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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? How to do ON page SEO, Step by step article.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique to improve the quality and quantity of a traffic to our website or a blog to get the higher rankings in SERPs.<br><br>2. It is a process to get the unpaid, organic, or we can say free results in the website to visitors. So we say that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of growing the organic traffic to our website or a blog from the visitors.<br>Read more- http://www.sadigiworld.in/blogs-search-engine-optimization-seo/

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What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? How to do ON page SEO, Step by step article.

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  1. ON PAGE SEO- There are some guidelines by Yoast SEO pluginwhich we have to follow to do the great On page SEO. Without these guidelines or we can say points we can’t do the On page SEO well. So we can say that all the guideline is important to do SEOwell. • What is On page SEO? • On page SEO is the optimization of each and every post of a web page or a blog by Yoast SEO guidelines. In other words, On-page SEO is the process which • includes the tricks that how to write a post for a Web page or ablog. • On page SEO is the most important factor to get the higher ranking in the SERPs. It also helps us to increase the quality of visitors from a web page, and also helps in a successful SEOcampaign. • Here are some guidelines which we all have to follow to do the On pageSEO: • 1. Targetkeyword– • First of all, you have to decide what is your target keyword, which you want to rank. A targeted keyword is a keyword which makes people help to find your site via. search engines. Make sure use always a long tail keyword for your post. Use a focus keyword on your website for one timeonly. • In other words, you have to know how the peoples are looking for the products, brands, services, and information that you offer. In order to make it easy for them to find you- You have investigated what lines are they typing in the search engines, then decide the most uses keyword. • Here are some tools of keyword research by which we can know that which keyword is used more in monthly, competition level, andCPC. • Keyword Research & Strategy with Keyword Planner- ByGoogle

  2. Keyword Everywhere-You candownload the Extensionof Keyword Everywhere in your web browser, and then you can see, when you type in Search Engine box like I am searching for Digital Marketing- as shown in below image, They showed the estimated monthly volume of every keyword andmore. In below the search engine box, you can see the monthly volume of a particular keyword, CPC and the competition level. On the right side of a page, you can see that it shows the keywords related to our targeted keyword. • LSI Keyword generator tool-It shows the semantic keywords and long tail keywords related to our targeted keyword. Once you decide the targeted keyword, youshould

  3. create a list of the related keyword with this tool, then finally decide the what is your final keyword. • You can also find your related keywords on Google. • Content is theking- • Everyone should know that Content is the king. To rank a blog or to do great On page SEO you have to write a solid or genuine content in your website. I hope, if you want to become a blogger then you must be a good content writer because to write a blog well and quality content is themust. • A good content writer is a writer who doesn’t copy the content of others and writes in your own language in any topics. Search engines know one thing only that content should be newly developed by a writer to write a blog. You should always use an Evergreen content, don’t write a copy content because quality content helps you to rank higher in Searchresults. • You can check that content written by you is copied content or original content by this tool– Small SEOTools. • Post length- • Post length highly matters for ranking in Search engine result pages (SERPs). You have to write a lengthy post for getting higher rankings in SERPs. The length of the post can be 1000 words or maybe more. You can write less than 1000 words in your post but there is fewer chance to getrankings. • We have some articles containing approx 2000 words, believe me, that articles help us to improve the rankings of our website and increase the quality visitors to our website. So finally, you have to write a minimum 1000 words post for getting the higher chance ofranking. • Headings and ContentFormatting- • In your blog post, you have to use headings (H1-H6). You can use H1 for main heading and H4, H5, or H6 for sub-headings. • Use always Bold (Ctrl+B) or Italic (Ctrl+I) to highlights the important parts oryour • blogpost. • Use the Bulleted list or Numbered list (Shift+Alt+C) for yourpoints. • You can use the Left, Center, or Right Alignment also for your text orimages. • You can use the Blockquote (Shift+Alt+Q). Blockquote elements represent a section that is quoted from anothersource. • You can insert Read more tag (Shift+Alt+T). • You can use Strikethrough (Shift+Alt+D) like this-Hello. • Use the Horizontalline. • Click on tab “A” to color the highlighted text of your post. • 5.Links-

  4. There is an option in your WordPress post header to insert or edit links. You have to use the external links and the internal links for your post. Internal links are that links which send you to another page of your website and External links are that links which pass you to another page of other websites. For external links, you can use the no-follow or followlinks. Note:- Use always open link in a new tab option. How to do thisfunction- Click on Insert/edit link, then click on Settings i.e., Linkoption, and then click on the Open link in a new tab and then click on Addlink.

