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Preying Mantis

Preying Mantis. They have large eyes. They have a stick-like body shape. They use their front legs for catching prey. Put picture here. Alison Borngrebe. African Goliath Beetle. It’s the heaviest beetle in the world. It’s one of the largest flying insects.

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Preying Mantis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preying Mantis They have large eyes. They have a stick-like body shape. They use their front legs for catching prey. Put picture here. Alison Borngrebe

  2. African Goliath Beetle It’s the heaviest beetle in the world. It’s one of the largest flying insects. As adults, they fly up into the trees to eat fruit. Put picture here. Connor Daugherty

  3. Honey Bee Honey bees drink nectar from flowers. Bees collect pollen from flowers. Bees make honey in the hive. Put picture here. Luis Gonzalez

  4. Butterfly They are named butterflies because most of them are yellow like butter. Butterflies are the most beautiful of all insects. There are four stages in a butterfly’s life cycle: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly. Put picture here. Sarah Hidayat

  5. Dragonfly Dragonflies eat gnats, flies, and mosquitoes- all of which humans consider pests. Dragonflies were around before the dinosaurs. Adult dragonflies live only a few months. Put picture here. Brianna Jacobson

  6. Black Ant Ants are very strong and can lift 20 times their weight. Ants use their antennae for touching and smelling. Ants have two eyes made up of many smaller eyes called compound eyes. Put picture here. Ryan Jorgensen

  7. Name of Insect Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Put picture here. Carli Koshmerl

  8. Butterfly Butterflies are part of a big group of insects called Lepidoptera. Butterflies feed only on nectar, the sweet juice of flowers. Butterflies begin life as an egg. Then hatch as a caterpillar. Then they turn into a chrysalis. Then finally a butterfly. Put picture here. Madeline Lee

  9. Fire Ant Fire ants live in colonies. Ants can carry 27 times their own weight. They have a stinger. Put picture here. Aaron Miranda

  10. Honey Bee There are five species of honey bees. Bees are social insects. They live and work together. They live in large colonies of 20,000 to 80,000. Put picture here. Joshua Mohler

  11. Red Ant Some ants sleep 7 hours a day. Ants have two stomachs, one for them and one to feed others. The Queen Ant has wings. Put picture here. Zackary Mohler

  12. Praying Mantis They eat spiders. They like to hunt. They like warm weather. Put picture here. Luke Philips

  13. Monarch Butterfly They are poisonous to predators. The larvae feed on plant leaves for two weeks. It looks like a Viceroy Butterfly except for the black line. Put picture here. Emily Roche

  14. Walking Stick A walking stick eats plants and leaves. Young walking stick’s legs can regrow. Walking sticks hide by looking like a stick. Put picture here. Steven Scheggenburger

  15. Praying Mantis They can turn from side to side in a 180 degree angle. They live all around the world in tropical and warm climate. They are helpful because they eat a lot of insects and bugs. Put picture here. Ian Smith

  16. Ladybugs They can live in grass, gardens, and forests. They can be red, orange, yellow, or even pink! They can have many spots or no spots. Ladybugs only live for two years. Put picture here. Julia Strande

  17. Indian Walking Stick There are 3,000 species. Their predators are birds, rodents, reptiles, other insects and spiders. They have a life span of about 18 months. Put picture here. Kyle Wurtz

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