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EE2E1. JAVA Programming

EE2E1. JAVA Programming. Lecture 7 Files and Streams. Contents. Introduction - input and output streams Exception handling The stream class hierarchy Simple file i/o Layering streams – reading/writing formatted files Reading and writing text files. Introduction - input and output streams.

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EE2E1. JAVA Programming

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  1. EE2E1. JAVA Programming Lecture 7 Files and Streams

  2. Contents • Introduction - input and output streams • Exception handling • The stream class hierarchy • Simple file i/o • Layering streams – reading/writing formatted files • Reading and writing text files

  3. Introduction - input and output streams • Most applications require data to be stored in files • Spreadsheets • Word processing • etc • Java has extensive facilities for handling files of various types • Associated with files is the general concept of streams which can be applied to both files and networks

  4. In Java, streams are simply sequences of bytes • We can read a byte stream from an input stream object • We can write a byte stream to an output stream object • Typically input and output stream objects can be files but they also can be network connections • This generality means we can use the same functions for accessing networks as reading files

  5. Output stream object byte stream Input stream object byte stream

  6. Reader object character stream Writer object character stream • Java distinguishes between byte streams and character streams • In Java, a character is represented by a 2-byte Unicode character (www.unicode.org)

  7. Finally Java uses the concept of a data stream to read and write useful data such as integers and doubles (as opposed to just bytes and characters) • Java uses a mechanism called layering to attach these different types of streams together • For example we can attach an input stream to a file and then attach a data input stream to the file input stream so we can read a file of integers. (See later!) • The java.io package contains all of the classes for input/output and streams • Its all quite complex because of its huge flexibility • Its even worse than that because before we can use streams we need to know about exceptions!!

  8. Exception handling • All Java programs which deal with files and/or streams must include exception handling • Exceptions are error conditions encountered in executing class methods • Attempting to read past an end of file • Attempting to read a file that doesn’t exist • Trying to open a malformed URL • Divide by zero • Taking the square root of a negative number • etc

  9. class myClass { . . public int readFile(….) { do { if (!end_of_file) // read the file else return –1; } while not_end_of_file return number_of_bytes_read; } } • Normal error handling (in C) would return an error code (eg. –1)

  10. This is a simple sometimes effective method but: • Sometimes not possible to return a valid error code. • Not object oriented! No information about the error is contained in the error code • Application code gets ‘polluted’ with error checking code • It would be nice to have all of the error handling in one place • The method might not be able to return normally from the error. • An example would be if a resource the method was accessing was not available

  11. In Java, if an error occurs in a method, an Exception object is thrown by the method • Any method that calls the first method must catch the exception in an exception handler and take appropriate action • After the exception is thrown and the exception handler code executed, control is not passed back to the caller • We don’t have to worry about return error codes

  12. Throwing exceptions • A method must advertise the fact that it is going to throw an exception of a specific type • For example some problem with I/O • Java uses the keyword throws to indicate that a method can throw an exception • The method actually throws the exception using the throw keyword

  13. class myClass { . . public int myMethod throws IOException { . if (some_IO_error_condition) throw new IOException(); // throw exception object . } }

  14. Catching exceptions • If a method calls another method which throws an exception, that exception must either be caught or thrown on • If it is not, the program will terminate (non-graphical, console applications) • or control will pass back to the user interface processing loop (graphical applications/applets) • In both cases, an error message will be printed

  15. public aMethod { // method code which doesn’t throw an exception try { // code including a call to myClass.myMethod() // which may throw an IOException } catch(IOException e) { // Exception handler code } } // method ends • Exceptions are caught in a try/catch block

  16. Execution of the above code is as follows • If the code inside the try block throws an exception • The program skips the remainder of the code in the try block • The program then proceeds to the code in the catch block • If the code inside the try block doesn’t throw an exception • The program skips the code in the catch block

  17. A finally clause after a catch block contains code which is always executed irrespective if an exception is caught or not • Quite often it is used to release a resource which has been allocated in the try block • For all of this to work, the exception generated must be of the type specified (in this case, an IOException)in the catch clause

