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Informācijas Tehnoloģiju ieviešana Jēkabpils rajona centrālajā slimnīcā

Introducing Information Technologies in a hospital. Informācijas Tehnoloģiju ieviešana Jēkabpils rajona centrālajā slimnīcā. Dr. Ruta Miķelsone SIA “Jēkabpils rajona centrālā slimnīca” 19.04.2007. Contents Pilot project in Jēkabpils hospital

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Informācijas Tehnoloģiju ieviešana Jēkabpils rajona centrālajā slimnīcā

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introducing Information Technologies in a hospital Informācijas Tehnoloģiju ieviešana Jēkabpils rajona centrālajā slimnīcā Dr. Ruta Miķelsone SIA “Jēkabpils rajona centrālā slimnīca” 19.04.2007.

  2. Contents Pilot project in Jēkabpils hospital Stages of implementing HIS “Ārsta Birojs” in the hospital Gains and challenges from users’ viewpoint About author: Dr. Ruta Miķelsone About the presentation

  3. Daudzprofilu neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības slimnīca

  4. Attracting funds Creation of IT department Purchase of software Distribution of responsibilties Purchase of hardware Accountancy of materials and medications Tracking of financial flow Staff training and motivation Secured access to information Creation of medical information database Tracking of patient flow Assured evaluation of expense efficacy Shortened wait time Improved staff level of content Improved patient level of content Improved mutual communications Computerized creation of reports Alignment with collective state e-health policies

  5. Year 2004. Jēkabpils regional hospital was selected for a pilot project of implementing a hospital information system (HIS) For implementation in November 2004 was chosen HIS “Doctor`s Office”, developers – Meditec Ltd (Latvia) Year 2007. – implementation of cash register module Pilot project

  6. Project goal ...to improve hospital work by processingpatient treatment data electronically and to improve the financial and statistical data exchange with governing bodies

  7. Technical solution Functional solution Adherence to standards Service and maintenance Choosing HIS

  8. IS had to provide: Multiple concommitant use of computer network Data security Continuity of system functioning Technical solution

  9. Recognized the functions the system must support Determined priorities, introduced the system gradually Functional solution

  10. Compliance with the State defined classifiers Possible access to State registers (SKDR, ...) Data is exchanged using given standards (State defined standards,...) State language is used in the IS IS complies to the Data State Inspection requirements Accordance to standards

  11. New IS versions reflecting change in legislation and other alteration requests (update) Maintenance - well organized service (help desk, ...) and fast reaction New versions with extended functionality (upgrade) Service and maintenance

  12. Emergency department – first point of stationary data entry Infection and therapy departments – patient illness history, documentation Ambulatory registry – first point of ambulatory data entry statistical department – data accumulation and analysis, data exchange with governmental institutions Implementation of HIS “Doctor`s Office”

  13. Implementation is resource challenging Implementation requires involvement of all level employees Real gain is only achieved if all IS users know and want to use possibilities given by IS The result of IS implementation is reorganization of the functioning of hospital Main challenges

  14. Automated data exchange between hospital departments Reliable, convenient and faster data exchange with governmental bodies (HCISA (VOAVA),HSMTA (VSMTA)) Reliable and convenient information accumulation – information is entered at the place where it emerges, correct information, no duplication Benefits #1

  15. Reliable and convenient data processing – possibility to acquire financial and statistical information timely and in individually tailored formats Structured and transparent organization processes and financial flow – objective calculations for doctors payments Benefits #2

  16. Complete and precise information about previous patient treatment at doctors’ work place State of art organization of work – less paperwork, more time, better service for patients Benefits #3

  17. Thank you!Questions

  18. Contacts: Dr. Ruta Miķelsone SIA “Jēkabpils rajona centrālā slimnīca” A. Pormaļa 125, Jēkabpils, LV 5201 Ph.: +371 5237810 Email: ruta.mikelsone@rcs.zednet.lv

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