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Know How To Deal With Dental Emergencies

Several dental emergencies could happen to you, and when they do, they can be pretty devastating. These include toothache, tooth extraction, rotten teeth, and more. Learn how to deal with dental emergencies so nothing becomes disastrous for you.

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Know How To Deal With Dental Emergencies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Know How To Deal With Dental Emergencies

  2. Your teeth are assets that must be taken care of regularly. Any injury to the teeth or gums can cause long- term harm leading to a risk of even permanent damage. Visiting one's dentist as early as possible is vital for all dental emergencies.

  3. Listed below are some simple safety measures to avoid accidents and injury to the teeth Wear a mouthguard when participating in sports or recreational activities. Avoid chewing ice, popcorn kernels and hard candy, all of which can crack a tooth. Use scissors and not teeth to cut things.

  4. What to do during a dental emergency?

  5. Knocked-out Tooth: Find the missing tooth, and hold it by the enamel-covered crown and not the root. Rinse it off with water, do not scrub it! Try to put back the tooth in its original spot and hold it in that position or store it in a cup of milk while reaching the emergency dentist.

  6. Toothache: Rinse mouth thoroughly with warm water. If the toothache is caused by food stuck in between teeth, try using dental floss to dislodge it. Alternatively, apply a cold compress while waiting to see the dentist.

  7. Chipped and Broken Teeth: Save any pieces of the broken tooth. Use warm water to rinse the oral cavity clean. Apply gauze for 10 minutes if there is bleeding and use a cold compress on the outside of the mouth to keep swelling down while waiting to see an emergency dentist.

  8. Broken Braces: Use a pencil eraser to try to fold any sharp ends of the wires back down safely. If that doesn't work; use orthodontic wax to cover the wire or gauze. Get an appointment with the orthodontist to fix it.

  9. Abscess: This is an infection that is around the root of the tooth and a serious condition that calls for a dentist's appointment immediately. While waiting at the dentist's office, rinse with warm salty water to clean the oral cavity.

  10. Soft-tissue injuries: Injuries to the soft tissues, which include the tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips, can result in bleeding. To control the bleeding rinse your mouth with a mild salt-water solution. Alternatively use a moistened piece of gauze or tea bag to apply pressure to the bleeding site for 15 to 20 minutes. If the bleeding doesn't stop, consult a dentist right away or go to a hospital emergency room.

  11. Lost Filling: Use a piece of sugarless gum to cover the empty cavity, or over-the- counter dental cement can also be used. Make sure to consult the dentist as soon as possible.

  12. Life is short, smile while you still have teeth: Walk-in dental clinic makes it easy to have dental emergencies treated without the long wait for an appointment. Most dentists squeeze out time from within their busy schedules for emergency patients, so one must make sure to call on the dentist and let him know of the extent of his injury.

  13. Thanks for Reading Info Shared By: Nancy O Block, DDS

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