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Amniocentesis . Brittany Smith. What is Amniocentesis?. An amniocentesis is a test that is done to check for possible health problems in a baby that is not yet born. How is an Amniocentesis Preformed?. The abdomen is cleaned with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Amniocentesis Brittany Smith

  2. What is Amniocentesis? An amniocentesis is a test that is done to check for possible health problems in a baby that is not yet born

  3. How is an Amniocentesis Preformed? • The abdomen is cleaned with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. • A long, thin needle will be inserted through the abdominal wall. • Using the ultrasound image as a guide, the needle will be passed into the amniotic sac that surrounds the fetus. A syringe removes a small sample of the amniotic fluid, which will be sent for analysis in a laboratory

  4. For about eight women in every 100 who have amniocentesis, not enough fluid is removed the first time the needle is inserted. If this happens, the needle is inserted again. • Amniocentesis usually takes around 10 minutes. However, it can take slightly longer if the position or movement of the fetus makes it difficult to take a sample • Not painful

  5. Statistics • The test is 99.4% accurate • Preformed when a woman is 16-22 weeks pregnant • There is a 1/200 miscarriage rate

  6. What Does This Test Detect? • Down syndrome • Trisomy 13 & 18 • Sex chromosome abnormalities • Turner syndrome • Klinefelter syndrome • Genetic disorders • Cystic fibrosis • Sickle cell • Tay-Sachs • Spins bifida

  7. Down Syndrome Trisomy 13, 18, & 21 • a condition that someone is born with and that causes below average mental abilities and problems in physical development.

  8. Sex Chromosome Abnormalities • Klinefeltersyndrome • an abnormal condition in a male characterized by two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, infertility, smallness of the testes, sparse facial and body hair, and gynecomastia • Turner’s Syndrome • a genetically determined condition that is typically associated with the presence of only one complete X chromosome and no Y chromosome and is characterized especially by a female phenotype with underdeveloped and usually infertile ovaries and short stature

  9. Genetic Disorders Cystic Fibrosis difficulty in breathing due to mucus accumulation in airways, and by excessive loss of salt in the sweat

  10. Sickle Cell destruction of red blood cells and by episodic blocking of blood vessels by the adherence of sickle cells

  11. Tay-Sachs

  12. Real Life Story In one case, an expectant mother had her fetus scanned and the testing revealed her child would be affected by cystic fibrosis. So the woman and her partner faced an agonizing decision, but eventually decided to continue with the pregnancy

  13. Ethical Problems

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