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High Cholesterol Natural Remedies - Are You Ready For It?

<br>What was not conclusive is which contributed to the other. Less sex to heart disease or heart disease to less sex. More or less sex is a choice so my thought is why not choose what indicates less heart attack risk. My conclusion is that the more active a man can be throughout his lifetime the better. By active I mean physical in an aerobic sense as well as active in intimacy in the bedroom so what we have known for years is still true, inactivity leads to atrophy which leads to problems that are life threatening in one arena or another.

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High Cholesterol Natural Remedies - Are You Ready For It?

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  1. High Cholesterol Natural Remedies - Are You Ready For It? Susan P. Hall of the New England Research PhysioTru System ReviewInstitute reported that men that participated in sex at least twice a week had a much lower rate of heart disease in a 16 year study of over 1,100 men, than did those with sexual activity 1 time or less a monthHall and colleagues analyzed men taking part in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, looking at erectile dysfunction plus other sexual function variables, such as libido.What the researchers conclude was that as frequency of sexual activity decrease the incidence of erectile dysfunction as well as cardiovascular disease increased. This I believe is an indicator of heart attacks as well. What was not conclusive is which contributed to the other. Less sex to heart disease or heart disease to less sex. More or less sex is a choice so my thought is why not choose what indicates less heart attack risk. My conclusion is that the more active a man can be throughout his lifetime the better. By active I mean physical in an aerobic sense as well as active in intimacy in the bedroom so what we have known for years is still true, inactivity leads to atrophy which leads to problems that are life threatening in one arena or another. Researchers reported their findings in the American Journal of Cardiology. Where you can see their full findings.The researchers conclusion also indicated that a man's libido and capacity for sexual activity could be an indicator of overall health, especially as an indicator of cardiovascular disease.Another factor that the study concluded was that men with the greater sexual activity of at least twice a week and were in a long term fulfilling relationship which indicated less stress. Less stress is a healthy state and is an established indicator of better heart health. What we as men can take from this study is that our sexual health is closely related to our cardiovascular health and one is a pretty fair indicator of the other. We need to stay active in all areas of our life for the fulfilling life we all desire.If being healthier is your goal, one of the first things you must do is understand that there are things you cannot control relating to your health, and that there are things that you can control.The "cannot control" list is pretty short. You have no control over how old you are, whether you are a girl or a boy, your ethnicity and heredity, or family medical history. https://asrightasrain.co/physiotru-system-review/

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