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Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAAR) OMIS – FSD Users

This training highlights the OMIS Web changes associated with the implementation of the BAAR Phase 3 project, covering topics such as funding, agreements, billing, and correcting errors.

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Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAAR) OMIS – FSD Users

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  1. Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAAR)OMIS – FSD Users February 10, 2016

  2. Background • The Billing and Accounts Receivable (BAAR) Project is an enterprise-wide effort to modernize and standardize GSA’s billing and accounts receivable business processes and technology • With respect to the NBA, the BAAR Phase 3 project focuses on the implementation of the following: • Replace AAS’ current ACORN flat files with a centralized real-time web service to transmit RBA ‘Agreement’ information to Pegasys • Replace AAS’ current Billing Input Document (BID) flat files with a centralized service to transmit billing flat files to Pegasys

  3. Purpose • The purpose of this training is to highlight OMIS Web changes associated with the implementation of BAAR Phase 3 project. • Topics include: • BAAR Impacts on Funding • Adding Client Funding • Adding GSA Funding • Updating and Adjusting the Funding Document • Converting Agreements • Adding and Removing SAF Restriction • Funds Distribution Restrictions • Transmitting Bills • ASSIST BAAR Transaction Pages • Correcting Billing Errors


  5. BAAR Impacts on New Funding • There are essentially no changes to the process of adding funding when BAAR goes live. • Funds will still be accepted by the IA Manager followed by a request to the FSD to enter the funds into OMIS. • Only the FSD user has privileges to add new funding to an Interagency Agreement. • While BAAR requires additional data elements, not previously captured in Legacy OMIS, these new BAAR-related fields were incorporated into the initial production version of the OMIS Web application.

  6. BAAR Impacts on New Funding • With BAAR, OMIS will no longer transmit ACORN Master Files when new funding has been added to an IA. Rather, funding data will be transmitted as an Agreement to Pegasys. • Under BAAR, there are two types of Agreements that are referenced: • External Direct (ED) – An ED agreement is used to record the amount of funding that an external customer agrees to provide to the GSA in exchange for goods or services. An external customer is an entity outside of GSA and can be federal, state or private. • Internal Direct (ID) – An ID agreement is used to record the amount of funding that an internal (within GSA) customer agrees to provide in exchange for goods or services. • ED Agreements will make up the bulk of funding that is added in OMIS.

  7. BAAR Impacts on New Funding • Under BAAR, the user will still be given the option of whether to transmit the Agreement upon saving the new funding document. • If yes, OMIS will transmit the funding data to the ASSIST Agreement Service and receive an Agreement Number in response. • OMIS will display the Agreement Number in the Funding Summary page header as well as in the Agreement Information section of this document. • OMIS will not provide the capability to re-transmit an agreement that was accepted by Pegasys. • If no, OMIS will not transmit funding data to ASSIST • OMIS will display ‘NO AGREEMENT’ in the Funding Summary page header as well as in the Agreement Information section of this document. • If an agreement has not been transmitted, or has not been accepted by Pegasys, the IA/Account manager will be prevented from distributing these funds to an account.

  8. Adding client funding

  9. Adding Client Funding • The process of adding new funding begins by navigating to the IA Summary page for the IA to receive the funds.

  10. Adding Client Funding • Within the Actions navigator section, the FSD will be presented with the New Funds navigator link. • This link will not display if: • Client information is incomplete on an active IA • The IA is closed.

  11. Adding Client Funding • Click on the New Funds navigator link to enter a new funding document.

  12. Treasury Symbol Information • BAAR testing has shown that Pegasys is extremely sensitive to Treasury Symbol information. • When the user is entering Requesting Agency information, precision is critical with respect to: • Requesting Agency Code • Appropriation • Treasury Sub-Account • If these values are not valid for the selected Requesting Agency, chances are increased that subsequent billing transactions will fail.

  13. New Funding – Requesting Agency • Select the Requesting Agency from the pick list. • For external client funding, Appropriation is a required field that requires a four-digit value. The appropriation needs to be valid for the selected Agency. • The Treasury Sub-Account field is mandatory and will default to 000. The user can select an alternate sub-account from the pick list.

  14. New Funding – BOACs • When BAAR goes live, the source data for selecting valid BOACs is the Pegasys Vendor Address table vice the old NABAS database. • There is no change in the functionality for how a BOAC is selected onto the funding document. • Only active BOACs are selectable.

  15. New Funding – Saving • Once all new funding data requirements have been satisfied, the FSD can save the funding document and apply the new funds to the IA. • When the Save button is clicked, OMIS will ask two questions: • OMIS will ask the user to confirm that they want to add funding. • OMIS will ask the user if they want to transmit the Agreement to Pegasys. • If the user transmits, OMIS will send the funding data to the ASSIST agreement service and obtain an Agreement Number. • If the user declines to transmit, OMISwill add the funding to the IA, but the FSD will still need to transmit the data before the funding can be used.

  16. New Funding – Saving

  17. New Funding – Funding Summary • Upon completion of the save process, the user will be navigated to the Funding Summary Document.

  18. Transmitting the Agreement to Pegasys • When the user chooses to send the agreement to Pegasys: • OMIS will transmit the funding information to the ASSIST Agreement Service • The Agreement Service will then transmit the information to Pegasys • The Agreement Service then monitors for a success or error response and updates the OMIS agreement and the Agreement Transaction log accordingly. • This process is not instantaneous.

  19. BAAR Agreement Flow

  20. Transmitting the Agreement to Pegasys • The user’s visual cue that an agreement has been successfully transmitted to, and accepted by Pegasys is the absence of any banner information displaying on the funding document. • In most cases, immediately after transmitting, the user will see a message indicating that the agreement is in a pending status. • Within 1-5 minutes, the Pegasys response should have been received and the funding document agreement status updated.

