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ODINAFRICA/GLOSS Sea Level Training Course

ODINAFRICA/GLOSS Sea Level Training Course. Regional Oceanography and Climate (West Africa) 13-24 November 2006, Oostende Angora AMAN. Recall: why AMMA ?. Sahel Rainfall index. Humid. Dry. Indice pluviométrique Sahel. Niger à Malanville: 10 6 km².

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ODINAFRICA/GLOSS Sea Level Training Course

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  1. ODINAFRICA/GLOSS Sea Level Training Course Regional Oceanography and Climate (West Africa) 13-24 November 2006, Oostende Angora AMAN

  2. Recall: why AMMA ? Sahel Rainfall index Humid Dry Indice pluviométrique Sahel Niger à Malanville: 106 km²

  3. The Gulf of Guinea is very badly simulated in numerical models… • Pb with fluxes; • (eg wind stress, local air-sea • interaction,convective heating over • land of S. America and W. Africa) • Pb with mixing processes; • - Pb with horizontal advection • + interactions with subsurface • Pb with effect of waves; SST Surface fluxes Pb mostly in the GG…

  4. WEST AFRICA CLIMATE Importance of the GG in the West Africa Climatology Principal source of the WV which is advected by the atmospheric circulation. It can constitute most of precipitations on the continent The SST in the GG is also one of the factors, with continental surface which conditions the intensity of the monsoon of West Africa.

  5. Atmospheric circulation (averaged winds) Circulation atmosphérique (vents moyens) Wauthy, 1983 January July April October Cersat, Année 2005

  6. Annual cycle of precipitation/ Cycle annuel des précipitations (Nicholson)

  7. Photo: A.Kartavtseff : PIRATA (needed for AMMA) (Pilot Research moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic) (1997 - 200??) (African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses) Tripartite Programme as a contribution to CLIVAR, GCOS and GOOS : - FRANCE (IRD/LEGOS, Météo-France) - BRESIL (INPE, DHN) - USA (NOAA/PMEL) PIRATA ATLAS buoys network in October 2005 • yearly dedicated cruises needed • for replacement/deployment of mooorings

  8. PIRATAATLAS buoys: Measured Parameters : Atmosphere: - wind (direction, speed) - relative humidity - air temperature - precipitation - incident radiation Ocean: - temperature (11 levels from surface to 500m) - salinity (4 levels; 0,20,40,120m) - pressure (at 300 & 500m) - Daily averaged data transmitted in real time by Argos; - High frequency data (10mn) available after servicing operations Web sites: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/pirata/ http://www.brest.ird.fr/pirata/piratafr.html

  9. 2: International programAMMA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses What is AMMA? 2. A coordinated international effort • Scientists from more than 25 agencies/institutions in more than 20 countries in Africa, Europe and the US are involved: Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Denmark, France, Germany, Ghana, Italy, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain, Togo, UK, US • International Science and Implementation Working Groups are formed • Endorsement received from WCRP (CLIVAR & GEWEX), GCOS, … • French, UK & USA funding agencies have declared support 2nd ODINAFRICA Seminar ; Ostende, April 24, 2006

  10. EGEE / AMMA cruises: French EGEE program : => 6 cruises, 2 per year in 2005, 2006 & 2007  interannual variability (Egée 1->6) + intra-annual (Egée 3) (Repeated sections at 10°W, 3°E; Contribution to PIRATA, ARGO (Coriolis), GODAE (Mercator)…. + opportunities for other programs as JGOF (CO2, biogeochemistry…) Egée 1 trackline (June-July 2005) Egée 2 trackline (September 2005)

  11. EGEE: Measurements at São Tomé Island (0°N, 6°E) Meteorological Station + Tide gauge 1)Installation of a meteorological station in October 2003 + ONSET autonomous temperature sensor in September 2005 • 2) Tide gauge maintained by IRD since 1980s. • - Pressure, Atm. pressure + SST & SSS. • Part of GLOOS. • GPS positioned (in December 2002)

  12. SST annual evolution from in situ records

  13. Pointe Noire – Cotonou- Tema - Abidjan

  14. Comparison Tabou - Lagos

  15. Comparison between in situ and satellite SST measurements (Tema)

  16. Comparison between in situ and satellite SST measurements (Tabou)

  17. Comparison between in situ and satellite SST measurements (Abidjan)

  18. Comparison SST and SL (r =0.75)

  19. Comparison SST and SL (r=0.93)

  20. SST and SL anomalies (San Pedro)

  21. ODINAFRICA CONTRIBUTION Information from African coast is needed to contribute to the global sea level monitoring network that understands the climate change. Better understanding on the futures of the GG. Contribution of ODINAFRICA to: - the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). Climate Variability (CLIVAR) African Multidisciplinary Monsoon Analysis (AMMA) GLOSS

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