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Deployment Project

TecEco Pty. Ltd. Deployment Project. Carbon Sequestration. Earthship Brighton, the first building in the world made with Eco-Cement which sets by absorbing CO2. Globally Important Technology In the public interest to develop.

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Deployment Project

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  1. TecEco Pty. Ltd. Deployment Project

  2. Carbon Sequestration Earthship Brighton, the first building in the world made with Eco-Cement which sets by absorbing CO2

  3. Globally Important TechnologyIn the public interest to develop • TecEco have an economic solution to global warming, water and waste problems. • TecEco Technology is the most important on the planet right now given the threats to civilisation we face. • The TecEco deployment project is in accord with the Tasmanian Government’s longer term economic strategy for Tasmania to be “The Intelligent Island”. TecEco’s Problem - Inability to supply due to lack of resources. A problem we must do something about or get swamped!

  4. TecEco • A new technology and sustainability based Tasmanian business • Value adding through allied scientific and engineering consulting work • Employment of scientists, engineers and support staff • A potentially significant flow of funds from federal and global sources to Tasmania

  5. Team TecEco John Harrison BSc BEc FCPA Managing Director TecEco Pty. Ltd. • Successful economist, scientist, accountant and businessman • Research and development of cement technology for over 25 years. • Established TecEco Pty Ltd in 1999 with the financial backing of a number of prominent Tasmanian business operators to pursue the commercial potential of his inventions. • Has achieved international recognition as a materials scientist, earth systems scientist and sustainability expert. • 75,000k a month to web site and huge demand for cement technology. • John White (major Shareholder) • Graham Rogers, Greg Longman, Dr. Vin Lyne and others. Qualifications and roles detailed on web site

  6. TecEco Cements • Are a superior system of blending reactive magnesia, a hydraulic cement and optionally a pozzolan • Case studies on web site confirm predictions. • Exciting but limited data on web site. • Reactive magnesia • Could be made from Tasmanian magnesite. • Production suits intermittent power such as from the wind • Benefits include • Tec and Enviro-Cements • Improvements in strength and rheology and reduced shrinkage (crack free concrete is possible) • Wastes can be used as aggregates • Low pH. • Polar bonding. • Eco-Cements potentially can provide very significant sequestration.

  7. Deployment Strategyfor Large Players • TecEco’s main objective is to attract major players in the industry who • Do not innovate. • Are risk adverse, but • Have the means for rapid deployment. • We plan to construct exemplars • With major players (e.g. Boral who have signed a CA) for implementation, and that will • Undertake testing in their labs even if at our expense • Also in niche markets (see next slide) to provide positive feedback in the industry. TecEco

  8. Deployment Strategy for Niche Markets • TecEco will also at the same time initiate deployment in niche markets to demonstrate to all potential customers: • The technical superiority, and • cost effectiveness of the technology • Particularly in areas where: • The technology excels. • Mistakes can be tolerated. • High short run costs are not so important. • It is easier to build networks and alliances.

  9. Deployment Methods • Our product is a formulation methodology and not in a bag or box • Our market is mostly overseas so we cannot actually observe aggregates etc. • We therefore have to operate by remote control • Using software is our only option to do so with without unacceptable risk • Applying our methodology on a scientific basis will also allow much more rapid deployment by bringing together cause and affect. • The use of software will allow collection and collation of characterisation data important for sales to technical umpires in our marketplaces.

  10. TecEco Programmer Engineer The Project • Programming Support • Prepare TecBatch software for Use • Oversee data collection and distribution • Sell TecBatch and other sustainability related technical software from third parties to large web audience and academic networks already established • Engineering support • Numerous opportunities requiring implementation • Characterisation through testing • Collate data essential for further market deployment • Growing networks to sales

  11. Existing Networks

  12. Project Budget • Is about help for John Harrison so TecEco can make more of the opportunities on offer.

  13. Project Costs • Consultants fees payable to programmers, engineers, scientists and our MD for project management. • Salary costs for employment of a suitably qualified engineer and programmer to complete and deploy TecBatch software, coordinate project partner activities and provide on site technical supervision. • Administrative Support. • Travel costs involved in fares and accommodation for mainland site trials. • Project Term – 18 months.

  14. TechBatch Software • Unique expert guiding tool for implementation. • Algorithms complete, but must be packaged for sale and use • Based on science as much as results feedback. • Will collate results for required characterization. • Allow rapid implementation with low overheads and less mistakes. • Can be sold with a raft of other technical software developed with the help of sub-contractors through our very popular company website. Will take the invention out John Harrison’s head!

  15. Programmer Functions • Complete and manage sales of TecBatch through the companies very popular web portal • Liase with other Tasmanian developers and our engineer to sell other technical software on the same portal. • Liase implementation with universities and concrete supply companies. • Manage computerised data collation and characterisation

  16. Engineer Functions • Supervision of trials with network partners and implementers. • Provision of technical on site advice. • Project promotion and invitation to participate for additional project partners. • Collaboration with programmer. • Collation and dissemination of engineering data using TecBatch. • Review of trial outcomes.

  17. Mortars and Renders The project will allow us to prove to our technical umpires that nobody does it better!

  18. Masonry Grouts Sprayed Concrete The project will allow us to prove to our technical umpires we have better properties Foamed Concretes

  19. Porous Cement

  20. Toxic and Hazardous Wastes The project will allow us to demonstrate the superiority of TecEco binder technologies for toxic and hazardous waste

  21. Topping Coats The project will allow us to demonstrate and quantify zero shrinkage on difficult topping coats!

  22. Marine Works The project will allow us to demonstrate crack free very durable concrete for marine structures potentially saving the Tasmanian government millions each year.

  23. Project Outcomes • Means to capitalise on rapidly growing demand • Implementation of selling tools • Accumulation of necessary engineering data • Establishment of technology in major and niche markets. • Cementation of Networks with flow on to other markets. • Greater rate of sign off on partnering agreements • Likely sign off major global partners • Revenue from: • Sales of TecBatch software. • Sale of reactive magnesia. • Licence fees • Consulting.

  24. Questions? TecEco Gaia Engineering Tececology – Economic Geomimicry

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