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ASCE Engineering Ethics

ASCE Engineering Ethics. Multi-Region Leadership Conference February 1, 2014. Ethics: Edict, Enforcement, and Education. Ethics: Edict, Enforcement, and Education.

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ASCE Engineering Ethics

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  1. ASCE Engineering Ethics Multi-Region Leadership Conference February 1, 2014

  2. Ethics:Edict, Enforcement, and Education

  3. Ethics: Edict, Enforcement, and Education • It shall be considered unprofessional and inconsistent with honorable and dignified bearing for any member of the American Society of Civil Engineers: • To act for his clients in professional matters otherwise than as a faithful agent or trustee, or to accept any remuneration other than his stated charges for services rendered his clients. • To attempt to injure falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business, of another Engineer. • To attempt to supplant another Engineer after definite steps have been taken toward his employment. • To compete with another Engineer for employment on the basis of professional charges, by reducing his usual charges and in this manner attempting to underbid after being informed of the charges named by another. • To review the work of another Engineer for the same client, except with the knowledge or consent of such Engineer, or unless the connection of such Engineer with the work has been terminated. • To advertise in self-laudatory language, or in any other manner derogatory to the dignity of the Profession. Mordecai T. Endicott, one of the drafters of the 1914 Code of Ethics ASCE Code of Ethics First Code Adopted: 1914

  4. Ethics: Edict, Enforcement, and Education • It shall be considered unprofessional and inconsistent with honorable and dignified bearing for any member of the American Society of Civil Engineers: • To act for his clients in professional matters otherwise than as a faithful agent or trustee, or to accept any remuneration other than his stated charges for services rendered his clients. • To attempt to injure falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business, of another Engineer. • To attempt to supplant another Engineer after definite steps have been taken toward his employment. • To compete with another Engineer for employment on the basis of professional charges, by reducing his usual charges and in this manner attempting to underbid after being informed of the charges named by another. • To review the work of another Engineer for the same client, except with the knowledge or consent of such Engineer, or unless the connection of such Engineer with the work has been terminated. • To advertise in self-laudatory language, orin any other manner derogatory to the dignity of the Profession. Mordecai T. Endicott, one of the drafters of the 1914 Code of Ethics ASCE Code of Ethics First Code Adopted: 1914

  5. Code of Ethics: Edict CANON 1: Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their professional duties. CANON 2: Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence. CANON 3: Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. CANON 4: Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest. CANON 5: Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others. CANON 6: Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the engineering profession and shall act with zero tolerance for bribery, fraud, and corruption. CANON 7: Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers, and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision. Fundamental Canon One Fundamental Canon Five Fundamental Canon Six Fundamental Canon Three Fundamental Canon Seven Fundamental Canon Two Fundamental Canon Four

  6. Code of Ethics: Edict CANON 1: Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their professional duties. CANON 2: Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence. CANON 3: Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. CANON 4: Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest. CANON 5: Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others. CANON 6: Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the engineering profession and shall act with zero tolerance for bribery, fraud, and corruption. CANON 7: Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers, and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision.

  7. Ethics: Edict, Enforcement, and Education • Options: • Dismiss • Informal action • Recommend formal • disciplinary action • Options: • Dismiss • Consent decree • Letter of admonition • Suspension • Forward to BOD • Publication/notice • Options: • Dismiss • Letter of admonition • Suspension • Expulsion • Publication/notice Enforcement of the Code

  8. Ethics: Edict, Enforcement, and Education Ethics Education • Training (seminars, webinars, video, DVD) • Policies • Recognition (awards, Order of the Engineer) • Ethics Advisory Line • Publications (journals, Question of Ethics)

  9. Questions? Tom Smith Deputy Executive Director & General Counsel 703-295-6061 tsmith@asce.org Tara Hoke Assistant General Counsel 703-295-6151 thoke@asce.org

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