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Chapter 12 Outlining the Speech

Chapter 12 Outlining the Speech. Outlining. Blueprint = Outline. Outlining. An aid for organizing. I. Eating disorders. A. Anorexia. B. Bulimia. Outlining. Outlining. Why not write a word-for-word script and use it to deliver a speech?. B O R I N G. Outlining.

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Chapter 12 Outlining the Speech

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 12Outlining the Speech

  2. Outlining Blueprint = Outline

  3. Outlining • An aid for organizing I. Eating disorders A. Anorexia B. Bulimia

  4. Outlining

  5. Outlining • Why not write a word-for-word script and use it to deliver a speech? B O R I N G

  6. Outlining • Advantages of an outline An outline helps you see structure and the relationship of ideas An outline is streamlined

  7. Outlining • Follow three steps Step 1: Create an outline Step 2: Prepare speaking notes Step 3: Deliver the speech

  8. Outlining Step 1: Create an outline • Guard against online thieves.A. Install security software.B. Shop only on secure Web sites.C. Never open e-mail attachments sent by strangers.

  9. Outlining Step 2: Prepare speaking notes Protect yourself -- security software -- secure sites -- attachments from strangers

  10. Outlining Step 3: Deliver the speech

  11. Outlining • Why not use an outline while speaking? Too many words Temptation to read

  12. Outlining • How is outline different from actual speech?

  13. Guidelines

  14. Guidelines • Chose an outline format

  15. Guidelines • Use standard subdivisions I. A. B. 1. 2. a. b. II.

  16. Guidelines • Avoid single subdivisions I. A. 1. 2. II. WRONG:

  17. Parts of the Outline

  18. Title General PurposeSpecific PurposeCentral Idea Objectives Main points, with transitions betweeneach main point Introduction Transition Body Transition Conclusion Documentation BibliographyVisual Aids

  19. Parts of the Outline 1. Title 2. Purposes and central idea 3. Introduction and conclusion 4. Body

  20. Parts of the Outline 5. Transitions 6. Bibliography 7. Visual aids

  21. Speaking Notes

  22. Options for Notes • Option 1: Use note cards

  23. Options for Notes

  24. Options for Notes • Option 2: Use a full sheet of paper

  25. Options for Notes • Option 3: Use visual aids as prompts

  26. Options for Notes • Option 4: Use electronic devices

  27. Controlling Your Material

  28. Controlling Your Material 1. Revise outline and notes whenever they need alterations 2. Test the outline

  29. Controlling Your Material 3. Revise for continuity 4. Make deletions if you are in danger of exceeding time limit

  30. Tips for Your Career

  31. Tip 12.1When No Time Limit is Set, Speak Briefly Listeners love brevity

  32. Tip 12.2Decide How You Will Reveal Your Sources “You say orange juice cures cancer. What is your source?”

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