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Oh My Word!

Oh My Word!. Every day, new words are born — with about 2,000 words added to the dictionary every year. These are words which were added to the 2009 Merriam-Webster Dictionary. New words. Flash Mob:

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Oh My Word!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Oh My Word!

  2. Every day, new words are born — with about 2,000 words added to the dictionary every year. These are words which were added to the 2009 Merriam-Webster Dictionary New words

  3. Flash Mob: a group of people summoned (as by e-mail or text message) to a designated location at a specified time to perform an indicated action before dispersing Frenemy: one who pretends to be a friend but is actually an enemy New words

  4. Haram: forbidden by Islamic law <haram foods> Shawarma: a sandwich especially of sliced lamb or chicken, vegetables, and often tahini wrapped in pita bread Staycation: a vacation spent at home or nearby Webisode: an episode especially of a TV show that may or may not have been telecast but can be viewed at a web site. New words

  5. Dead and forgotten like the typewriter, VCR, cassette tapes and floppies, these words have been replaced, removed and sacrificed for more common vernacular. How many do you know? Old words

  6. Aflunters: in a state of disorder. Her hair was all aflunters. Cow-handed: awkward. Deosculation: the act of kissing. Flamfoo: a gaudily dressed female, one whose chief pleasure consists of dress. Old words

  7. Gloppened: surprised. Mawmsey: sleepy; stupid as from want of rest or over-drinking. Milklivered: cowardly, faint-hearted. Quother: to talk in a low and confidential tone. Old words

  8. Sandillions: numbers like the sand on the seashore. Shivviness: the feeling of roughness caused by a new undergarment. Snirtle: to attempt to suppress one's laughter; a short, suppressed laugh. Trinkle: to eavesdrop. Old Words

  9. Check out http://www.wordle.net/ More word fun

  10. http://www.factacular.com/ http://www.fun-with-words.com/ http://www.rinkworks.com/words/ More word fun

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