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Merchant Accounts For Cruises Business

Cruise Merchant accounts are considered high-risk businesses by MasterCard and Visa Card. Integrating online payment gateway on a cruise website requires unique features & merchants have to follow strict rules to get authorization. If you want to apply, just call us and fill out the application and we’ll make sure that you get your fully functional merchant account as soon as possible. For more information please contact us telephone 1 (888) 622 - 6875 1 (844) 465 - 4723 Email info@merchantstronghold.com https://www.merchantstronghold.com

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Merchant Accounts For Cruises Business

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Presentation Transcript

  1. M E R C H A N TS T R O N G H O L D M E R C H A N TA C C O U N T S   F O R C R U I S E S P R E S E N T A T I O NB YA P O O R VJ O S H I

  2. CruiseMerchantaccountsareconsideredhigh-riskbusinessesbyMasterCardCruiseMerchantaccountsareconsideredhigh-riskbusinessesbyMasterCard andVisaCard. Integratingonlinepaymentgatewayonacruisewebsite requiresuniquefeatures & merchantshavetofollowstrictrulestoget authorization. Thesewebsitesarecloselymonitoredbypaymentprocessors toensuretheyfollowindustryregulations.

  3. R E A S O N SO FH I G HR I S K   1. DifferenceinServiceTime 2. IrregularBillingCycle 3. HigherTransactionAmount 4. MoreCustomerDemand

  4. Cruiselinesofferoneofakindexperienceacrossoceans, continents, andseas. Bytravelingviaacruiseshippeople experienceandappreciateimmensityoftheoceans, as explorersdidinoldtimes. Ifyouareofferingsuchgreat servicesthenyoudeserveaccesstoaneasypaymentgateway. Cruiselinebusinessescangetmerchantaccountsifthey providealltherightdocuments. Yourpaymentprocessormay needthesedocumentsinordertoofferbetterservices. Most ofthetimeyouprovideID, previouspaymentprocessing information, signedapplication, andbankinformationwith licenseinformationtoensureyourbusinessisauthentic. Banksandpaymentprocessorswillaskforthisinformation beforeapprovalandaccountsetup.

  5. C O N T A C TU ST O D A Y U SH Q 1 0 3 0 04 9 T HS T R E E TNS U I T E4 2 7 C L E A R W A T E R , F L O R I D A3 3 7 6 2 U KH Q 4 5R O S E H A U G HR O A DI N V E R N E S S I N V E R N E S S - S H I R EI V 38 S W + 1 ( 8 8 8 ) 6 2 2 - 6 8 7 5   + 1 ( 8 4 4 ) 4 6 5 - 4 7 2 3 W W W . M E R C H A N T S T R O N G H O L D . C O M

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