • Example: Vitamins C and B • FAT SOLUBLE: absorbed and transported by fat • Example: Vitamins A, D, E, and K

  16. VITAMINS VITAMIN B: helps the body release energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats VITAMIN C: helps to maintain a healthy immune system FOLATE:helps to prevent birth defects VITAMIN A:helps you see normally at night VITAMIN D: helps you body to use calcium and phosphorus VITAMIN K: necessary for blood to clot normally

  17. MINERALS • Become part of the body; such as bones and teeth • Used to make substances that your body needs • There are three groups of minerals: • MAJOR MINERALS • ELECTROLYTES • TRACE MINERALS

  18. MAJOR MINERALS Needed in large amounts CALCIUM: builds and maintains bones PHOSPHORUS: builds body cells and tissues MAGNESIUM:helps nerves and muscles work properly

  19. TRACE MINERALS Needed in very small amounts IRON: helps carry oxygen to the cells ZINC:helps your body heal wounds FLUORIDE: helps to strengthen teeth

  20. ELECTROLYTE • Specific minerals that work together to maintain the body’s fluid balance • POTASSIUM: maintains the heartbeat • CHLORIDE: helps transmit nerve signals • SODIUM: helps to regulate blood pressure

  21. WATER • Makes up 50 to 60 percent of the body • Plays a role in many chemical reactions in the body • Helps the body get rid of waste • The body uses 2 to 3 litres a day

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