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Parenting 0-6

Parenting 0-6. Learning Targets. Chapter 1. I can defend the need to study parenting in today’s world. I can relate parenting skills to societal strength. I can discuss the rewards of parenting. I can summarize the basic responsibilities of parenting.

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Parenting 0-6

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  1. Parenting0-6 Learning Targets

  2. Chapter 1 • I can defend the need to study parenting in today’s world. • I can relate parenting skills to societal strength. • I can discuss the rewards of parenting. • I can summarize the basic responsibilities of parenting. • I can explain how learning about parenting can also help people who aren’t parents.

  3. Chapter 2 • I can discuss the importance of patience in parenting. • I can give examples of how being confident and realistic are necessary traits for parents. • I can describe how a parent's resourcefulness and sense of humor can enhance family life. • I can explain the value of sensitivity in parenting. • I can explain why teamwork is part of parenting. • I can describe ways that people can learn necessary parenting skills. • I can develop skills that will help me be an effective parent.

  4. Chapter 3 • I can explain how personal influences affect parenting style. • I can discuss how parenting is affected by society and other outside influences. • I can identify prominent theories on child development. • I can identify and compare three different parenting styles. • I can form some early ideas about my parenting philosophy.

  5. Chapter 4 • I can compare parental leadership roles within different types of families. • I can describe skills that are necessary for good leadership. • I can describe the leadership role of parents throughout the family life cycle. • I can identify what parents can do to provide moral leadership. • I can explain why being a manager is part of parenting. • I can relate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs to parenting. • I can explain the rights and responsibilities of parenting.

  6. Chapter 5 • I can recognize the wrong reasons for having a child. • I can explain the importance of parenting readiness. • I can list traits of psychological maturity and evaluate these traits in myself. • I can relate how physical maturity and health are part of parenting readiness. • I can characterize a solid relationship. • I can evaluate how lifestyles and goals affect parenting readiness. • I can discuss how finances affect parenting readiness. • I can summarize and apply the steps of the decision making process.

  7. Chapter 6 • I can discuss the problems associated with teens having children. • I can recognize and discuss pressures and circumstances that increase the risk of teen pregnancy. • I can describe the impact of teen pregnancy on teens, their children, families, and society. • I can give reasons and suggestions for practicing abstinence. • I can evaluate options for teen parents. • I can suggest sources of support for teen parents.

  8. Chapter 7 • I can assess the value of planning a family. • I can explain the processes of human reproduction. • I can summarize the alternatives for people who want to delay pregnancy. • I can describe how traits are inherited. • I can explain why considering genetics is useful in planning a family. • I can suggest and describe alternate ways to become a parent.

  9. Chapter 8 • I can describe possible early signs of pregnancy. • I can explain how to choose a health care provider and what to expect at visits. • I can identify and describe the three stages of prenatal development. • I can give examples of what is characteristic of the three trimesters of pregnancy. • I can discuss warning signs and possible tests that may be done during pregnancy. • I can explain why a pregnancy that ends has emotional as well as physical impact.

  10. Chapter 9 • I can give examples of nutritious foods to choose for meals and snacks during pregnancy. • I can discuss appropriate weight gain and clothing considerations for expectant mothers. • I can recognize sports and activities that are safe and unsafe during pregnancy. • I can explain how a pregnant woman’s emotions might affect her stress level and describe ways to reduce stress. • I can identify specific substances, diseases, and environmental hazards that can harm the fetus.

  11. Chapter 10 • I can describe the advantages of prepared childbirth. • I can compare and contrast different birth locations. • I can compare the advantages of breast-feeding and bottle-feeding. • I can select clothing, equipment, and supplies needed for a newborn. • I can explain parental leave arrangements for working parents. • I can demonstrate ways to help a child adjust to a new sibling.

  12. Chapter 11 • I can summarize what happens during the three stages of childbirth. • I can suggest strategies a woman and her coach can use to ease labor and delivery. • I can describe complications that can affect the mother or newborn during labor and delivery. • I can describe the care given to a mother and newborn after delivery.

  13. Chapter 12 • I can explain how new mothers and fathers adjust to parenthood physically and emotionally. • I can compare the experiences that couples, single parents, and adoptive parents have as they adjust to parenthood. • I can suggest ways for parents to work with other family members as they adjust to the baby’s arrival. • I can give tips for managing stress. • I can develop a plan to help new parents cope with the responsibilities of parenting.

  14. Chapter 13 • I can describe physical growth and development during infancy. • I can relate information on brain development to infant development. • I can identify significant intellectual advances during infancy. • I can explain Piaget’s theory of cognitive development as applies to infants. • I can explain emotional, social, and moral development during infancy. • I can assess an infant’s development as compared to typical standards.

  15. Chapter 14 • I can respond appropriately to an infant’s physical needs. • I can explain ways to promote motor development in infants. • I can select items and activities for an intellectually stimulating environment for infants. • I can describe ways of encouraging language development in infants. • I can give examples of positive responses to babies’ emotions. • I can explain how parents promote social development in infants. • I can describe how moral development begins.

  16. Chapter 15 • I can compare and contrast growth patterns at different stages of childhood. • I can demonstrate ways of promoting good nutrition with children of various ages. • I can suggest activities for helping children develop large and small motor skills. • I can recommend techniques for teaching children personal hygiene skills. • I can select appropriate clothing for children.

  17. Chapter 17 • I can compare and contrast emotional responses of children at different ages. • I can demonstrate responses to a child’s emotions that promote personal growth. • I can relate Erikson’s theory of personality development to promoting emotional growth. • I can explain parenting practices that appropriately build self-esteem in children. • I can develop guidelines for teaching children to be independent. • I can suggest strategies for helping children manage stress.

  18. Chapter 18 • I can explain the socialization process. • I can suggest ways to aid a child’s socialization within the family. • I can evaluate various parental responses to sibling rivalry. • I can compare and contrast a child’s social skills at different ages. • I can explain how to teach children skills for getting along with other children. • I can apply respect for diversity to raising children. • I can describe the steps of a conflict resolution process. • I can relate good manners and respect for animals to social development.

  19. Chapter 19 • I can relate new findings on brain development to parenting young children. • I can explain Piaget’s theory of intellectual development as it applies to young children. • I can describe ways to teach children basic concepts in everyday activities. • I can explain techniques for helping children build intellectual skills. • I can identify language skills that children need and ways to promote them.

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