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Feudal Japan

Feudal Japan. Geography and Early Japan. The Big Idea Japan’s early societies were both isolated from and influenced by China and Korea. Main Ideas Geography shaped life in Japan. Early Japanese society was organized in clans, which came to be ruled by an emperor.

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Feudal Japan

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  1. Feudal Japan

  2. Geography and Early Japan • The Big Idea • Japan’s early societies were both isolated from and influenced by China and Korea. • Main Ideas • Geography shaped life in Japan. • Early Japanese society was organized in clans, which came to be ruled by an emperor. • Japan leaned about language, society, and government from China and Korea.

  3. Japan is a large group of islands located off the Asian mainland. The islands of Japan are really the tops of mountains. The mountains were difficult to live on, so most people lived on flat coastal plains near the sea. Main Idea 1:Geography shaped life in Japan.

  4. Separating it from other countries • Japan remained isolated until its rulers decided to visit other countries. • Separating it from other countries • Providing easy access to other countries • China and Korea were only a short distance by sea from Japan. • Providing easy access to other countries The sea influenced Japan by: • Providing food • Shark • Seaweed • Eel

  5. Izanagi and Izanami “Create” Japan • Japan’s Creation Myth

  6. Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess

  7. Japan was home to two cultures before it was influenced by China and Korea. The Ainu were an early people who were believed to come from Siberia and eventually disappeared. Main Idea 2:Early Japanese society was organized in clans which came to be ruled by emperors.

  8. The Early Japanese • The early Japanese were organized into extended families, or clans, that lived in small farming villages. • Chiefs were believed to have gained their power through kami, which were nature spirits. • The head of the clan, or chief, had religious and political power over the people of the villages.

  9. Rituals to honor the kami became the central part of Shinto, a traditional Japanese religion. Shinto believes that everything in nature has kami.They built shrines to the kami and asked the spirits to bless them. Shinto

  10. Some clans became more powerful than others and built up armies. The Yamato clan claimed to have a glorious family history. They extended their control over much of Honshu and began to call themselves the first emperors of Japan. The First Emperors

  11. Yamato Period: 300-710 Began promoting the adoption of Chinese culture: • Confucianism. • Language (kanji characters). • Buddhist sects. • Chinese art & architecture. • Government structure. “Great Kings era

  12. The rulers of Japan sent representatives to China and Korea to gather information about their cultures and invited people from Korea and China to come to Japan. Learned to write Chinese Learned about Confucianism, which outlined how families should behave Learn about new religions, especially Buddhism Main Idea 3:Japan learned about language, society, and government from China and Korea.

  13. Served as regent for his aunt, the empress Admired Chinese culture and helped bring it to Japan Influenced the spread of Buddhism by writing commentaries and building a beautiful temple Prince Shotoku

  14. Prince Shotoku: 573-621 • Adopted Chinese culture and Confucianism. • Buddhist sects allowed to develop. • Created a new government structure: • 17 Article Constitution in 604. 

  15. Heian Period: 794-1156 Characteristics: • Growth of large landed estates. • Arts & literature of China flourished. • Elaborate court life [highly refined] • ETIQUETTE.  • Personal diaries • The Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon [10c] • Great novel • The Tale of Genjiby Lady Murasaki Shikibu[1000 pgs.+]  • Moving away from Chinese models in religion, the arts, and government. 

  16. Heian Period:Cultural Borrowing • Chinese writing. • Chinese artistic styles. • Buddhism [in the form of ZEN]. • BUT, not the Chinese civil service system! 

  17. Art and Culture in Heian • The Big Idea • Japanese culture experienced a golden age during the Heian period of the 800s to the 1100s. • Main Ideas • Japanese nobles created great art in their court at Heian. • Buddhism changed in Japan during the Heian period.

  18. The Japanese imperial court was made up of a group of nobles who lived nearby and served the emperor. The emperor and his court moved to Heian in 794. Heian is now known as the city of Kyoto. Main Idea 1:Japanese nobles created great art in their court at Heian.

  19. Fashion: Beautiful silk robes and decorative fans became popular. Literature: This was the time of the greatest writers in Japanese history. Visual Art: Paintings, calligraphy, and architecture were more elaborate. Performing Arts: Musicians, jugglers, acrobats, and actors all entertained the court. The period of the Heian court was considered a “golden age” for Japanese culture.