  21. Demonstration

  22. Deferring agreement transmission

  23. Transmitting Funding Data • OMIS has historically supported a two-step process with respect to when the funding data was transmitted to GSA Finance. • The funding document was first added, • The ACORN was secondarily transmitted. • Under BAAR, OMIS continues to support the legacy two-step process, but also allows the Agreement to be transmitted as part of the process of saving the new funding information.

  24. Transmitting Funding Data • If the FSD declines sending the data to Pegasys, the funding will still be added to the IA, but the Funding Summary page will display a warning banner. • The user will notice the words ‘NO AGREEMENT’ displaying in the Funding Summary banner. • This funding data must be transmitted to, and accepted by, Pegasys before a user can distribute these funds.

  25. Transmitting Funding Data • If the FSD user clicks on the Send to Finance navigator link, OMIS will display a banner indicating that the funding information was not transmitted. • Clicking on the Send button will transmit the agreement data.

  26. Successful Agreement • If the Agreement was successfully transmitted, the Send to Finance link will no longer display in the Actions Navigator.

  27. Demonstration

  28. Adding gsa funding

  29. Adding GSA Funding • When creating a funding document where GSA is the client. OMIS requires the user to provide additional data. • The Customer Fund is a new data element required by BAAR.

  30. Adding GSA Funding – Important Note • The IX document number entered in the Customer ACT field should be referencing an IX document number that already exists in Pegasys. • When the agreement is transmitted, Pegasys will attempt to match the IX document number, MDL and the amount on the agreement to a corresponding IX document number in Pegasys. • If the Pegasys IX document is in an ‘incomplete’ status, Pegasys will reject the agreement placing it in an error status in ASSIST.

  31. Update funding document

  32. Updating the Funding Document • There may be reasons, over the lifecycle of a funding document where certain data elements may need to be updated. • OMIS provides the capability to make ‘administrative’ changes to the funding documents that do not affect the funded position. • All administrative changes will result in a change agreement being generated.

  33. Updating the Funding Document • The FSD user will click on the Update Funding Document link in the Actions Navigator. • This will place the funding document in edit mode.

  34. Updating the Funding Document • When saving an administrative change the user will have the same options of whether to transmit the change agreement or defer transmission. • Similar to an original agreement, if a change agreement was not transmitted to, or accepted by Pegasys, additional funds distribution will be stopped. • Existing distributions will remain unaffected.

  35. Updating GSA Funding • Please note that the Customer Fund field that is required when creating a new IX document was a last minute addition to the funding document form. • Many of the converted IX documents will not have this value on the funding document. • If the FSD needs to update an internal agreement, this value will be required before the change agreement can be transmitted.

  36. Adjusting Funded Amount • BAAR did not impart any functional changes to the process for adjusting the funded amount of a funding document. • When the funding adjustment is saved, OMIS will transmit a Change Agreement to Pegasys.

  37. Demonstration


  39. Non-Converted Funding • At BAAR go-live, approximately 9,000 OMIS funding documents will have been converted to Pegasys agreements. • If a funding document was not associated with an active IA, it would not have been converted. • There may be instances where an older funding document needs to be ‘re-activated’ in Pegasys to support billing activities.

  40. Non-Converted Funding • When a user accesses a non-converted funding document, OMIS will display a banner message. • OMIS will only display the Convert Agreement button to FSD users. • OMIS will not allow the FSD to convert a funding document having $0.00 funding.

  41. Convert Agreement • When an older funding document is converted, the FSD will have limited editing capability and must enter missing BAAR data before transmitting. • Requesting Agency • Treasury Sub-account • Funds Expiration Date • If the last BOAC used on the funding document is no longer valid, an active BOAC will need to be selected.

  42. Convert Agreement • Click on Convert Agreement to begin. • Provide any missing data.

  43. Convert Agreement • OMIS will populate the Agreement information on the Funding Summary page.

  44. Convert Agreement • Once the agreement has been converted, OMIS will send a conversion notification e-mail to the FSD and to GSA Finance. The above is a test lab representation of the notification.

  45. Demonstration


  47. Adding and Removing SAF • There will be instances where the client provides funding that is Subject to Availability (SAF). • Under BAAR, the process for creating a SAF funding document remains unchanged. • Additionally, SAF funding can still be distributed to flowthrough accounts and used to fund TOS orders. A TOS order can be awarded with SAF funds, but FM Lite will not allow the obligation to be processed until the SAF restriction has been lifted in OMIS.

  48. Adding and Removing SAF • A new SAF restriction has been added to OMIS to prevent unintended billings. • Currently OMIS does not allow SAF funds to be distributed to labor, travel or fee accounts. This restriction has been expanded to include Fixed Fee/Fixed Price accounts. • If the user attempts to distribute funds to a non-flowthrough account, OMIS will display the following message.

  49. Creating SAF Agreements in Pegasys • There are two data fields in the Agreement record that tell Pegasys the funded amount. • Maximum Agreement Amount • Line Amount • When a non-SAF Agreement is created OMIS sends the funded amount to both of the fields. • When a SAF Agreement is created, OMIS only sends the funded amount to the Maximum Agreement Amount and $0.00 to the Line Amount. • When this data construct is the marker that tells Pegasys that this is SAF funding.

  50. Removing SAF Restriction • Removing a SAF Restriction in OMIS is now accomplished through a process similar to adjusting the funding amount on a non-SAF citation. • When the user wishes to remove SAF, through a funding adjustment they must indicate whether the client is authorizing: • The release of the full amount of the SAF funding • The release of a partial amount of the SAF funding • The release of more than the original amount of SAF funding • An additional validation has been incorporated into the release of SAF Funding. An FSD user cannot release SAF funding for a future fiscal year while in the current fiscal year.

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