  5. 6. Target Keywordusages- • You have to use the focus keyword in your first paragraph of the post and the first paragraph should not be lengthy. A short paragraph is easy to read byviewers. • Use your keyword in the whole post minimum 0.5% and the maximum limit is 2.5% to do the On page SEOgood. • 7. ImageOptimization- • Use images with a minimum size of property i.e., use images which is less in KB. You can use a tool to decrease the property of an image i.e.,Tinypng • Make sure you use always an original name of an image i.e. If you upload an image describe the SEO. Then original name should be SEO or maybe Search Engine Optimization, not the img-002. • When you upload an image in the media files of the WordPress, then you have to paste the original name of the image as shown in below image. use the same name in your title of the image and the Alt Text of theimage.

  6. 8.SEO • Title- • SEO Title is one of the most important part of the blog post or a website. It describes the what is all about in a blog, SEO title is more attractive and contains a unique line about the blog or website, then there is more chance to get click on that link, which helps you to increase the CTC (Click Through Rate). Writing good SEO titles is very essential for doing the good On pageSEO. • SEO title can be edit in—- Just below the content box, you see the Yoast SEO option in which SEO title, URL and the Meta description are showing. Just click on> Edit snippet> you see the SEO title box for editing and then start editing. Make sure you use your target Keyword in starting in the box, which helps you to get in higher rankings. • SEO titles look like when you submit your website on Google Webmaster Tool and when Google shows you a result. The below-mentioned red highlighted text is your SEO title.

  7. SEO titles also help you to describe the website in top of the web browser tab like this- • 9.Slug- • Slug is the part of the URL which defines a particular page of a website or a blog. It helps in an easy to readform. • How to edit the Slug of a page- when you edited the SEO title, just down of that box, a slug box will be shown to you and make you use the target keyword into your Slug of thepost. • Option to edit the Slug of thepage. • You can edit your Slug from herealso. • Final URL i.e., Slug will be shown to you likethis

  8. 10. MetaDescription- • Meta Description is an information which shows the short information about the web page or a blog that what is a blog or a website is all about. It comes after the slug of the page. We have to design the meta description in such a way that viewers click more on that link. More click on the link will increase the Click Through Rate (CTR) and increase the visitors to a blog. Make sure You use here also your target keyword in starting. Meta description can be up to 155 characters long or maybe sometimesmore. • How to edit the Meta description for the website- • The final meta description will be shown to you when you search in your web browser- 10.Tags-

  9. Tags help us to structure our content. It also helps us in detail targeting when we run ads on Google AdWords. These are used to describes your post in moredetail. Make sure you always lowercase characters in your tags. You can edit your tags on the right side of the WordPress when you edit apost. • Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP)- • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a plugin used to increase the compatibility of a website for mobile users. It changes the whole structure of a website when you use in your mobile’s browser. AMP plugin makes your website faster for mobile users. All you know that in now more of the traffic comes from the mobiles. In a survey, more than 60% of the traffic comes from the mobile’s browser. So it is necessary to Install and activate the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your website. Website speed is more important for the owner of the website. If the website speed is low then the viewers immediately go back to your website and hence it will increase the Bounce Rate of the Website. Bounce Rate will decrease the ranking ofthe • website. Download the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) plugin forWordPress. • Websites Speed- • Websites speed highly matter in website optimization. We have to optimization our website in such a way that users like your website and stay connected with your website. For mobile optimization, you have to install a plugin AMP as we above discussed. For desktop optimization, there are some pointslike… • Use always a less size of images and media files. Covert your high size of an image into less size withTinypng. • Delete unnecessary plugins from thewebsite. • Delete unrequired pages, images, post orcategories.

  10. Note:- How to check your website speed i.e., page loading time, pagesize, • performance grade, faster than and manymore… • Pingdom Website SpeedTest • GTmetrix Website Speed and PerformanceOptimization • Page Speed Insights by Googledevelopers • 13.HTTPS- • Your website must be in the secure version i.e., HTTP to HTTPS. Those websites who have HTTPS certificate of secure get higher chances of ranking. Search engines give more priority to those websites who have an HTTPS versionwebsites. • See- • What isSEO?

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