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Team : Piensa en Verde GHM ( Think in Green)

Team : Piensa en Verde GHM ( Think in Green). Members : Mariana Estrada ( Mexico ) Guillermo Santos (Honduras) Marvin García (Guatemala) EARTH University , Costa Rica. Our Proposal.

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Team : Piensa en Verde GHM ( Think in Green)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Team: Piensa en Verde GHM(Thinkin Green) Members: Mariana Estrada (Mexico) Guillermo Santos (Honduras) Marvin García (Guatemala) EARTH University, Costa Rica

  2. OurProposal Sustainable Educational Policies in less development countries, focused on the sustainable agriculture and environmental development.

  3. Forwho? and why? for kids who are in kindergarten and primary school • Because we want to create culture and conscious conservationist in the generations who will be the principles actors in the future of our planet

  4. How? Teaching taking the concept of learning-playing, dynamic and fun, because the most important for have success is the method of the learning

  5. Whatpeoplethink? Julieta Mazzola, EARTH UniversityProfessorfrom Argentina: Thisis a good idea butyouhavetothink and investigatethelegislation of thedevelopmentcountries in thisareaand howwewilldo betterthemethods of learning Manuel Cerrato, EARTH UniversityProfessorfrom Honduras: I think, youhavetoproposewaystopromotetheresponsabilityforourplanet, in thechildren Melissa Ríos, EARTH UniversityStudentfrom Honduras: I belive in thistypepfpoliciesbut i thinkyouhavetobe more creativetoform a reallyenvironmentalconcious, beacusethemethodshavebeeninefficient. Edgar Alvarado, EARTH UniversityProfessorfrom Guatemala: Thechildrenlearnfast so thisis a good idea butyoupincipleproblemwillbeIfyouneedmoneyforthisbeacuse of thecorruption in thiscountries. Angélica Navarrete, EARTH UniversityStudentfrom Ecuador: Beforetoteachthechildren, youhavetopromotethe training of theprofessors. Wewillliketodo an interview tothe FAO President, Jacques Diouf

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