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Odyssey Part 1

Odyssey Part 1. Plundered : (v) to rob of goods or valuables by open force, as in war, hostile raids, pillage Formidable : ( adj ) causing fear, apprehension, or dread; of discouraging or awesome strength, size, difficulty, etc.; intimidating

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Odyssey Part 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Odyssey Part 1 Plundered: (v) to rob of goods or valuables by open force, as in war, hostile raids, pillage Formidable: (adj) causing fear, apprehension, or dread; of discouraging or awesome strength, size, difficulty, etc.; intimidating Guile: (n) insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception; duplicity Squall: (n) a sudden, violent gust of wind, often accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet; a sudden disturbance or commotion. Mutinous: (adj) disposed to, engaged in, or involving revolt against authority; rebellious; difficult to control; starting a mutiny

  2. Prodigious: (adj) extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc.; wonderful or marvelous; abnormal, monstrous Victuals: (n) food supplies; provisions Sage: (n) a profoundly wise person; a person famed for wisdom (adj) wise, judicious, or prudent (sage advice) Pectoral: (adj) of, in, on, or pertaining to the chest or breast; thoracic; worn on the chest Titanic: (adj) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Titans; enormous size, strength, power, etc.; gigantic

  3. Pinioned: (v) to disable or restrain; to bind; shackle Assuage: (v) to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; to appease; satisfy; allay Bereft: (adj) deprived; desolate, esp. by death Ardor: (n) great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion; intense devotion Travail: (n) painfully difficult or burdensome work; toil

  4. Gorge: (n) a small canyon esp. one with a stream; a gluttonous meal (v) to stuff with food; to swallow greedily Maelstrom: (n) a large, powerful, or violent whirlpool; a restless, disordered, or tumultuous state of affairs Insidious: (adj) intended to entrap or beguile; stealthily treacherous or deceitful Contrived: (adj) obviously planned or forced; artificial; strained Libations: (n) a pouring our of wine or other liquid in honor of a deity

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