  18. public aMethod { // method code which doesn’t throw an exception try { // Code which may throw an IOException // Resource allocation } catch(IOException e) { // Exception handler code } finally { // Resource deallocation // This code always executes } } // method ends

  19. public aMethod throws IOException { // method code including a call to myClass.myMethod() // which may throw an IOException } • Alternatively, the exception can be thrown on

  20. Exception inheritance hierarchy • Exceptions are objects encapsulating information about the type of error which caused the exception • All exception objects derive from Throwable • 2 main types of exception object • RuntimeException • Usually a programmer error such as divide by zero or trying to access an array beyond its limits • IOException • Not generally caused by programmer error and generally relating to I/O or network errors

  21. Throwable Exception RuntimeException IOException ……… ………

  22. Creating exception classes • It is easy to create our own exceptions by extending an existing exception class public DivideByZeroException extends ArithmeticException { public DivideByZeroException(String Message) { super(message); } }

  23. The exception can then be thrown in the usual way class myClass { . . public double quotient(int num, int den) throws DivideByZeroException { if (den==0) throw new DivideByZeroException(“Error!”); return ((double) num/(double)den);` } }

  24. Example • The following program is a simple GUI enabling integers to be inputted and their quotient computed • Throws exceptions for • Incorrect integer format • NumberFormatException • Divide by zero • DivideByZeroException

  25. http://www.eee.bham.ac.uk/spannm/Java%20Stuff/ExceptionTestApplet/ExceptionTestApplet.htmlhttp://www.eee.bham.ac.uk/spannm/Java%20Stuff/ExceptionTestApplet/ExceptionTestApplet.html • Error dialog boxes are displayedwhen exceptions are caught • Control then passes back to the event handling loop • For a console based application, the program would terminate after the exceptions are caught

  26. DivideByZero exception thrown in the method quotient() public double quotient(int num, int den) throws DivideByZeroException { if (den==0) throw(new DivideByZeroException()); return (double) num/(double) den; }

  27. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { try { int numerator=Integer.parseInt(inputNum.getText()); int denominator=Integer.parseInt(inputDen.getText()); double result=quotient(numerator,denominator); outputQuotient.setText(precision.format(result)); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this," Enter 2 integers","Invalid integer format!“, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } catch(DivideByZeroException e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"The denominator must be non-zero",e.toString(), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }

  28. The exceptions are caught in the event handler class (called when ENTER is pressed from the output result text field) • Method quotient() throws the user defined exception DivideByZero exception • Method Integer.parseInt() throws the NumberFormatExceptionexception • Notice how there may be several catch() clauses to catch multiple exceptions

  29. The stream class hierarchy • Java has 2 abstract base classes, InputStream and OutputStream for representing input and output stream objects • InputStream and OutputStream are base classes of a large hierarchy (more than 60!) of stream classes • For example, classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream allow input and output streams to be attached to files • Java also has 2 other abstract base classes, Reader and Writer for handling Unicode character based I/O

  30. InputStream ……… FileInputStream OutputStream ……… FileOutputStream

  31. Reader ……… Writer ………

  32. Simple file i/o • The classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream give input and output to streams attached to files FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(“myFile.dat”); • This attaches an input stream to a named file • Alternatively, we can use the File class File f=new File(“myFile.dat”); FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(f);

  33. byte stream FileInputStream myFile.dat

  34. FileInputStream has a method read() which returns the byte read and –1 if it reaches the end of the input stream public int read() throws IOException • Similarly, FileOutputStream has a method write() to write 1 byte to the output stream • Both read() and write() block the thread until the byte is read or written • This often occurs when a network connection is being accessed and it is busy

  35. Example • The following program makes a straight copy of a file and prints out the number of bytes copies • File names provided on the command line java FileCopyTest input_file output_file • The FileInputStream constructor throws an IOException if the file doesn’t exist • FileInputStream.read() returns a –1 at the end of file • We could call this method from our own which throws an EOFException

