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Los Verbos como “ GUSTAR ” w/ I.O. clarifiers

Los Verbos como “ GUSTAR ” w/ I.O. clarifiers. Español Tres Honores Cap. 7. Five Keys Things that are different with Gustar-like verbs. 1.They only have two conjugations: 2.They are conjugated based on what comes after them. 3. They always uses an Indirect Object Pronoun.

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Los Verbos como “ GUSTAR ” w/ I.O. clarifiers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Los Verbos como “GUSTAR” w/ I.O. clarifiers Español Tres Honores Cap. 7

  2. Five Keys Things that are different with Gustar-like verbs 1.They only have two conjugations: 2.They are conjugated based on what comes after them. 3. They always uses an Indirect Object Pronoun. 4. They may also use an I.O. clarifier. 5. The clarifier comes in front of the sentence.

  3. List of Gustar-like verbs Convenir (e-ie) to be convenient or suitable Encantar to love Faltar to be lacking (to be missing, to need) Importar to matter, to be important Interesar to interest Molestar to bother Parecer * to seem Quedar (bien, mal, grande, chico, pequeño) to fit (well, badly, big, small)

  4. I.O Clarifiers: He likes to swim. She likes to swim. You like to swim. “Le gusta nadar.” They like the beach. You like the beach. “Les gusta la playa.”

  5. I.O. Clarifiers (A + name or A + prep. pronoun) Nos = a nosotros -------------------------- Les = a ellos a ellas a Uds. (a Roberto y a Luis) (a Lola y a Carmen) (a mis amigos) Me = a mí Te = a ti Le = a él a ella a Ud. (a Roberto) (a Lola) (a tu hermano)

  6. ¿Cómo se dice? “I like coffee.” (A mí) me gusta el café. “Coffee is pleasing to me.”

  7. ¿Cómo se dice? “Cars don’t interest me.” (A mí) no me interesan los coches

  8. ¿Cómo se dice? “He loves to dance.” A él le encanta bailar.

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