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Progress and Networking in NEu2012: Scientific Report

This report highlights the progress made in organizing and structuring the NEu2012 project, along with contributions to important scientific appointments and workshops. It also discusses the updates and achievements in CNGS and the strategy workshop.

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Progress and Networking in NEu2012: Scientific Report

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  1. Scientific Report From NEu2012 WP3 Networking Activity (FP7 continuing BENE, along with EUROnu & LAGUNA DS) Further progress organizing and structuring the NA Contributed to important summer and fall appointments EPS HEP 2009 …. ECFA round table NuFact09, main yearly appointment WIN09 “the neutrino workshop” NNN09, other main yearly appointment Contributed scientifically, organizationally and financially to the Eu Neutrino Strategy workshop CERN Oct 1-3 .. CERN DG retreat first ……. then SPC+Council in December …. Deliverable (web site) , Milestone (agenda) , M6 Report ……. 1/1/2020 1 V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  2. 2009-10 Neu2012 planning for 2009 and perspectives for later 2 kickoffs setting up April Non-LHC Workshop May Jun UNIGE postdoc NuFact09 Jul Aug Sep NNN09 Oct SPC  Workshop CERN fellow ? Nov Dec Jan Feb EUROnu again Mar Apr 1st Neu2012 yearly meeting at EuCARD 2010 now Apr11 Apr13 Apr10 Apr12 Final Reports Intermediate Reports V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  3. News from Task 1Regular meetings of the NEu2012 SG Summary of 4th NEu2012 steering group (phone) meeting 30-Oct-2009 9:00-11:45 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of 4th NEu2012 steering group (phone) meeting 30-jun-2009 17:30-18:45 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of 3rd NEu2012 steering group (phone) meeting 17-jun-2009 11:00-12:15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of 2nd NEu2012 steering group (phone) meeting 18-may-2009 11:00-12:15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of 1st NEu2012 steering group (phone) meeting 30-apr-2009 12:30-1345 delays in the process for CERN Fellow V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  4. News from Task 2 : CNGS ( Ilias ! ) The start-up of EuCARD in April’09 almost coincided with the startup of the second year of physics operation for CNGS. Running the facility at its best possible performance, still beyond the designed value due to intensity limitations in the CERN accelerator complex, was the primary occupation of the task members. So far the facility has been running smoothly accumulating a total of 4.47E19 protons on target since its startup in June 2008. intentions of possible future experiments with the present beam and off-axis experiments have been presented in the recent CERN “new opportunities” workshop. This and other past proposals involving upgrade paths for the facility will be addressed in the next periods, looking at the same time new physics results from other facilities like those in US and Japan. A detailed upgrade path for the facility will have to be identified, On this long road, next six months will see the conclusion of the longest CNGS run so far, about 130 days followed by a winter shutdown of cool off first and maintenance and repairs, if necessary, then. V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  5. News from Task 3: the strategy workshop http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=59378 V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  6. Agenda V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  7. V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  8. V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  9. V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  10. Global discussion explicit throughout V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  11. Preliminary conclusions(for October Maury Goodman’s international neutrino newsletter) The CERN workshop on the European Strategy for  Future Neutrino Physics was quite a success, with high attendance and a lot  of discussion. http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=59378. It was only a beginning of a process. Neutrino physicists in Europe have a program of R&D projects (SPL, MERIT, MICE, EMMA) Design Studies (EURONu for beams, LAGUNA for underground sites) and networking (NEu2012) which aims at providing the inputs for decisions to come. Proceedings are now being assembled and conclusions drawn. The SPC neutrino panel is preparing its report for December, and CERN management will hold a "retreat session" end of November to review the upgrade of the LHC injectors. The European  accelerator neutrino community will continue its interaction with the management to narrow down optionsonly to realistic beam and detector configurations. The option to revive the old PS Gargamelle neutrino beam, devoting it to accelerator/detector R&D, is also being discussed. +AIDA IA V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  12. Answers of the SPC  panel being prepared Specific Request from Council to the Scientific Policy Committee Relations between CERN and the ongoing development work regarding future neutrino facilities. The UK delegation to the CERN Council notes that there is no European-wide strategy to engage in the precise determination of neutrino oscillation parameters for the period beyond ~2015, after the T2K and Nona experiments. Within the context of “Questions from Council to the SPC”, it requests that the SPC gives its views on several issues pertaining to the physics of neutrinos, namely, - What is the view of the SPC on the importance of precise measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters, in particular the CP violating phase and mass hierarchy? - One of the most promising techniques for such measurements is the neutrino factory and there is currently an International Design Study (IDS) to produce a conceptual design report for a neutrino factory by 2012. This is not site specific. What is the view of the SPC on the overall value of the IDS for the future of the subject? Should CERN take a more active role in enabling the study to reach its goals, irrespective of where such a facility would be sited? - What other high intensity neutrino facilities are technically possible and how would they address the measurements above? What should be the involvement of CERN in studies of these facilities, in particular with regard to the planned LHC upgrades? - What is the view of the SPC on the merit of a European strategy in this phase of neutrino experimentation and whether it should have a place on the future CERN road map? V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  13. What is at stake, at present ? • will the study and development of a high intensity neutrino facility be again encouraged by Council? • will the stronger support needed to match the 2012 challenge be recommended from CERN and national agencies? 2) Were a LP-SPL approved in 2012 for the LHC injector chain, will the option of an upgrade to a 4 MW or more HP-SPL be preserved? … indeed a strategic decision… V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  14. Europe & CERN have a tremendous asset JAERI and Fermilab do not aim anywhere close