  20. Religion became somewhat of an art form during the Heian. The religion of the nobles reflected their love of elaborate rituals. Most common people did not have the money for elaborate rituals. New forms of Buddhism began to develop. Main Idea 2:Buddhism changed in Japan during the Heian period.

  21. New Types of Buddhism • Pure Land Buddhism • Popular among the common people; did not require special rituals • Zen Buddhism • Involved self-discipline and meditation; was popular among the warriors of Japan

  22. Heian Court Dress

  23. Growth of a Military Society • The Big Idea • Japan developed a military society lead by generals called shoguns. • Main Ideas • Samurai and shoguns took over Japan as emperors lost influence. • Samurai warriors lived honorably. • Order broke down when the power of the shoguns was challenged by invaders and rebellions. • Strong leaders took over and reunified Japan.

  24. The emperor was distracted by life at the court. The landowners, or daimyo, were worried that they needed to protect their land. Landowners hired samurai, or trained professional warriors, to defend their property. Main Idea 1:Samurai and shoguns took over Japan as emperors lost influence.

  25. The nobles became frustrated with the emperor, so they decided to take power. Two powerful clans fought for thirty years. The Minamoto clan won the war but decided to keep the emperor as a figurehead, a person who appears to rule even though real power rests with someone else. The Minamotos became shoguns, generals who ruled Japan in the emperor’s name. Shoguns ruled Japan for 700 years. Shoguns Rule Japan

  26. Minamoto Yoritomo Founded the Kamakura Shogunate: 1185-1333

  27. The word samurai comes from the Japanese word for “servant.” Armies of samurai were expensive to support. Samurai were paid with land or food. They followed a strict code of rules called Bushido, which taught them how to behave. Main Idea 2:Samurai warriors lived honorably.

  28. The emperor reigned, but did not always rule! FeudalSociety

  29. Feudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service.Japan: Shogun Land - Shoen Loyalty Land - Shoen Daimyo Daimyo Loyalty Samurai Samurai Samurai Food Protection Peasant Peasant Peasant Peasant

  30. Samurai followed Bushido, which means “the way of the warrior.” Both men and women of samurai families learned how to fight, but only men went to war. Women protected their homes from robbers. They lived simple and disciplined lives. Obeying their lord was the most important thing for their sense of honor. Bushido: The Way of the Warrior

  31. Code of Bushido • Fidelity • Politeness • Virility • Simplicity

  32. Seppuku: Ritual Suicide It is honorable to die in this way. Kaishaku – his “seconds”

  33. Full Samurai Attire

  34. Samurai Sword

  35. Early Mounted Samurai Warriors

  36. Underpinnings: Basic Steps in Self Defense A COTTON BREECH CLOUT that extended up over the chest was the basic undergarment of a samurai’s costume A SHORT SLEEVED KIMONO, or “armor robe,” was tied snugly at the waist with a special knot (lower right)

  37. BILLOWING PANTALOONS,worn over the armor robe, fitted loosely in the legs to allow freedom of movement AN EXQUISITE BROCADE, richly worked with a design of peonies, was one of the extravagant materials used in an armor robe that may have been made for a 14th Century imperial prince STURDY SHINGUARDS of cloth or leather were reinforced with strips of iron to give protection from the front

  38. Samurai Charging

  39. Modern-Day “Samurai Warriors”

  40. Feudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty, the holding of land, and military service.Europe: King Land - Fief Loyalty Land - Fief Lord Lord Loyalty Knight Knight Knight Food Protection Peasant Peasant Peasant Peasant

  41. Code of Chivalry • Justice • Loyalty • Defense • Courage • Faith • Humility • Nobility

  42. Medieval Warriors vs. European knight Samurai Warrior

  43. Medieval Warriors vs. Knight’s Armor Samurai Armor

  44. Zen Buddhism • A Japanese variation of the Mahayana form of Buddhism, which came from India through China. • It reinforced the Bushido values of mental and self-discipline.

  45. Ninja • Ninja were active in Japan from the Kamakura to the Edo Periods

  46. Mongol“Invasions”of Japan 4,400 ships and 140,000 men, but kamikaze winds stopped them.

  47. Ashikaga Age: 1338-1573 • Shogunsfought for power. -Civil Wars • Laws are unclear. -Ashikaga family gains periodic control 1338-1573 • Less efficient than the Kamakura. -Capital is Kyoto (Heian) again • Armies of samurai protected the country. 


  49. Osaka Castle

  50. Main Gate of Hiroshima Castle

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