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Chapter 31 The Ordeal of Liberalism

Chapter 31 The Ordeal of Liberalism. Election of 1960 Richard Nixon (R) v. John F. Kennedy Kennedy wins with the help of the a TV debate Domestic Policy New Frontier Civil Rights, Space Race Peace Corps Most legislation does not get passed. Foreign Policy.

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Chapter 31 The Ordeal of Liberalism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 31The Ordeal of Liberalism Election of 1960 Richard Nixon (R) v. John F. Kennedy Kennedy wins with the help of the a TV debate Domestic Policy New Frontier Civil Rights, Space Race Peace Corps Most legislation does not get passed

  2. Foreign Policy JFK believed in containment Created the Special Forces Green Berets Latin America Alliance for Progress Cooperate with Latin Countries so they would remain Democratic

  3. Bay of Pigs Invasion (April 17, 1961) US plans to over throw Castro’s regime 2000 Cuban exiles were sent into Cuba The US did not send in air support Most exiles are captured or killed The invasion ends in disaster

  4. The Berlin Wall (August 13, 1961) The wall was built to stop the influx of immigrants into West Berlin It becomes a symbol of the Cold War

  5. Cuban Missile Crisis (Oct 14-26, 1962) Russian Nukes are discovered in Cuba JFK calls for a quarantine of Cuba The showdown begins Secret agreements are made Khrushchev removes the missiles This is JFK’s finest hour as president The US and USSR agree to ban the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere

  6. Kennedy Assassination (Nov 22, 1963) JFK is shot and killed in Dallas, Texas Warren Commission Lone Gunman Theory Lee Harvey Oswald Jack Ruby kills Oswald Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president

  7. Lyndon B. Johnson Election of 1964 LBJ (D) v. Barry Goldwater Johnson wins Domestic Policy Great Society Created more social welfare Medicare (1965) for elderly Medicaid (1966) for poor

  8. War on Poverty Office of Economic Opportunity (OEC) Created health care, education, and employment for the poor through community action

  9. Cities, Schools, and Immigration Department of Housing and Urban Development (1966) Robert Weaver Funded transportation in cities Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) aid to both public and private schools based on student’s needs

  10. Immigration and Reform Act (1965) It allowed immigrants from all parts of the world to enter the US equally The Great Society programs were very expensive

  11. The Battle for Racial Equality Greensboro NC (Feb 1960) Black students staged a sit-in at Woolworths Many merchants are forced to integrate The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Worked to keep the resistance alive

  12. Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Freedom Rides University of Mississippi (Oct 1962) James Meredith Gov. Ross Barnett refused to allow it JFK sends in troops to enforce it

  13. Birmingham, Alabama (April 1962) There are a series of non-violent marches Eugene “Bull” Connor breaks up the peaceful marches University of Alabama (June 1963) Gov. George Wallace refused to allow integration Federal marshals are sent in Medgar Evers is murdered (June 1963)

  14. National Commitment JFK proposes legislation to prohibit segregation in public accommodations 200,000 people march on Washington, DC (August, 1963) MLK gives “I Have A Dream” Speech

  15. The Battle for Voting Rights Freedom Summer (1964) Tried to register black voters in the South Three civil rights leaders were killed in Mississippi March on Selma, Alabama (March 1965) MLK organizes the march The police use violence to break up the march LBJ gets the Voting Rights Act (1965) passed

  16. Civil Rights Move Up North Dejure Segregation Segregation by law Defacto Segregation Segregation in practice They tried to fight job discrimination in Northern cities (Bakke Decision/Affirmative Action 1965)

  17. Urban Violence (Summer 1965) Race riots broke out in several black neighborhoods Watts Riots 34 people killed (28 black) National Guard is called in

  18. Black Power Called for a more radical and violent action against racism Black Panther Party Huey Newton, Bobby Seale Nation of Islam Elijah Muhammad Malcolm X Blacks had the right to defend themselves He was assassinated in 1965

  19. Vietnam 1st Indochina War (1950-1954) Geneva Conference Vietnam will be separated at the 17th parallel Elections to be held in 1956 America supported Ngo Dinh Diem in the South The Vietminh in the South formed the National Liberation Front (Vietcong) to unify the country

  20. Diem’s govt. becomes repressive Buddhists begin to protest The CIA assassinates Diem (Nov 1963) and replaces him with another corrupt govt.

  21. Johnson and Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (August 1964) LBJ gains war powers By march 1967 there are 500,000 US troops in Vietnam The US bombs N. Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh Trail (Napalm, Agent orange) Guerilla Warfare

  22. The War at Home College students protest the war Tet Offensive (Jan 31, 1968) Communists attack US strongholds throughout S. Vietnam Public opinion starts to oppose the war

  23. MLK and RFK Assassinated Martin Luther King is assassinated (April 4, 1968) Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated (June 6, 1968) Democratic Convention (Chicago, 1968) Protesters gather outside the convention Violence occurs

  24. Election of 1968 Hubert Humphrey (d) v. George Wallace (I) v. Richard Nixon (r) Richard Nixon becomes 37th president

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