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Presentation Transcript

  1. YOU VS THE ROBBER By: Kiara

  2. You are in you’re bedroom lying on you’re bed reading. After awhile you get bored then you hear you’re phone ringing one of you’re friends want you to go to the mall with them later . You say ok and you go downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast you go change to go to the mall. You’re friends arrive and wait for you in the living room. You come downstairs then you and you’re friends get in a taxi and you go to the mall.

  3. Once you arrive you go in . All of a sudden you see three guys all dressed in black and they were wearing masks. You and you’re friends hide under a nearby table while the security guards were calling the police and needed to take there eyes on them. You notice that one escapes while the other two get cuffed. You get out of hiding and decide to find the robber .

  4. You chase the criminal to the park but you can’t find him anywhere you look everywhere but still no sight of him. You decide to keep looking for him in the park. You decide to find him at the train Station.

  5. You decide to keep looking for him in the park .You hear something rustling behind you. You turn around and the robber jumps out of the and scares a skunk it sprays him and he jumps into a nearby lake. He’s so busy trying to get the smell off that he forgot that he can’t swim. You call the police and tell them what park you’re in. The robber is almost drowning so you help him get out of the lake by letting him grab a long stick.

  6. The police arrive and thanks you for catching the robber and saving him. The robber gets cuffed up and gets into the police car.

  7. Go back to beginning

  8. You go to the Train station and you see more of you’re friends. • You ask if they seen a guy all in black. You’re friends nod and say that he went on the train and is heading to the Community Centre. You look at the window of the train and you see the robber. You go inside the same train just before it leaves. You arrive at the Community Centre and you chase the robber but you lose him again.

  9. You see the robber going out the window and heading to the supermarket. You go out the window and follow him. Once you arrive you see the robber fighting with a security guard . The robber punches the guard really hard and is knocked out. You run and follow the robber inside the supermarket . You lose him in the crowd but you keep looking. You decide to find him in the meat section You decide to find him in the dairy section You decide to find him in the vegetable section

  10. You are in the dairy section and you see the criminal running at you and he runs in to the other direction because he noticed you from when his gang were being cuffed. So you start to follow him you throw a jug of milk at his feet and he trips . The criminal is knocked out you call the cops and tell them where you are. While you’re waiting for them to arrive you keep a close eye on the criminal.

  11. Finally the cops come and they thank you for catching the criminal. They cuff him up and put him in the car. You start walking home with a smile on your face. Once you start walking the manager calls you and asks you “ were you the one who caught the robber”?. “Yes yes I am”. “Wow you’re really brave but you really should clean up the mess in the market”. You go back inside and clean up the mess in the aisles then you head home.

  12. Go back to beginning

  13. You go to the meat section and you see the robber and he’s pushing people so he could get through . You run towards him and he turns around and sees you and starts to run faster. He tried to slow you down by knocking over boxes of sausages but since you’re an athlete at your school your really fast you jump over the boxes and dodge them. You grab a linked sausage and use it as a lasso. The robber sees you with it and doesn’t know where he’s going and BANG!!! He runs into a woman’s cart and is knocked out. You grab a chair and tie him with the sausage and call the cops .

  14. While your waiting you call your mom and tell her where you are because she got worried. Finally the cops arrive and cuff the robber and puts him In the car and the police smile and nod at you and drive away. The robber gives you a dirty look.

  15. Go back to the beginning

  16. You run to the vegetable section and you see the robber running down the aisle . You throw a cabbage at his feet but you miss and the robber runs out of the aisle . You try to catch up but once you reach the end of the aisle he’s gone. You ask a woman if she’s seen a guy all dressed in black she says yes and tells you that he went out of the store and is heading to a nearby school. Go to the next slide

  17. You head out the supermarket and you head to the school. You figure out that this is your school and The robber is holding a child hostage he sees you and drops the kid and starts running. You chase him into the gym . The robber sees a cart full of basketballs he tips it over but you dodge every one of them . You grab a basketball and throw it at the robber’s head but it whizzes past him. He runs out of the gym and you follow . Once your out you lose sight of him .

  18. You ask the principal if she’s seen him she’s a little shocked but tells you that he’s heading for your house. You head for your house and you see the robber and run a little faster. You catch up to him and you have a few pinecones in your hand you throw it at him and throw it at his head. You keep throwing until the last pinecone hits his head and is startled but keeps running.

