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100 Words to Make You Sound Smart

Bona fide. AdjectiveMade or carried out in good faith; sincere.Authentic; genuine.Synonyms: real or legitimate.. Kenickie: I'll made an honest woman of you.Rizzo: If this is a line, I ain't biting.Kinickie: That's a bona fide offer.Rizzo: Well, it ain't moonlight and roses, but

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100 Words to Make You Sound Smart

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 100 Words to Make You Sound Smart Semester Two Vocabulary Week 28 Words

    2. Bona fide Adjective Made or carried out in good faith; sincere. Authentic; genuine. Synonyms: real or legitimate.

    3. Carte blanche Noun (kahrt blanch) Unrestricted power to act at ones own discretion; unconditional authority. Synonyms: permission or leeway.

    4. Ennui Noun Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom. Antonyms: energy, enthusiasm, or excitement.

    5. Finagle

    6. Infinitesimal Adjective Immeasurably or incalculably small. Synonym: microscopic.

    7. Maudlin Adjective Excessively sentimental. Synonym: over-emotional, gushing.

    8. Ostentatious Adjective Characterized by showiness meant to impress others; pretentious in display. Synonym: flaunting, boastful.

    9. Quintessential Adjective Being the best or most typical example of its kind. Synonyms: ultimate.

    10. Sycophant Noun A person who attempts to gain advantage by flattering influential people or behaving in a submissive way. Synonyms: kiss-up or lackey.

    11. Waft Verb To move or cause to move gently and smoothly through the air. Synonym: drift.

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