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Social Problem Associated with Computer and Internet Use

Social Problem Associated with Computer and Internet Use. PREPARED BY: TAN HUI FANG LIM SIN HUI. INTRODUCTION. The use of Internet cannot avoid being judged and criticized especially from the social and ethical perspectives.

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Social Problem Associated with Computer and Internet Use

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  1. Social Problem Associated with Computer and Internet Use

  2. INTRODUCTION The use of Internet cannot avoid being judged and criticized especially from the social and ethical perspectives. The pros and cons of the Internet are widely discussed and have become one of the most debated topics in the education system. Discussing the disadvantages of the Internet to social and ethical development and what curriculum can do to address the problems.
  3. Oversharing personal information on social networking sites is common and incredibly dangerous. Online predators have easy access to a variety of information about their victims such as phone numbers, addresses, date of birth, and physical descriptions. EXPOSURE TO ONLINE PREDATORS Tips to avoid online predators Keep Your Identity Private. If you decide that you want to get together with the person you've met online, then always meet in a public place and take a friend or your parents with you. Block Inappropriate Emails
  4. Pornography, in the context of this workshop, is to be considered the act of viewing any recorded sexually graphic material for the purpose of sexual and/or romantic stimulation. PORNOGRAPHY ADDICTION Dealing with pornography : Has self-respect when behavioris followed by guilt/shame. Be autonomy when behavior is compulsive. Managing time well. When time spent engaged in pornography interferes with the completion of life goals. Be integrity when family members, coworkers discover their behavior.
  5. NEGLECTING FAMILY AND FRIENDS Ways to reduce addiction : The psychologist, through the help of various therapies and counselingsessions. Learning a new hobby, developing skills that is needed to relieve one's stress, meeting his family and friends regularly People who spend long hours in solitude while using the computer tend to neglect their relationships with other people.
  6. sleep disorder Results in the interruption of the natural sleep cycle. a person stays awake when he is supposed to be sleeping, and either sleeps when he is supposed to be awake or does not sleep at all. This will result in creating negative attitudes, lack of performance in study or work, lack of productivity and falling asleep at inappropriate times.
  7. COMPULSIVE ONLINE SHOPPING Tendency to purchase more than one’s need. Being attracted to “special sale prices”, which motivated them to purchase items spontaneously. Credit card billing will increase. We must be aware of this threat as it can become a form of addiction, which can result in wasting your money and spending too much time surfing for the cheapest item.
  8. COMPULSIVE ONLINE GAMBLING Uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on your life. If you're prone to compulsive gambling, you may continually chase bets, lie or hide your behaviour, and resort to theft or fraud to support your addiction. No opportunity for healthy social interaction. Serious condition that can destroy lives. Although treating compulsive gambling can be challenging, many compulsive gamblers have found help through professional treatment.
  9. ONLINE GAMING ADDICTION Becoming widespread among vulnerable young people. Ex: facebook game (tetris). Gaming addicts make the Internet a priority more important than family, friends, and work. The game becomes the organising principle of addicts' lives. Symptoms: losing control over life, application to study is minimal, academic results drop, real-life social life takes a step back, irregular sleeping habits, irregular eating habits, withdrawing from friendships . Solution: Remove access, Technological Intervention.
  10. Conclusion The internet offers so much convenience and any opportunities. Be sure we are using this wonderful tool properly and safely. As long as individuals maintain their responsibility for individual safety, parents protect children in the everyday world and online, and individuals are aware of persons trying to benefit through half-lies and false truths, the internet can be as safe or more safe than your local neighbourhood .
  11. CREADITS http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/compulsive-gambling/DS00443 http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2006/10/12/online-gaming-addiction/ http://www2.1citizen.com.my/TLMS/student/topic_lesson_view.cfm?lesson_id=429&topic_id=179&module_id=64&action=viewlesson&return=topic_view http://www.jdpsy.org/WoW%20Addiction.pdf https://sites.google.com/site/causeandeffectbpeak/exposure-to-online-predators http://www.recoverynation.com/main/pa.htm http://www.drdaveanddee.com/inpred.html http://www.buzzle.com/articles/computer-addiction.html
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