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Grism Spectroscopy with FLITECAM

Grism Spectroscopy with FLITECAM. Erin C. Smith (UCLA) Ian S. McLean (UCLA). FLITECAM. 1- 5.5 micron NIR camera 1024x1024 InSb Aladdin III detector Optics cooled to ~ 80K with LN2 Detector controlled at 30K. SOFIA. Re-imaging optics. Detector. Dual Filter Wheel.

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Grism Spectroscopy with FLITECAM

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grism Spectroscopy with FLITECAM Erin C. Smith (UCLA) Ian S. McLean (UCLA)

  2. FLITECAM 1- 5.5 micron NIR camera 1024x1024 InSb Aladdin III detector Optics cooled to ~ 80K with LN2 Detector controlled at 30K

  3. SOFIA

  4. Re-imaging optics Detector Dual Filter Wheel 8 arcminute circular FOV .43 arcsec/pixel (SOFIA) .48 arcsec/pixel (Lick) Entrance aperture Collimator Slit mechanism

  5. Why spectroscopy? • Water Vapor monitor calibration • Resolve 2.5 micron water line (need R~1000) • Allows low background, low water vapor spectroscopy in the thermal (3-5.5 micron IR) • No spectral coverage by Spitzer at these wavelengths

  6. Science PAH features at 3.3 m Water ices 2.5-4.6 m Pa-a (1.87 m ) Br- (4.05 m )

  7. d Xmm=dpupil/cos A A grism normal d dpupil i Grism Spectroscopy T m c= (n –1) sin A R = 206265 (n – 1) dpupil tan A / Dtel sarc , (max/min wavelength) = c +/- [(n – 1) dpix cos A / Fcam m T] *Npix/2,

  8. KRS-5 • N~2.4 • Thalium bromo-iodide • Manufactured by Zeiss-Jena • Can make grisms with T=651/n, up to 40 degrees

  9. Wavelength coverage

  10. Slit

  11. Lab testing • Neon Argon lamps used to calibrate wavelength solutions • Slit width found to be slightly larger than designed, narrow slit is 1.3”, wide slit is 2.35” wide • R ~1700/900

  12. FLITECAM also mounts to the Shane 3 meter telescope at Lick Observatory Imaging mode commissioned October 2002 Spectroscopy mode was commissioned in June 2004

  13. Difference RAW 69 Leo C + LM C + Kwide A0V star, for telluric standards High backgrounds at Lick require differences in thermal IR 2.756 1.872 2.346 3.467

  14. Gl406- (M5.5) Raw H band spectrum A-B spectrum High res position A High-res position B

  15. Data reduction

  16. NGC 7027

  17. Imaging & spectroscopy • Switching between spectroscopy and imaging takes less than 20 seconds • Using narrow band filters, we can make maps of spectral features, then use spectroscopy to investigate

  18. Aboard SOFIA

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