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TIGHTENING BRITISH CONTROLS. THE SOURING LAWS OF THE 1760’S. This forbade colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountians . It was designed to maintain peace between the colonists and Native Americans. THE PROCLAMATION OF 1763. Buy as an investment in the Ohio River Valley

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  2. This forbade colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountians. • It was designed to maintain peace between the colonists and Native Americans THE PROCLAMATION OF 1763

  3. Buy as an investment in the Ohio River Valley • An attempt buy land cheap and sell it high Speculate

  4. A law that required colonists to house British soldiers • King George III decides to keep 10,000 British troops in the colonies to enforce the proclamation • This new law created great anxiety in the colonies. The colonists feared that Parliament intended to use the troops to control their movements and restrict their freedoms Quartering Act of 1764

  5. A tax placed on sugar and molasses and other items shipped to the colonies Sugar Act of 1765

  6. A law passed by Parliament that required all legal documents to carry an official stamp showing that a tax has been paid. In addition all wills, contracts, newspapers, and diplomas had to carry the stamp Stamp Act of 1766

  7. Reasonable ways for Parliament to raise money from the colonists to pay of Britain's war debt. Why were they passed?

  8. Colonists saw these provisions as serious threats to their political rights. They focused on two major points • That Parliament had no right to tax the colonies- that was the job for the colonial assembly • No tax shall be created without their consent • NO TAXACTION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION Colonists Angered

  9. Write a summary of the Road to Revolution. Be detailed in describing what we have discussed. Finally, state your opinion on which side you agree with, the colonists or the British Summary and Opinion

  10. Read pages 160-167 • Take notes and prepare for a Quiz on Tuesday Homework

  11. Patrick Henry • One of the first to publicly protest the Stamp Act • Henry demanded resistance and someone shouted that resistance was treason, • “If this be treason, make the most of it” Protest

  12. Stamp Act Congress • Delegates from 9 colonies formed the Stamp Act Congress in New York and drafted a petition protesting the Stamp Act declaring the right to tax the colonists belonged to the colonial assemblies. This was the first time the colonists united against British Policy Protest…

  13. Sons of Liberty • Led by Samuel Adams to oppose British policies. They encouraged people to attack customs officials and burn stamps. As a result many officials quit their jobs and returned to England Protest…

  14. Boycott • A refusal to buy British goods from England. This hurt England directly and led to the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766 Protest

  15. Summarize the notes we took today. Explain with details and include the colonists complaints, Britain's reasons and justify your opinion on who was right. The Colonists or Britain? TICKET OUT

  16. William Pitt was for the colonists while sitting in Parliament • As a result of the boycotts many England based business complained to Parliament andthey were forced to repeal the Stamp Act Stamp Act Repealed

  17. With the repeal of the Stamp Act, Parliament passed the Declaratory Act which said that Parliament still had the right to tax the colonists “in all cases whatsoever” • This act had little meaning but was huge within a year Declaratory Act

  18. 1. Forbid the New York legislature of passing anymore laws until thy agreed to house british troops • 2. Established the Board of Customs to regulate trade • 3. laid taxes on glass, lead, paper, and TEA • Again, these taxes were not high but it showed that they could still tax the colonists at will Townshend Acts

  19. Again the colonists began a boycott of all British goods in America • All goods sent to the colonies were returned • Colonists also refused to house troops Protest Again

  20. With all the distress, England sent many troops to America • This presence gave great offence to the colonists • They accused the Redcoats of corrupting the morals of the town • disgracing the Sabbath by playing drums and fiddles • Striking citizens for disgracing them • And using violent and profane language Boston Massacre

  21. March 5, 1770 • A crown of men and boys had nothing to do so they started annoying a guard at the customs house. They threw sticks, insults, and snowballs with rocks at him. • The guard called for help and 5 others arrived • After a crowd of 50-60 colonists arrived a shot was fired from a guard and 5 were killed • This forced the British to move all the soldiers to an island off Boston Boston Massacre…

  22. Boston Massacre

  23. On March 5, 1770, the same day as the Boston Massacre, Parliament repealed the Townshend Acts because of the friction in America Townshend Acts Repealed

  24. With the repeal of the Townshend Acts, Parliament introduced the Tea Tax, again to show that Parliament still had the ability to tax the colonists Tea Act

  25. December 16, 1773 • Led by Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty, they dressed like Indians and dumped $5,000,000 of tea into Boston Harbor. Boston Tea Party

  26. Issued by Parliament because of the Protests/Riots in America. There were 5 • 1. Closed Boston Harbor to all trade until those who were involved in the tea party were captured or the tea was paid for • 2. All trials were to be held in England with no jury • 3. No colonial assemblies • 4. Removed all weapons and gunpowder • 5. Gave Quebec all the land in the Ohio River Valley The Intolerable Acts

  27. September 1, 1774 • Held in Philadelphia, PA • Was held to address the Intolerable Acts The 1st Continental Congress

  28. A statement issued to the King • It said that the rights of the colonists were to be: 1. Life, liberty, property 2. to tax themselves 3. to assemble peacefully and to petition any grievances 4. To enjoy their rights as colonists The Declaration of Rights

  29. It stated what rights were violated as well 1. taxing without their consent 2. dissolving assemblies 3. quartering troops 4. trial without jury 5. passing the Intolerable Acts The Declaration of Rights..

  30. Using your notes, write a summary of the events of the Road to Revolution. It should begin with The Proclamation of 1763 and end with the Declaration of Rights. Be detailed and complete in paragraph form. Based on the facts, would you become a Loyalists or a Patriot and why. ROUGH DRAFT DUE FRIDAY FINAL DRAFT DUE THURSDAY 50 POINTS PROJECT

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