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John 4:6-7

Location, location, location … 1. Between the circle of sin and the Peace of God 2. An extra portion … a gift of grace 3. A new name … a new identity. John 4:6-7. http://bible.us/ john4.6-7. nlt.

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John 4:6-7

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Location, location, location …1. Between the circle of sin and the Peace of God2. An extra portion … a gift of grace3. A new name … a new identity

  2. John 4:6-7 http://bible.us/john4.6-7.nlt

  3. 772 BC – Assyrians conquer Northern Kingdom597 BC – Babylonians conquer Southern Kingdom445 BC – remnant returns under Nehemiah113 BC – Maccabean Jews raid Samaritan temple63 BC – Rome conquers Israel

  4. Warriors or Blenders?

  5. Warriors or Blenders?RESTORERS

  6. RESTORERSprovoked but not offendedcreators not criticsgrounded not distractedcountercultural not “relevant”

  7. RESTORERSCreation  Fall  Redemption  Restoration

  8. John 4:10 http://bible.us/john4.10.nlt

  9. John 4:11-21 http://bible.us/john4.11-21.nlt

  10. Worship of the true God is not confined to a place.

  11. Worship of the true God is not limited to a certain people group.

  12. Worship of the true God is not wrapped up in right theology or philosophy.

  13. Worship of the true God is relationship with the true God.

  14. John 4:22 http://bible.us/john4.22.nlt

  15. "In the last analysis, Christianity is not a philosophy which we accept; it is not a theory to which we give allegiance; it is not something which is thought out; it is not something which is intellectually derived at. It is a personal response to Jesus Christ. It is the answer of the heart to the magnet of Christ. It is an allegiance and a love which a man gives because his heart will not allow him to do anything else."  William Barclay

  16. John 4:23-30 http://bible.us/john4.23-30.nlt

  17. “I could more easily contain Niagara Falls in a teacup than I could comprehend the wild, uncontainable love of God.”Brennan Manning

  18. John 4:31-42 http://bible.us/john4.31-42.nlt

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