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Unit 4

Unit 4. English Poetry. 静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。. 李白. So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed__ Could there have been a frost already ? Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home.

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Unit 4

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  1. Unit 4 English Poetry

  2. 静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 李白 So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed__ Could there have been a frost already ? Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight. Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home. In the Quiet Night

  3. 杜 甫

  4. 王 维

  5. Shakespeare (1564-1616) John Donne (1572-1631) 莎士比亚是英国文艺复兴时期伟大的诗人和戏剧家。曾被马克思誉为“最伟大的天才戏剧家”。他的诗歌造诣也相当高,其十四行诗在文学史上占重要的地位。 多恩,英国“玄学派诗歌”的代表人物,作品主要有《海上风暴》、《圣十四行诗》等。

  6. 弥尔顿,英国诗人,政论家。主要文学作品是两首长诗:《失乐园》和《复乐园》以及诗剧《力士参孙》。在英国诗人中,弥尔顿的地位仅排在莎士比亚之后。弥尔顿,英国诗人,政论家。主要文学作品是两首长诗:《失乐园》和《复乐园》以及诗剧《力士参孙》。在英国诗人中,弥尔顿的地位仅排在莎士比亚之后。 John Milton (1608-1674) Alexander Pope (1688-1744) 蒲柏, 是英国启蒙运动时期古典主义诗人。主要作品有《批评论》和《人论》。蒲柏翻译了古希腊荷马的史诗,并且编辑了《莎士比亚全集》。

  7. George Gordon Byron (1788-1850) John Keats (1795-1821) 拜伦,19世纪英国伟大的革命浪漫主义诗人。主要代表作 《唐璜》和《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》。 济慈,19世纪英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人。代表作《夜莺颂》、《秋颂》等。

  8. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) Robert Frost (1874-1963) 华兹华斯,英国浪漫派湖畔诗人.主要代表作有《致云雀》、《致杜鹃》。 弗罗斯特,美国诗人,四次获普利策奖。

  9. Fast reading Chinese poets and poetry. Para.1 • Why more people are interested in English poetry. Para.2 Para.3 The introduction of English poetry into China. Para.4-5 Why we read poetry. Early English poets. Para.6 Para.7 Modern English poets.

  10. Poetry Para 1 Why we read poetry? bring… together different,times ,places play with … sounds,words,grammar calls up… colors,feelings experiences,curious images.

  11. 杜 甫 王 维 李 白 Para 2 Can you list the famous poets that mentioned in this paragraph?

  12. Para 3、4、5 Can you list the famous foreign poets named in the passage? William Shakespeare John Donne Robert Frost John Milton William Wordsworth Alexander Pope George Gordon Byron John Keats

  13. Put all the foreign poets named in the reading passage on the timeline. ② ④ 1700 1800 1900 2000 1600 ⑦ ⑥ ⑧ ⑤ ① ⑤ George Gordon Byron ① William Shakespeare ⑥ John Keats ② John Donne ③ John Milton ⑦ William Wordsworth ④ Alexander Pope ⑧ Robert Frost

  14. Li Bai Du Fu Has a long history Difficult to understand Shakespeare,Donne The use of surprising images The absence of rhyme at the end of each line John Milton

  15. Alexander Pope Romantic poems, nature and long poems Wordsworth, Byron, and JohnKeats Stand close to us both in the language and images they use Robert Frost

  16. Para 6 The introduction of English poetry to China came late. Chinese writers started reading more foreign poetry. Famous writers translated English poetry into Chinese.

  17. Para 7 Why are more people interested in reading English poetry? • Give you much more choice • Something of the spirit of the original work is lost in the translation edition. • Open the door to find new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.

  18. Can you explain the short poem? Quietly, we embrace In a world lit up by words 在这用语言照亮的世界里 我们静静地相拥。 穆旦,原名查良峥。 中国现代著名诗人和翻译家。

  19. True or False F ( ) 1. Poetry plays with sounds, words, and grammar, the same as any other form of literature. 2. The number of characters in each line in a poem is not very important. 3. The early English poetry was easy to understand. 4. The 17th century was an significant time for English poetry. ( ) F F ( ) T ( )

  20. F ( ) ( ) F 5. Shakespeare is most famous for his poems. 6. Alexander Pope wrote the finest poetry in the world. 7. William Wordsworth lived a longer life than John Keats. 8. Robert Frost is one of the modern poets. 9. It is better to read poems in their original languages than translations. 10. Poems and literature may cause misunderstanding between the East and the West. ( ) T ( ) T T ( ) F ( )

  21. Good-bye!

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