  15. Coming ECFA session Nov 27 Plenary ECFA at CERN draft programme Thursday 26th November 18:30             Reception in the Glass-box of Restaurant No.1 Friday 27th November, Council Chamber 09:00-09:30 LHeC status (25+5) 09:30-10:30 Super B-factories updates                  Status of the INFN project (25+5)                  Status of the KEK project (25+5) 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 Linear Colliders issue                  ILC status  (25+5)                  CLIC status (25+5)                  Detectors for future LC's (25+5) 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:30 Neutrino issue                  Summary on the CERN Neutrino Workshop  (25+5)                  International Scope Study on Neutrino Factory  (15+5)                  EU-FP7 EUROnu activity  (15+5)                  EU-FP7 NEU2012 activity (15+5) 15:30   End of the meeting V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  16. Before and after the CERN workshop, this years’s editions of NuFact09 Workshop July 20-25, Chicago/Fermilab focusing more specifically on beam R&D NNN09 Workshop 9-11 Oct, Colorado focusing more specifically on underground site & detector R&D did again bring together the communities working world wide, in tight connection, on the various experiments and R&D projects MUSCAT, HARP, HIPPI, MICE, MERIT, EMMA, DSIDS, HPSPL, in Europe sort of international informal collaboration meetings natural places to report and discuss studies and results both were carefully prepared by our Eu Community with multiple plenary and parallel contributions V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  17. Conventional and Novel Neutrino beams V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  18. Highlights from NuFact09 "The annual workshop gives a unique common forum where a world-wide community of neutrino and accelerator physicists can discuss the possibilities of traditional and novel neutrino beam concepts at the same time as the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental aspects of the corresponding experiments. Evaluating scientific potential as well as design work and R&D on accelerator and detector components." "The latest experimental developments were presented, reviewed and discussed to work towards future improvements. The relevance of a 5-8 GeV multi-mega-watt linac of the Project X or High Power Superconducting Proton Linac (HP SPL) type is more and more apparent. The option of a Lithium-Mercury (Li-Hg) jet target in 15 Tesla solenoidal magnetic field is supported by the results of the MERIT prototype at CERN. An improved design of the neutrino factory front end emerged. The plan of the betabeam second round of design study, notably for more effective production of ion neutrino parents, were presented." V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  19. NNN = Next Neutrino and Nucleon Decay Detector V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  20. Highlights from NNN09 To be done … V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  21. https://espace.cern.ch/EuCARD/WP3/NEU212/default.aspx Dissemination effort can now be deployed will have now to evolve into a useful tool for the collaboration V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  22. NEu2012 is presently also active in the organization of an international summer school on neutrinos in 2010 in JapanKEK-Fermilab schoolNeutrino Beam Instrumentation Worshop and India NuFact10 School NUFact10 Workshop In Europe in 2011 we will try to catch the chance to coordinate them in particular, the first KEK-Fermilab-CERN school Aiming at Fermilab-KEK- CERN neutrino school V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  23. preparing NEU2012 first annual workshop its next milestone, in April 2010, 1) updated assessment of performance andoperation experience from the CNGS. 2) Assessment of the aftermath of the workshop adjustments to our road map work plan M24 Interim road map report (milestone 1+2 ) M48 Final road map report (deliverable 1+2 ) V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

  24. Thank you foryour attention V. Palladino (Univ & INFN Napoli) EuCARD Steering Group meeting LNF 4 Nov 2009

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