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4.5/4.6 crime and punishment/class differences

4.5/4.6 crime and punishment/class differences . By: Amy, Sienna, Emma, and z ack. 4.5 crime and punishment. Serious crimes: Punishable b y death- Murder, treason, and piracy

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4.5/4.6 crime and punishment/class differences

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  1. 4.5/4.6 crime and punishment/class differences By: Amy, Sienna, Emma, and zack

  2. 4.5 crime and punishment • Serious crimes: Punishable by death- Murder, treason, and piracy • Moderate crimes: Punishable by being whipped, branded, or jailed. This includes theft, forgery, and highway robbery. • Lesser crimes: Punishable by fines, short jail terms, or public humiliation, like being locked in a stock for hours at a time. This includes drunkenness, and breaking the Sabbath.

  3. puritans • The New England Puritans had the firmest ideas about right and wrong. • They required people to go to Mass every Sunday. • They forbid anyone to work or play on Sundays. • They wrote their laws in blue binding books, which made the laws be called blue laws. • Puritans watched for signs of Satan because they feared him.

  4. Witchcraft • In 1961, a fear of witchcraft spread in Salem, Massachusetts. Twenty wrongly accused people were put to death before they realized their accusations were not true. • Witches were tried by a full court, and most were sentenced to death. • Accused witches were burned at the stake or beheaded.

  5. 4.6 Class differences • What set classes apart in America was money, not family background. • The highest class wore gold, silver, colored lace, buttons, boots, and wigs. • Middle class wore bright colors on weekdays and on Sunday’s wore dark, dull colors. • Lower class wore the same as the middle class, but less extravagant. • Women could move up in class by marrying a man of a higher class.

  6. 4.6 Class differences • Middle class owned small businesses or property. They had the right to vote, and most were farmers, or craftsmen. • Lesser class worked as farmhands and could not own businesses, and little property. They could not vote, and made little money. Some saved enough money to start a business and become middle class, others stayed like that their whole life. • Servants are the bottom of the society. The poorest of the whites are better that the African Americans.

  7. Quiz #1Crime and Punishment • 1. What are the three serious crimes in the Crime and Punishment unit? • 2. What was one of the punishments for the lesser crimes? • 3. Who had the firmest ideas about right and wrong? • 4. Where did the Puritans write their laws, and what are the laws called? • 5. When did a fear of witchcraft spread in Salem, Massachusetts?

  8. Answers to Quiz #1Crime and Punishment • 1. Murder, treason, and piracy • 2. Fines, short jail terms, or public humiliation (being locked in a stock). • 3. The New England Puritans • 4. In blue binding books. The laws were called blue laws. • 5. In 1961.

  9. Quiz #2 Class Differences • 1. What kind of jobs did the middle class have? • 2. What sets classes apart in America? • 3. What are two examples of what the higher class wore? • 4. What did the middle class wear on Sundays? • 5. How could the women move up in class?

  10. Answers to Quiz #2 Class differences • 1. The middle class had the jobs of farmers and craftsmen. • 2. Money set classes apart in America. • 3. The higher class wore gold, silver, colored lace, boots, buttons, and wigs. • 4. On Sundays the middle class wore dark, dull colors. • 5. Women could move up in class by marrying a man of a higher class.

  11. Thank you for your time!

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