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“Son of God ” Creation and the God of Israel

“Son of God ” Creation and the God of Israel. Prayer of the Week Thomas Merton: “I have no idea where I am going”.

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“Son of God ” Creation and the God of Israel

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  1. Christian Doctrine 1 / Dr. Billings “Son of God ”Creation and the God of Israel

  2. Christian Doctrine 1 / Dr. Billings Prayer of the WeekThomas Merton: “I have no idea where I am going”   My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you and I hope that I have that desire in all that I am doing. And I know that if I do this, you will lead me by the right road although I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always; though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death, I will not fear, for you are ever with me and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

  3. Red Letter Outline: Genesis 1 • What does “bara’” mean and what is unusual about it? • What is creation “ex nihilo” and why is it important to our understanding of God? • List and discuss four qualities of God, based on Genesis 1. • List and discuss four qualities of humans, based on Genesis 1. • How is the biblical view different from other ancient myths?

  4. Christian Doctrine 1 / Dr. Billings Michelangelo – Sistine Chapel

  5. Christian Doctrine 1 / Dr. Billings

  6. The Creation(Genesis 1:1-2:4) • What does “bara’” mean and what is unusual about it? • bara’ is the Hebrew word for create; • It is only used for God in the bible: only God can “bara’” (the word is not applied to anything or anyone else); • This indicates something unique about God’s creating.

  7. The Creation(Genesis 1:1-2:4) • What does “ex nihilo” mean and why is it important to our understanding of God’s creating? • “ex nihilo” is Latin for “out of nothing” • Humans create something out of something, but God makes everything “out of nothing”! • This means that God has supreme power over everything that exists

  8. Genesis 1: What sort of God is depicted here? List and discuss four qualities of God, based on Genesis 1. • Omnipotent (all-powerful) • “And God said…”: God creates light and darkness, creates night and day, life, matter, everything: by saying, not physically. This indicates that God has the absolute power to do anything • Good • Genesis stresses by repetition that everything God creates is “good” (and ultimately “very good”). Nothing God does is evil; we see his goodness in creation. • Loving • God is very involved in and concerned for His creation, down to the finest details; He blesses it, wants it to do well; wants more of it – even sanctifies it. • Only one (monotheism) • There is no opposition whatsoever to God: a completely monotheistic vision;

  9. Genesis 1:How are humans depicted here? List and discuss four qualities of humans, based on Genesis 1. • Have dominion/authority/power: Humans are given authority in creation: they have “dominion” – lordship: responsibility, stewardship; • Good: Humans are good! Original goodness (not sin): humans are blessed: “Be fruitful and multiply”: God wants us to do well; • The focus of God’s interest/love: Humans are the centerpiece and focus of God’s creation: humans are not an afterthought, but have pride of place; humans are the culmination of the process of creation in Gen 1; • Godlike/unique among creation: humans are created in His own image(God-like)– not physical image! (What does this mean? There are different interpretations: intellect; spirit; holiness)

  10. Genesis 1: a distinctive theology How is the biblical view different from other ancient myths? • other stories were polytheistic; • others had conflicts between gods in creation • others had creation from somethingrather than ex nihilo (out of nothing) • others have good and evilin creation – in Genesis creation is only “good”; “very good” • others had humans as secondary beings, annoyances, at whim of the gods – in Genesis they are what creation is all about!

  11. Christian Doctrine 1 / Dr. Billings “Son of God ”Creation and the God of Israel

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