  19. Once you reach your house you see the robber trying to break in . You run towards him and push him to the ground . He’s stunned but gets up and runs towards you . He tries to punch you but you dodge it then you punch him and he falls to the ground again. He gets up and he tries to punch you again but you dodge and you keep dodging until you punch him really hard and he knocks out. You dial 911 on your phone and one of the officers and you tell them that a robber was trying to break into your house . The cops don’t believe but come anyway . Once they reach your house they see the robber knocked out they cuff him and put him in the car and drive back to the police station and put him in jail

  20. You go into your house and see if anyone’s home. Just your older brother but your parents are at work. Once your inside you hear a BANG it sounded like a gun shot your brother heard it to and you both look out the window . Another robber was outside and was heading to your door. He bangs on your door telling you to open it. You hide under the table. After awhile it’s silent . Then you hear the door open you peek out and you see the robber in the living room. You stay under the table You get out from hiding

  21. You stay under the table the robber is looking everywhere for you. You see him bending down to look under the table . Then you’re brother comes out with a crow bar and the robber is halfway there then you’re brother bangs the crow bar on the robber’s shoulder and he’s knocked out . You get out of hiding and you’re brother calls the police . The police arrive quickly and cuffs the robber shoves him in the car and drives off . You and you’re brother go back in you’re house and clean up the house before you’re parents arrive home from work.

  22. You finish just in time and at dinner you and you’re brother act like nothing happened . You’re look curious and ask why you both are acting like this . You say that you saw something on the news that shocked both of you. You’re mom asked what it was about you said that it was just about a robber incident. After dinner you went upstairs and went to bed.

  23. Go back to the beginning

  24. You quickly get out from hiding and run to the kitchen and get a frying pan. You hear the robber coming towards the kitchen. You go behind the door and then the robber burst in and you jumped and you screamed and try to hit his head with the frying pan. You miss and the robber ducks and you back away and run either to your friends house or to the • Nearest phone booth Go to your friends house for help Go to the nearest phone booth

  25. When you’re eyes adjust you see that your in a room and the windows have bars on them. You get up and look for the door you see it and you try to open it but it’s locked. But then you remember that you have a bobby pin in you’re pocket. So you get it out and start to pick lock but it doesn’t work . You were about to try again but then you heard the door start to unlock . You go back to where you were and pretend to be unconscious. The robber picks you up and brings you downstairs . You open your eyes and get out of the robber’s hands and start to run out of the building. While you’re running you call 911 on you’re cell phone.

  26. you run out the back door go out of the gate and run as fast as you can and you take out your phone and dial 911 and tell police that there’s a robber on the loose. You look behind you there’s no sight of the robber. But then you don’t look where you’re going and BANG! You ran into a tree . You’re unconscious and you fall down near the tree and the robber catches up to you and put you in a bag and dragged you to his to his car . When you wake up it’s a little blurry so you let you’re eyes adjust to see where you are more clearly.

  27. One of the police officers pick up and you tell them that you got kidnapped and you’re in a building and don’t know how to get out. The police officer says that they will come right away and tells you to stay where you are. You decide to look for a hiding place so you keep running until you run into a closet so you go inside and hide there. While you were waiting you got bored so you started to play on you’re phone . While you were playing you heard a sound so you stopped. It got louder… and LOUDER… and LOUDER until the closet door opened! It was the robber and he said “ Aha I found you”. He was about to grab and… BANG! He got hit with a crow bar. When he fainted you see who banged him it was the police. They get you out and one of the police officers take you home while another one puts the robber in jail. And you were called a hero. THE END

  28. You run out the back door and run out the gate and you remember that you forgot you’re cell phone at you’re house so you start to run to the nearest phone booth to call the police. There’s no phone booth in sight so you keep running. • You look behind you the robber isn’t there so you think that you’re safe for now. You finally reach a phone booth so you go inside and call the police and someone picks up . You tell them that a robber is chasing you. The police tell you to stay come and that they’ll come as fast as they can . You get out of the phone booth and you bump into someone you look up and it’s the robber. He has a evil smile on his face and he punches you hard and you knock out.

  29. When you wake up you’re in a building you see a door so you run to it and try to open it but it’s locked. You try to pick lock but it doesn’t work . Suddenly you hear the door star to unlock so you pretend to still be unconscious but your peeking out a little bit . The robber is about to grab you but then you hit him hard on the leg then you run out the door. You could hear the robber yelling and you know that he’s chasing after you so you start to run faster. You find the entrance to the building and once you get out you call the cops on your cell phone and one of the police picks up you tell him that a robber kidnapped you and your at a building. The police tell you to stay calm. You run to find a hiding place you see a bush behind you . So you run to it ands hide .

  30. You wait in the bushes until the police come. While you’re waiting you get bored so you start to play on you’re phone . After awhile you heard a sound so you stopped playing on you’re phone and peeked out a little. You saw the robber standing right in front of you. His head was turning around top look behind him so you ducked and kept your mouth shut. Then you saw him go back inside the building. But you noticed he was running that’s When you heard another sound it sounded like sirens . Then you heard someone yelling and he said “ come out where I can see you!”. You see the robber coming out with his hands up one of the police officers said “You’re under arrest for kidnapping!”. That’s when you got out of the bushes and ran next to the police officer and told you to get in one of the police cars and before you went in you saw the robber getting shoved to the ground and cuffed and one of the police officers shoved him in the car . You got into the other car and one of the police officers took you home.

  31. Go back to beginning

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