  36. import java.io.*; public class FileCopyTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String inFile=args[0]; String outFile=args[1]; int nbytes=0; try { FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(inFile); FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(outFile); int b=fin.read(); do { fout.write(b); nbytes++; b=fin.read(); } while (b!=-1); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("i/o problem!");} System.out.println(nbytes + " bytes copied"); } }

  37. Layering streams – reading/writing formatted files • We often want to read files containing formatted data • For example, a file of integers or doubles • Our FileInputStream has no methods which return numeric types – it can only read bytes • We need to combine our FileInputStream and FileOutputStream objects with other types of stream objects in order to read formatted files • A combination of different stream types are known as filtered streams

  38. A DataInputStream object can be attached to a FileInputStream object as follows FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(“myFile.dat”); DataInputStream din=new DataInputStream(fin); din.readDouble(); . .

  39. formatted input stream DataInputStream FileInputStream Formatted file

  40. Example • The following program writes integers and doubles to a file and then reads them back • Uses DataInputStream.readInt() and DataInputStream.readDouble() for reading • Uses DataOutputStream.writeInt() and DataOutputStream.writeDouble() for writing • Catches an end of file exception

  41. public class FormattedFileTest { public static void main(String[] args) { String fname=args[0]; try { FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(fname); DataOutputStream dout=new DataOutputStream(fout); for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {dout.writeInt(i);dout.writeDouble(i*0.5); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("i/o problem!");} try { FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(fname); DataInputStream din=new DataInputStream(fin); for (int j=0; j<150; j++) { int i=din.readInt(); double d=din.readDouble(); } } catch (EOFException e) { System.out.println("EOF!");} catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("i/o problem!");} } }

  42. Reading and writing text files • All of our classes so far have been for binary files • Data is stored in files as bytes which is efficient but not humanly readable • A text file consists of information stored in humanly readable form • For example the number 150 would be stored as ‘1’ ‘5’ ‘0’ instead of the binary representation of 150 (10010110) • Java has a number of classes (descended from the abstract Reader and Writer classes) for handling text i/o

  43. Outputting to a text file • This can easily be done with the PrintStream class • Both text and numeric data can be output using the print() and println() methods • Contains overloaded methods print(char c), print(int i), print(double d), etc • Uses a filter class (FilterOutputStream) to convert from Unicode to readable characters

  44. The following program segment outputs string and numeric text to a text file • Be clear about the difference between this and the previous program using a binary file . try { FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(fname); PrintStream out=new PrintStream(fout,true); out.println(“Output data coming up”); for (int j=0; j<150; j++) { out.print(j); out.println(j*0.5); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("i/o problem!");} .

  45. Console-based input • Reading data input from the command line in Java is not easy • The System class has standard output, input and error (just like C) which are already open when the program executes • These can be used in console-based i/o

  46. class System { private static InputStream in; static PrintStream out; static PrintStream err; . . . } • Console based output is easy • We can use the methods of PrintStream . System.out.println(“Hello World!”); System.out.println(“x= ” + x); .

  47. Console based input is more difficult • A class Console has been written by the authors of the Core Java book providing convenient input methods • readLine() returns a string • readInt() returns an integer • readDouble() returns a double • readInt() and readDouble() use readLine() to read an input string and use string parsing to extract the numerical value

  48. public class Console { public static readLine() {… reads a string from the keyboard…} public static double readDouble(string prompt) {… reads a double from the keyboard …} public static readInt(String prompt) {… reads an integer from the keyboard…} }

  49. public static String readLine() { int ch; String r = ""; boolean done = false; while (!done) { try { ch = System.in.read(); if (ch < 0 || (char)ch == '\n') done = true; else if ((char)ch != '\r') r = r + (char) ch; } catch(java.io.IOException e) { done = true; } } return r; }

  50. import Console.*; class ConsoleTest { static void main(String args[]) { int i=Console.readInt("Input an integer: "); double d=Console.readDouble("Input a double: "); System.out.println("Values entered= "+ i + " " + d); } } • The class is used as follows :

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